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Everything posted by BriGuy82

  1. Me and skinny will carpool to Ohio and support your business. He'll even shave his neck to look presentable!
  2. Sell some of your bitcoin daddy warbucks and start your own business! Hire that girl! I'll be there!
  3. Hey, it's not nice to pick on @Bearcat-Doug. Just because his nes controllers are stickier than that gorilla glue spray.
  4. Is something wrong with me if alls I did was pay attention to the games on the shelf and the playstation?
  5. I wonder how much money someone like this makes.
  6. Yeah I had a third place one too. I used it for an ashtray.
  7. It's not a good fish story with out a little.......embesllishment.
  8. He should be famous. And I don't know if you watched the action park episode, but everything he said about it is true. That was like the most dangerous place on the planet. Everybody from ny/nj/pa has a story about action park. I don't know how long ago that place closed but the legacy lives on to this day.
  9. On that 1st lake there is a little island. You just need to move your boat to the left of the island, in between the island and the shore. That is the best bass spot. The water should be brown with grass on the edges. On the menu screen if you select the info it should say that it is a nice bass point. The bass are only the 2 smallest sizes of fish you can catch there. Anything bigger is not a bass and doesn't help your standing and is a waste of time. If you catch 5 or more of them there you can move onto the next lake.
  10. It's one of my favorite games only because I owned it as a kid. I can't even tell you how many hours I sunk into this game growing up. Catching the "super bass" can be a little tough. My strategy is to immediately hold down A until they hit that 1st fatigue level, even if the line is about to snap, you have to get that fish fatigued. If it does snap, then oh well, you weren't gonna catch it anyway. Then tap A like 1,2 with little pauses in between. If you don't get them to that initial fatigue immediately after you hook them, you are pretty much fucked. There are certain spots on the lakes where you can get a natural barricade from having them run off which can help too.
  11. I'm playing black bass. It's been a few years since I last played it. I remember I caught the biggest friggin fish last time and posted the picture on the gaming site that shall remain unnamed. It was like the biggest fish in the history of the game. Bigger than any other I've seen caught on youtube. Fucks sake, I can't remember how many pounds it was. The strategy is hook em as close to the boat as you can or trap them behind a rock or some obstacle so they can't swim away and make you run out of line. Then wear the fish out and reel em in.
  12. @docile tapewormthis guy is hilarious. I can relate to him a little to closely. It's kinda frightening. I probably watched like 10 of his videos so far.
  13. My wife asked me what I wanted for my b'day in March. Looks like i have an answer! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled on this thread!
  14. Got a shamrock shake on Saturday. I feel like the mcrib recipe got changed or something, it's not as good as it used to be.
  15. I'm waiting to see you load that shit up @Bearcat-Doug. Make sure your hands are nice and clean, no spooge residue, and fire it up man. I showed you mine now show me yours.
  16. I think they could get scratched up pretty easy. You have to be vvvvvery gentle.
  17. There was a time when goodwills were littered with n64s by me. I always passed on them and I kinda regret it now.
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