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Everything posted by Bearcat-Doug

  1. This is at least readable although the contest thread links don't even work now. It's sad that the site is literally breaking down faster than I can keep up. https://connect.gocollect.com/discussion/168510/contest-archives-and-hall-of-fame
  2. I'd say this forum is already a success, now we can focus on making it even bigger and better!
  3. I agree it's not a good look, but I guess some people want to get a parting shot in anyway.
  4. I don't have any interest in going over there to vent, but I'm guessing those posts will magically "disappear".
  5. I just used acrylic picture frame stands that you can find at any WaI-Mart or Target. They have them in different sizes and they're fairly cheap.
  6. We are getting some crazy rain here today and tomorrow. I was watching the local news and they had some guy driving around in it with a dashboard camera. They do the same thing on all the local stations when we have heavy snow and ice. That's always seemed beyond stupid to me. It's common sense that the driving conditions are going to be bad. I really don't see the point in sending a reporter out to prove it.
  7. Not sure if you saw the other thread:
  8. I never really could get into RPGs because of the time commitment. I basically just stick to arcade style games or anything that I can just pick up and play in one sitting.
  9. I managed to find the contest archive page on the "new" NA if anyone wants to use it for a quick reference: https://connect.gocollect.com/discussion/168510/contest-archives-and-hall-of-fame
  10. @guillavoie backed up all of the original contest thread archives, so all of the info was saved. I found a link to the main contest archives page if you need it for a quick reference.
  11. It is sad to see NA go, especially like this, but luckily this site was made when it was and it looks like almost everyone made it over. This is definitely the cool place to be!
  12. I'm hoping to see a bunch of old players come back and there should be plenty of new members by the time next season starts, so hopefully the first official VGS contest season sees the participation level get back to the peak days of the NA contests.
  13. I remember getting a Game Gear for Christmas when it came out. I thought it had a pretty solid library of games, but it went through batteries like crazy.
  14. This is starting to sound like the ending to a Scooby Doo episode...
  15. I think you meant to welcome the new Doug...
  16. Wait, I thought I was Doug? Seems to be a popular name around here. Welcome to the site!
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