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Everything posted by Bearcat-Doug

  1. Same here except I would basically channel surf with the radio. Some of the stations had a variety of music so you could hear all kinds of new stuff.
  2. Could be. I know I sound a bit country so I likely wouldn't notice it in other people.
  3. Basically if someone didn't catch what you said they will say "please?" instead of saying "what?" or "could you say that again?" like a normal person. It seems to be more common with older people. I don't hear many young people saying it.
  4. It seems like most people around here say pop, but I've always called it soda. I never got into that Cincinnati thing of saying "please?" instead of saying "what?" either. I always thought that sounded weird.
  5. Makes sense. People that FOMO in are just as likely to panic when the price dips.
  6. Interesting. I'm in the same boat as those other comments in that I always wanted to like his music more than I do, I just never could get into it.
  7. True, but there seem to be a lot of people that bought in the 40s and 50s only to panic sell at the bottom.
  8. Maybe. I got in around $14k so I'm still up around 250%, but if I didn't sell at the $64k high, I'm sure not selling now at $35k.
  9. I swear this is what's going on with bitcoin right now:
  10. I guess that's me too. He's okay, but his music just doesn't strike me as much more than average. 5/10.
  11. It sure is quiet around here without us playing every week!
  12. I don't think there's a Cincinnati accent although some people do have a touch of a southern accent given that Kentucky is on the other side of the river.
  13. I'd give it a try. I've been tempted to buy one, but I've got enough games to play that I haven't gotten around to.
  14. The dip keeps dipping, so I guess you have been buying nonstop all week!
  15. Good thing I bought the dip at $29k. Hopefully bitcoin can hold on to $34k instead of giving it all back again in the morning.
  16. That's my old matte SMB! I'm interested to see what it goes for.
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