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Everything posted by BriGuy82

  1. I knew someone in a maximum security prison that was allowed a small tv in their cell.
  2. I got him the new omega supreme a year or two ago and that was close to $200. That was testing my limits honestly.
  3. If they make one for like around $100 I would buy one. I buy some pretty outlandish toys for my son (and me ) but $700 I just couldn't do.
  4. I just don't understand how they have a controller in the picture with the console and it doesn't come with it. That is straight up false advertising to me.
  5. N64 and Beast Wars? Poor guy, you were born just about 10 years too late.
  6. Maybe the most awesome thing ever created. But for $700 it should be able to give you a voice controlled hand job.
  7. This guy hit a 485 ft homerun supposedly.
  8. @Bearcat-Dougif they don't restock them I'll sell you mine. The only reason I knew they were being restocked is because you tagged me anyway.
  9. I had an in person meeting start at 11am this morning and had to order mine under cover. I'm like James Bond if he was a fucking nerd.
  10. Don't tell me this thing didn't come with at least one controller. That would be a real cocksucker move.
  11. They were promoting that him and Stanton had been doing yoga in the off season but idk. It's a real shame too because he's an mvp caliber player when he's healthy. Even though he should already have one mvp award from the year he came in second to that little cheating midget Altuve.
  12. Aaron Judge is gonna be on the DL for at least a month. I'm calling it now. He played 5 games... 5 friggin games.
  13. Painful is the perfect word. I'm so glad he's not on the Yankees network.
  14. Yeah, I didn't hear them booing Stanton after that hit. I can't stand when they boo him. It drove me nuts when they did it to arod too.
  15. Yeah if he stays healthy he might be the most fun player to watch. I hope I'm wrong but I think it's gonna be a tall order for him to make it through a full season. Kinda like Aaron Judge.
  16. They have an embarrassment of riches with the bats it looks like. They need to trade for some arms.
  17. @Bearcat-Doug Castellanos is such a little bitch with that skip and bat flip he did. I hope he breaks his ankle next time he touches home plate. You should convert to a Cardinals fan.
  18. Blue Jay's look really good. Yankees either strikeout or hit a home run, what else is new. I wish we had a whole team of DJ LeMahieus. @Ausden did you have a new guy go 8 for 8? That's insane in the membrane.
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