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Everything posted by BriGuy82

  1. Aaron Judge is gonna be on the DL for at least a month. I'm calling it now. He played 5 games... 5 friggin games.
  2. Painful is the perfect word. I'm so glad he's not on the Yankees network.
  3. Yeah, I didn't hear them booing Stanton after that hit. I can't stand when they boo him. It drove me nuts when they did it to arod too.
  4. Yeah if he stays healthy he might be the most fun player to watch. I hope I'm wrong but I think it's gonna be a tall order for him to make it through a full season. Kinda like Aaron Judge.
  5. They have an embarrassment of riches with the bats it looks like. They need to trade for some arms.
  6. @Bearcat-Doug Castellanos is such a little bitch with that skip and bat flip he did. I hope he breaks his ankle next time he touches home plate. You should convert to a Cardinals fan.
  7. Blue Jay's look really good. Yankees either strikeout or hit a home run, what else is new. I wish we had a whole team of DJ LeMahieus. @Ausden did you have a new guy go 8 for 8? That's insane in the membrane.
  8. Thank you @captmorgandrinker for all the animal crossing amiibo cards! You made my daughter very happy, we're gonna call you uncle Morgan from now on! Seriously what a nice guy. Happy Easter yall!
  9. You like chipotle chicken? Cooked to perfection bitch.
  10. Honestly, I was thinking the same thing. They're just cards. I bet the mark up is high enough that they could've actually overproduced these and still ended up making a huge profit regardless.
  11. I hate scalpers to death. Wanted to get these cards for my 10 year old daughter who LOVES this game. It's literally her favorite thing in the world. They sold out in 5 seconds due to bots or some other form of scumbag sorcery. I'm totally gonna buy the bootlegs for her if they are available.
  12. I fell off playing black bass if anyone else wants to take it. I think I have 3 dates left to fish in the tournament. I haven't played it in a few weeks, been too busy. Once the weather starts to break my gaming time goes down the toilet. I might come back to it, but its gonna be a while.
  13. Did you make sure to flip them the double bird?!
  14. That thing must have a nuclear glow if you hit it with a black light.
  15. Please don't post pictures of me in my bedroom.
  16. Man, my wife wants to get me something else for my birthday because this isn't in stock yet. I'm gonna end up with socks or a new jacket if they don't htfu and restock this thing already.
  17. Also im pretty sure he emulates on a retron when he plays the games, so he clearly has no soul anyway.
  18. @docile tapeworm if you supported me financially through patreon, and also supported me by linking my videos and broadening my viewership... I'd be holding your Nintendo for longer than a week buddy. It was a 100% dick move on his part. Are you infallible in this scenario? Absolutley not. Do I hate people who think that their shit doesn't stink and never was late on anything in their lives? You betcha. That guy can go suck that big wooden dick in the back of his shed.
  19. This is why I store my stuff in a closet and only look at my things with night vision goggles.
  20. Lol, I never check my email either. That's what wives are for!
  21. Yeah that's fucked up. I heard him mention that thing about the time frame too. I was thinking to myself I wonder if skinny got screwed? IMO he should've waited at least a month. I'm gonna unsubscribe just because that seemed like a real douche move on his part.
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