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Posts posted by Tanooki

  1. 1 hour ago, koifish said:

    On the up side, Wii is so easy to emulate (at least on PC) that eventually they should end up getting ports just like the G-Mode Archives that are porting old JP phone games to switch.

    Got no reason not to admit it.  I can't remember the last time I warez'd a game would be a statement I would say, if not for a friend I have offline reminding me they existed a couple weeks ago, so I found their WAD files and just grabbed them since I keep dolphin around for lazy moments for random fast play of GC discs I own.  That was something nice, I mean I had 2 of the 3 of them (meh on contra) when the Wii was a thing, so I guess it's gray area. 😉  They are true losses, play amazing, hold up so well...and they're vapor.

    GBA got its run again with DracX SNES, let's have a Wiiware bundle.  It's not impractical since the GBA games got boosted with DraculaX.  Just put the 3 Wiiware games with like Castlevania Chronicles as a 4th since that oddly was excluded from their package deal for Castlevania Anniv Collection.

  2. Nah you're on point, it's a word, well, word-symbol game going off the sounds more than actual meaning of the word to form another word, in this case, Salamander, and to keep it clear, just under the kanji bomb has the name in katakana, then english in larger print yet under that.

    That said, Salamander hands down by far is the most unique and beautiful Famicom cart.  It surprises me no one else or even Konami again would repeat that.

  3. October for me has been the month that just keeps on giving it seems.  The first weekend turns up a couple of final fantasy cds (N gen, then 1+2 import), r2r boxing 64(trying to find too long locally) and tom & jerry GG w/manual and lost vikings genesis.

    The second weekend at the same flea market (CDs were not there) ups the ante and I get a complete atomic purple n64 in the box in stunningly great shape, well 99% complete, the extra folded cardboard for the atomic is missing (anyone?)

    And then today the cry of #2 SEGA! hits between two flea markets and the first nets dino land, kid chameleon, and sonic 3d blast.  With the second location dropping a big wish list knockoff for me a combo of El.Viento and Streets of Rage 3 and nicely under the going rate too or I'd have left it. 😄  I'm curious if something happens at the eastern flea tomorrow where the first 2 weeks came from or...?

    • Like 2
  4. @koifish DQ2 came out in Japan 1/26/87 and DQ3 was 2/10/88 only a year apart.  DQ3 was the first to use a battery, it was supposed to be out slightly earlier to make the Japanese new years sales boom, but what did make it for that was Final Fantasy 12/18/87 and it was using a battery too.

    Up until that time passwords got longer and more heinous if someone didn't go with the FDS read/write format.  Faxanadu was out around the time of FF1 in Japan and you know how nasty that code can get.


    As far as that next question of polling, those games strangely enough usually used utter garbage kanji for appearances that don't have the face value of what the actual name of the game is, so usually they had the name on screen in english and ont he box in smaller english set too like Salamander did.  Famidaily series on YT loves to get amusingly critical of this, and the 4 kanji of this one in literal terms at least is Sand, Gauze, Beautiful, Snake  ...seriously that's it.

    • Like 1
  5. I feel bad for people who may have felt that when they created the NNID format like what a decade ago that was their network going forward.  They pitched pretty hard that they were going to streamline and realize proper services compared to the Wii/DS stuff that were being shut down since they couldn't be properly grown/upgraded.  But it seems I guess behind the scenes at some point they found even that network the last generation had was still not upgradeable or expansion ready enough for what is there now.  The newest now stuff(Switch) has an account that carries over as people thought the older would, but it doesn't even use the NNID it's another NIntendo account, unified this time I hope.

    I think I'd be upset about it, but as time goes, job(s) now go, I've been offloading more and more and keeping more what I can find time for that matters so the DS and 3DS generation are out.  I haven't had a Wii in awhile and the ugly WiiU even longer, debating even offloading my Cube at this rate due to the market behaviors.  But with me not having that stuff now, not going to have it again, I don't have a stake in it to feel personally put out.

    I just wish for stuff that's stuck on digital there was a way of recovery short of very welcome and deserving piracy in that case.  My mind draws back to Konami and the Castlevania, Gradius, and Contra unique entries on Wiiware lost to the world outside of theft or buying someones old system which has it still.  This is just going to be as bad or worse on 3DS and WiiU given the expansion of non-physical games in the decade since.

  6. I'd believe it, bunnyboy was always on the level about things and if it really adds $5 in costs to the total bill, it seems pretty cheap skate and short sighted not to do it.  And given the insane popularity of the 8bit Nintendo line, I'd even go as far as considering it a bar of quality having both ports if you're actually serious about making a quality product that's the most accessible to those who really care.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, TDIRunner said:

    I'm definitely in agreement that Analogue could offer a budget Nt Mini if they dropped the aluminum case, the internal DAC, the Famicom cart slot (replace with separately sold adapter), and the extra 2 controller ports.  I'm not sure why they haven't gone that route, but they might believe they've saturated the NES market.  They might believe that most people interested in such a product have either already bought an Nt or bought one of their competing products (AVS, HDMI mod, etc.).  

    Well under that chain of ifs, it comes to the conclusion, they're idiots.

    If the demand was met?  Why the hell does hyperturd and retrobleh keep pumping out more ghetto bargain basement HDMI garbage boxes and other SD stuff too?  They have to be pulling a tidy profit to bother.  AVS keeps coming in and out of stock, so are they special?  Nope, just offering what analogue is too blind to take advantage of leaving a gaping hole to walk right into.

    That said, yeah remove the DAC, remove the other fluff, but NOT the famicom port.  That would make them the less desirable unit vs the AVS.  Most aren't going to give a crap about 4 player ports, but taking the direct cartridge feed off for the larger FC library would be a deal breaker between the pair.  FC adapters are crap, they do not support the added audio, etc unless you mod it.

    They bring back the analogue NT mini, $199, thick plastic shell, no DAC to cost cut, just as lean as their SuperNt and I'd sell off that top loader of mine the day it arrived.


    I also think @Link is right, and slowly but surely that arrogance has flourished and has grown.  How they mishandled the Pocket in at least three ways, now the Duo, they clearly just are behaving more like a cash grab than what it set out to be and did even when stepping years ago into the $200 16bit market.

  8. @RegularGuyGamer That possible, I mean I could put the top loader up for sale.  I can't remember how many controllers it came with but I've got more than a few dogbones around (US and +2 AV Famicom too.)  I wouldn't mind the trade out, I don't have any nostalgia for it, mine is the classic and I've got a pretty pristine one as it is in an Action Set box.  If someone ever wants to swap or figure it out since I can't do digital payment I'm all in. 🙂  I'd rather have the ease of the AVS with the 2 slots.

    @Tulpa You know that does make some amount of sense, I would say a LOT of sense 16bit and later.  Something about that NES seems to capture even kids and teens still when it comes to that old retro vibe people seem get all pumped over it for whatever reason.  I have no idea if they do a lot of research and marketing or just jump onto whatever they see people begging for the most who already buy their stuff.  The SNES and Gen is dropped that was the last cycle so that's out unless they refresh the hardware later for their newer OS and stuff, which may happen if they run out of consoles to fiddle with worth making an unit over.  I think there would be a dimishing return on what they can do with FPGA for the time being on capturing the next group to take advantage of.  I mean how heavy of a chip/set of chips will a PS2 Gamecube/Wii, or the PS3 WiiU era.  I think that's well out of their grasp, even the chinese are struggling on some newer systems from 20 years back on cost effective android emulation catch-alls.


    Like Optout, as much as I have a growing distaste for them largely over their handling of the pocket(primarily the dock and adapters) and duo, if they redid the NES in a $199 thick plastic form factor 16bit got, I'd have bought it.  If my N64 wasn't already rigged up where now the only bait is speed boosting fluff etc, I'd probably deal too.  But if they came back next year with a PS1 which is possible, or something else of that generation into the next I could not care less.

    • Like 1
  9. On 10/17/2023 at 1:30 PM, Bearcat-Doug said:

    This guy gets it! There's 35+ years of games that I've already played and I know are awesome, so I don't know how everything else combined could possibly match that level of quality.

    And there's a reason why the saying, more is not always better exists.  And that's what this is, it's asking is what you have good enough to stand, or do you need more?  I'd argue no.  Game design also seems to show when something was done well and they try and do it again, it's commonly called failing to re-invent the wheel. 🙂

    Enjoy the paradox of choice.

    • Love 1
  10. On 10/17/2023 at 6:59 PM, Tulpa said:

    Does anyone even sell a Hi-Def NES kit anymore, or a modded original NES that isn't priced to high heaven?

    Anyway, there's a few other advantages. It's compatible with the NES and Famicom Arkanoid Vaus controllers, and has controller emulation to let you use the NES Vaus for Famicom Arkanoid and Arkanoid II, and Taito's other Vaus game, Chase HQ. Can't do that on a regular NES unless you have a hacked ROM.

    Also, the NES FourScore is incompatible with Famicom four player games (Famicom uses a different four player adapter that isn't the same circuitry as the FourScore). AVS emulates both and has four controller inputs, so both NES and Famicom four player games are covered.

    If you don't need those and you're happy with your Hi-Def NES, then you're probably okay not getting an AVS unless you want a brand new backup. I'm happy with mine.

    Analogue doesn't seem to be interested in producing a lower priced Nt Mini (or even restarting production on the expensive metal one they did make) despite many people online insisting one was around the corner. That was in 2018. I wouldn't hold my breath.

    Great breakdown.  Thanks.

    Currently I'm using both on the 2023 TV my US top loader with that kit, and yeah it's no longer made from my understanding so if an unused kit comes up it's a feeding frenzy, and a HDMI modded system will hit Analogue HDMI values which is nuts but I guess the math is there.

    About the advantages, I get that, the ports on the front by default do not have that 2 sets of lines that the NES has active because of the expansion port on the right for the added third party control devices (their light gun, Vaus1+2(JP style), etc.  And also as such US devices like the zapper, US vaus, pad, etc won't work either.

    I knew of this, after getting my AV Famicom about a month ago I pulled it open and gave it a good deep cleaning as you never know, and when I was in there I soldered in a pair of thin insulated wires between the contact points of the expansion to the front ports so I could use my Zapper on the 9" Panasonic color monitor I was using for my US action set.  Right now I can use both US and Japanese accessories just fine.

    So unless I'm missing something, the best use of an AVS is new hardware.  And you're right, as nuts as it is, given the garbage peddlers who put out wonky clones and stuff still do it seemingly every year, and they don't want to take advantage of that still.  I feel it would have been far more lucrative than the N64 (or Duo.)

  11. 3 minutes ago, a3quit4s said:

    Cheats, maybe some extra video options, new hardware, and you don’t have to mod it yourself or pay to have it done. If your current setup works nothing about the AVS would draw you in really. Probably why you aren’t motivated to do your own research?

    Basically that I guess down to the question.  I did basic scanning that it had some features, but the big one was scoreboard which I have zero interest in, so I never pursued it because I have a honeybee already at that rate (still do) despite now having an AV Famicom as well.

    @DefaultGen True it's there, and I'm using the hi def nes kit and the firmware is the last one released for that installed into a top loader NES and has served me well.  The only aggravation I have is it won't save the sound enables so if I play a FC game with expanded audio (notably really Castlevania 3) I have to re-enable VRC6&VRC6 sound fix or it's awful.  That aside, never had a glitch there that differed from my unmodded stuff.

  12. @avatar! I do, one of the best ever by leaps and bounds, the Star Trek 25th Anniversary cluebook.  The crazy thing is, it's actually a novella, then a clue book.  There's a PDF online, or if you ever bought it on GOG they scanned the entire thing.  IT's maybe a 1/2" thick and most of it is the stories of the stages done as mini novel style stories within by each of the scenario writers.  The cool thing is, one was done by DC Fontana the popular ToS screen/story writer and she penned that entire book and story for the game.  At the back end, then is the clue book of the steps to take to clear each stage.  EVen when I got rid of the physical game, I kept the book. 😄

    • Like 1
  13. If you're not into scoreboard, what's the advantage of this (aside from being new) over the hi def nes kit? I've considered one of these before seeing how toxic the hdmi nes systems on the second hand market go for, but never pulled the trigger.

  14. That's the rub there for sure.  HDMI kits and choices are more easy and accessible for 3D systems like that, maybe not the cheapest to install if you can't do it, but if you already have the system the kit+install is less than this thing.  So it comes down to the fluffy features in the end that the kit won't do, which they tend to only stick to various tweaks/fluff stuff to the visuals.  Personally I don't like the idea of accelerating the speed of N64 games, sure they may have enough running in that 20fps range...and?  That was taken into account when it was finished and published, sure they probably would have wanted a solid 30 or in some cases like F-Zero X a solid 60, but they accounted for how the behaves when they made it in enough cases where I would not feel good going all high speed on it as it would break the game in how it was sold if that makes sense.  I mean to a point, if it was chugging and a mess that's one thing, but if the game was comfortably sold at a 15-20fps range or so, so be it, leave it be. 🙂

  15. I know Jeevan is going nuts over it, got tired of hitting that like button even, but he is right.  I'm very picky about that and have never found a product that works right from the full on replacement modules from china that don't get the deadzone anywhere near accurate to other oddball moves.

    Those two small pieces are what get wrecked from aggressive mario party abuse on N64 controllers, and unlike others who attempted it (I've tried 2, forgot whom) I was seeing the cheap price and gave it a third time the charm routine to pay for it and well it paid off.  I've still got a couple spare sets of them here I keep in case I come across a wrecked n64 stick, and the couple I did use so far made the thing work correct.  Never had a reason to buy the bowl as I never had one of those destroyed, it's always those little overlapping gears get worn wide and the stick gets sloppy.  Oddly enough the cheapest easiest fix was the best, not re-inventing the wheel just 3Dprinting a full on copy of it instead. 😄


    I do have one other mystery, a strange n64 controller (atomic) I was given someone replaced the stick with a gamecube style one and man it's far more comfy and smooth for play, no sliding on off stuff.  One of these days i should tear it apart and try and figure out how it was done or who made it as it's great.

  16. A friend of mine local asked me about this one.  My basic understanding of what an FPGA and how it basically works I shared, and it really got me thinking.

    How much is this going to cost in the end as they love to turn a healthy profit.  I've heard in not a distant past even a PS1 on FPGA would be pretty meaty and have a cost under it which is why it wasn't done yet, and the N64 is a good leap ahead, quite a bit heavier than that so I'm wondering how the hell they pulled it off and again, at what cost?!

    Also Duo, they can't even get their shit together on that one, they've left people twisting for a year.   Is N64 even plausible to hit the end of 2024 or is this another cracked out hype machine to get tens of thousands out of their mindless drones of followers to then maybe ship it a in 2025 or later?  This seems like a bit of a stretch even for them.  As it is, even on the existing pocket they've jacked the price up twice now from 200 to 220 to now 250 for the basic handheld.


    So is this like begging for attention? They don't necessarily have to deliver in 2024.  There is no promise other than something n64 in 2024, not a release of it, it could just be a preorder next Christmas to get away with not actually lying.  And that's the rub there in the end they can't do pocket right, can't get a working dock going as advertised, and the Duo is an ever delayed until released piece of vaporware.  Various sites and forums not long ago were dumping on other groups who promised big, started out well, then got into the weeds to those who just were in the weeds or on weed(like coleco chameleon.)  I'm curious to see where this goes.  I won't pay for it, got my ultrahdmi updated original system, and even a spare n64 I got a week ago(cib atomic system) so it would just be a waste.

  17. Well I don't fall into shutting down new things, but I have to weigh it against actual time vs real life.  I'd rather go back and experience something I haven't touched in a year or 30 years because if I played it before and liked it I remember it.  And if I still own it after decades I'd rather use it again other than to let it rot.  I still have a Switch and a PC anyway, even if i did go with new I still can do new (despite the limits of this poll.)  I can do whatever, mobile included if the touch controls aren't garbage.  But if I had to choose, I'd stick to what I already own and know is a safer bet towards enjoyment, and if it's not just owned but played before that opens many times over more doors.

    If time weren't an issue I know I'd love dropping some insane time say on Star Control II once again as it's very demanding.  Or I'd love to take the 100s of hours to go through everything on Wing Commander 1&2 and expansions along with TIE and XWing games and theirs which I can't do now.

  18. 2 hours ago, ThePhleo said:

    Always. Even in familiar areas.

    I don't always use it to navigate, but I do use it to spot traffic and speed traps as @SNESNESCUBE64 suggested.

    Checking your route ahead of time is a modern miracle. It's foolish not to use it.

    I was about to post this, but that's it.  I don't need it to get around, I need it to get around other peoples stupid driving mistakes, construction problems, and people tend to love to snitch out cops on google map and tag them as a warning.  I've been saved repeatedly being late to picking my kid up or even my second job I have now twice too so far.  When I see red or crimson red, I seek another route people having mucked up yet.

    A fool doesn't use it and waits to when it's convenient, red lights are boring, use them wisely.  A fool also uses it while looking at the road passively until they slam into something or someone. 😉

  19. Seems that the industry is finally over a decade later following through on the threat of when the infrastructure is there theyll terminate physical media.  It was waiting on gigabit but I'm guessing they're greedy and impatient.  The old story was when physical was gone they'd adjust pricing to be lower due to the lack of the massive expense of making, packing, shipping and dealing with physical stuff.  My guess, full prices stay up for your game rental buys you don't own, and they may lay off doing much with sales since they'll have no one to compete against anymore with retail pushed out with their random sales and clearances.  If anything they'll have free reign to just say screw it and price games $70, $80, whatever works since they have nothing to push back other than PCs and mobile devices, and mobile isn't on that tier.

    • Agree 2
  20. Ehh given how the majority of games seem to be these days I see no benefit in choosing ignore the past.

    And since it wasn't just games I've owned, but games I've played in the past that leaves me with thousands of choices since I used to be part of that early emulation/rom circulation days along with the stuff I used to collect.  There is far more than I could ever hope to replay to never be bored again.  And those games don't whine about patches, paying to play the other part of the game, or the rest of it.

  21. There is a line I agree with that.  I mean you need I guess to define where a line would be set, trying to be an outstanding dead pan obvious clone?  Some of the staff of the franchise go elsewhere and make one of their own (Bloodstained SOTN style title IGA did,) or the not so well done Mighty No09?

    I think a case could be made with the other 2D bloodstained games as that's still inti creates and IGA is one of the two producers on those games as well.  It's the SOTN era Castlevania staff in some part still making Castlevania in spirit, design, intent, other than in legal name due to Konami.

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