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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. Well shit….. I’m pretty good at spy hunter too. I’m not gonna play in advance though. Definitely going to try and learn to like Yo Noid!.
  2. I was tired of playing Rad racer the day we started. Problem is just like in real sports. I control my own destiny here…
  3. I’m gonna put some effort in this week no matter what. So I guess that means you are as well.
  4. I have not made it there yet. I’m waiting on a friend to be available to go with me. So hopefully next summer.
  5. So get this. I LOVE pickles. But only the cold pickled ones. Also, my cat and best friend is named Mr Pickles… All the pickles aside, I am definitely in a difficult situation. One that I created all by myself. Fortunately I have this uncanny ability to walk away from most bad situations relatively unscathed, other than my own mental health declining. I know it will eventually catch up to me though. As for help, I do see a therapist/counselor/psychologist weekly. I have for many years. I am on a cocktail of daily meds. I’d find a new person to see if I wasn’t so constricted by my Health insurance.
  6. Probably not. I got some bad news at work. I’ll be working more. I am beat down today. I won’t be playing tonight, tomorrow or probably even Sunday. So unless some other people step up to help me out this week. You will be winning the sports title again.
  7. Picking up some new weed after work. Should be able to get a few runs in after work.
  8. I’d like to ask for a “My goodness what has this place become???” Thread/sub.
  9. That was a great explanation @ZeldaFreak thanks. Think I got it well enough to play.
  10. Nope. Busy week of work. Probably won’t get another chance to play until Friday afternoon.
  11. I don’t. Maybe Doug does. But there are some cars that are faster and I just try to stay behind them.
  12. Ride the ass of the fastest cars is what I do. It stops those other dicks from changing lanes and crashing you.
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