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Everything posted by drxandy

  1. It used to be nfr but they got around it by cutting off the box saying 'not for resale' on the front of the game verrryyy carefully Now it's FOR resale, hah! Edit: better cut of the top label too.
  2. I don't know if the street fighter variant was more limited because I don't know much about pal hardware but that art is very eye catching. Everything looks to be in good shape too. Good luck with ya sale!
  3. Solid thread, all the memoriesss are so cool to read. Genesis - NBA jam - played at my sister's friends growing up with her older brother, this and mortal Kombat 1 were the first I had to get when I saved up for the model 1 Genesis I had. N64: Majora's mask - I had beaten oot at a friends and knew I had to finally get a 64 when Majora's came out. Not too long after it's release, I didn't wanna pay up the 80$ or whatever extra cost it was compared to a regular game at the time and I found an eBay seller in Australia that had bought the game on vacation to Canada not knowing it wouldn't play on their pal console and no one wanted to bid! Ended up getting it for $30? A month wait, and it showed up! Box was a little crushed but everything else was good and I still have it in my collection today! Gcn: windwaker! Once it starting getting a buzz I started saving up for a console haha I pre-ordered from GameStop and got the bonus disc with oot and master quest, couldn't have been more happy when I played through it, second game was Metroid prime
  4. Super happy to get a copy of Axelay Pretty hard, I suck haha but super cooooool graphics
  5. Friday time! not much this week, here's my gets Axelay popped into the local, was glad to get at a fair price. Thrift finds, just had to have that silly hamster battle armor Xbox hat #10? Idk anymore.. just that this one has a lable for the Xbox gear store. Slugfest is another tick off the list. That be it, till next weeeeek
  6. Welcome!! What's the most interesting tape you've found? bet there's been good ones haha.
  7. Welcome!! I feel ya on missing out on a super Mario world box.. I wanted one eventually, kept putting it off since it wasnt super rare but that price spike has definitely made things tricky.
  8. A very belated welcome and congratulations on the na Gameboy set!!
  9. A very belated welcome!! Good luck on the N64 set
  10. Those are awesome @mp3!! I really dig that clear housing molded with the cube controller grips and the blue, so clean!
  11. Maybe water slide decal like this? https://www.ebay.com/itm/125442862513?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=C-iEfTM8S96&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=vTItpbLsQcy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I know theres a guy in Poland making nice looking metallic ones too but they might be more raised https://www.ebay.com/itm/185042565058?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=1lGjVse2Q-G&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=vTItpbLsQcy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I'm in the process of working on an nes I found without the door and was thinking about making a replacement out of some kind of wire mesh, still looking for the right material when I go thriftin. Also, not mine but yes Poot
  12. I like it, and I like that it uses up the spares bahah.
  13. Niiiiiice! That is such a sneaky place to hide it, and so sturdy with the bracket, frickin awesome!
  14. I didn't think you used too many tags which should be good, you could use more if you wanted. I added ya, cool 64 stuff!!!
  15. The kicker is if they have the styrofoam block, inserts, manuals etc. Having to sift through all papers to figure out what goes with what would be mildly infuriating on a high dollar purchase. If they're only the boxes I would go the flat route too, not just for shipping cost but also so they had less chance of getting any damage during transit.
  16. I've been really digging videos from thorhighheels https://youtube.com/c/thorhighheels weird games, chill vibe, I am about it oddheaders Easter egg videos are super great, https://youtube.com/c/oddheader Rebeltaxi's strange colorful games series is neat too https://youtube.com/c/RebelTaxi Oh yeah! Seattle retro guy has been doing a series of original Xbox collectables that is honestly the best resource on the web as far as I know to showcase some of these rare promotional items like advertising and shop attract things https://youtube.com/c/SeattleRetroGuy
  17. I don't! I have seen em out on the eBay, just never pulled the trigger or anything. I did only start on 360 stuff around 2017? So pretty late to the game. Great games to get though, I'm sure the big names command a higher price for sure, and halo fans pay up haha.
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