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Everything posted by Bearcat-Doug

  1. Soda is another one. The store brands usually taste nothing like the name brand.
  2. I can clear the game in under 15 minutes playing normally, but these high score runs take about an hour. Hopefully I can give it another shot over the weekend.
  3. Same here. It just depends of how much time I have over the weekend to work on it.
  4. That Rush N Attack contest was fun. I hadn't played it before then, but I really liked it.
  5. It's exactly the same experience except the Yankees actually have a closer. I'm pretty sure the Reds just draw names out of a hat in the bullpen to decide who gets to try and finish the game.
  6. Me and arnpoly got 12k in the Double Dragon 2 low score contest, but Bea got 9,800 if I remember correctly. I never did figure out how to get a score that low.
  7. I remember I had 19,750 back then. It seems like it's possible to scroll every enemy in Mission 2 off the screen without scoring any points at all.
  8. Maybe we can get @docile tapeworm to join in for that one too?
  9. It's likely just for this week, but I guess anything is possible.
  10. Have you seen the Reds bullpen? They have literally given up runs in every game since the All Star break. It's beyond painful to watch them blow 2-3 run leads on a nightly basis.
  11. I might give it another try if I get time. I wouldn't mind taking a shot at 300k.
  12. Timing is key, but once you get it down, it gets way easier.
  13. I like low score better myself. It's a lot more fun to elbow everything and it doesn't take nearly as long.
  14. It is tedious! It took me about 4 times as long to finish the game compared to playing normally.
  15. Did you get 50k yet? I need to know if I should get another run in.
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