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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. @Gulag JoeI have literally never heard of that happening in over two decades of collecting. Maybe with specific games using cheap plastic, or consoles for the same reason, but never as a general thing. Usually yellowing is from either the quality of the plastic, meaning that age is causing it, or simply nicotine from being in the possession of a heavy smoker. I have no idea where you got the idea that they get like that from playing them.
  2. Another thing to note is with SNES and N64 boxes. Namely there is one side that opens with minimal wear, and the other side is not so easy. With SNES you want to open the right side, with the little purple box by the flap. On the N64 boxes, you open the red side...basically the same side as the SNES. I never realized it until a buddy of mine pointed it out to me (he wasn't a collector, he was just anal about keeping his stuff in great shape). Also, I used the "play" argument because all of those games you mentioned are actually fun games to play. Now, if you were talking about Stadium Events...
  3. I'll say this - most of those watchers are either the seller's alts/friends making it look like there's more interest than there is, or they're watching to see if it actually sells. I'll leave my opinions of CIB grading out of it (otherwise I'd say not to do it ever) and say that it's a decision you'll have to make. If it's not something you see yourself ever playing again, and you're THAT worried about preserving it's condition, then do it. But I'll tell you this - as long as you're not frantically flipping pages, you won't damage that manual any more than it already is. And opening the box, if it's a frequently played game you might cause a bit of creasing or wear over time, but not enough to lower the value of a 7-8/10 condition item. I could understand if it was 10 out of 10, pristine mint, but you admit it's essentially the low end of decent. Nothing short of an accidental coffee spill, a child/pet getting to it, or an intentional defacing, will cause enough wear to ruin it. So my advice is to look at each title and decide if it's something you'll never want to pop into a system again, or if it's something you'll want to pop in from time to time. Because once it's in that slab, it's there for good (unless someone like me were to buy it, because I'd crack the shit out of that case ). Ultimately it's your call, but if you're seeing dollar signs because of an eBay listing that's likely only there to grab attention, it's not a great idea. But if you're collecting as an investment or are content with a pretty shelf piece, by all means, go nuts and protect your investment.
  4. OOOOOORRRRRR, we could just plan a game night with him...
  5. Yeah, no, don't have any of those sadly. I have regular SD cards, that's it. I do have a USB card reader that has a port for them though, so if you happen to find an empty one, you know where I live
  6. Serioulsy though, give the thread a read. It's not the same as it was watching in real time, but it's still a hell of a good trip! EDIT: Ah hell, I just went to read it...it's not even the original thread XD
  7. I don't have a PowerPak, so you'd need to tell me what sort of card it needs. I have a bunch of brand new SD cards, and I could probably get a torrent with all the ROMs you'd want, but I have no idea what size card is needed for the PowerPak.
  8. How low can the score be in a beat-em-up? I mean, there's warps, sure, but how low can the score really go?
  9. Yeah, this. While I've never done it, I've seen Basil do it a couple times. I even watched him play it co-op with a friend of mine, and IIRC they BOTH managed to max out the score before Clinger Winger (where the second player is automatically eliminated by a bug). Honestly, having two Battletoads pros in one room was an awesome sight.
  10. Yeah, I'm getting in the habit of playing the games I'm trying to sell (unless they're worthless filler PS2 sports games or some shit) for at least a few minutes. I've started making repro carts, and I've had a few that do weird shit, but only after a few minutes. Mostly it's things I learn about after the fact - like when I played the Jesus repro I made only to have it crash part way through. Turned out that the ROM was expanded, and was no longer compatible with the donor I used. Had I simply just powered it on and sold it, there may have been a real unhappy camper later on. But yeah, I'm learning to test a few minutes of gameplay before giving it the all clear.
  11. I'm sure @BeaIankwill correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think she's done those ones too...
  12. He was literally at my house a couple hours ago, so yeah, there's history As for his comments on emulation, it's more because we're on the honor system, and anyone on an emulator could save state and work to perfect their run, and there's no way to tell. Not saying anyone here would actually DO that, but the potential for underhandedness is there on a PC where it wouldn't be on a console.
  13. Yeah, well, put all the relevant details in one post and I won't have to make it that long.
  14. Maybe we should let Bea post her scores, if only to show who the best gamer truly is. I would say anyone who can no-death Ikari Warriors would be the NES GOAT...
  15. I'm betting he wasn't trying to mislead on that one. Odds are he just powered it up and it worked so he figured it'd be fine. Most times if people actually test it, they don't try to play the game for any significant amount, they just boot the title and that's that.
  16. Well, we both know shmups are NOT my forte...although generally I get my high scores sooner than you when we play them...I just never make it to the end So basically, I have a slim chance here because you play more cautiously, but you'll probably win the marathon Oh, and is that $20 for each time or just a one shot? I figure we need to get the terms down now so you don't try and squeak out of it like when you challenged me to A Week of Garfield once it looked like I was gonna win
  17. *pokes head in* *looks at list* Hmmm...still not doing the entire library huh... *walks out*
  18. Yeah, because you've slowly learned not to talk shit around me. Because I always find a way to blindside you Am I good at everything? No. Am I gonna win? Probably not, I'm just looking to play a few games. But I also don't take everything as a competition, so I love to rub it in when I do get one up on ya.
  19. Well, I'm gonna have to dig the ol' SMS out and fire up a few of these. I've previously beaten three games on the unbeaten list (long before the thread began however), and honestly, there aren't that many true stinkers on the Master System. There's a lot of average, and not many true gems, but I have yet to play a game that wasn't at least fun for a time. Now, the OP made it clear he's not planning to do this again, but if someone else picks up the reins, I'd suggest throwing the European games as well, as the stuff that didn't make it stateside makes an impressive lineup - not to mention that even with all of them it's less than a game per day. Just something to think about if anyone wants to turn it into a yearly thing like some of the other threads. It's definitely a library worth exploring...and one I will soon attempt to explore a bit more soon enough...
  20. Oh, and the time at Tubby Dog where I schooled you at Pooyan. And probably a few other times as well.
  21. Before like 2 days ago, I had almost zero POSTS on the board And I distinctly remember a time when you said you could beat me at any game of my choosing, only to fail miserably at Play Action Football.
  22. Definitely fair. Keep your eyes peeled, one might pop up sometime.
  23. I hear that guy likes to talk shit, but when push comes to shove, he just takes a shit
  24. I just did some digging, and found you a compatible donor for the patched Duck Hunt... https://www.ebay.com/itm/372817510759?hash=item56cda7c167:g:0JQAAOSwczxdsq6A Not sure if that's an option for you, but thought you'd like to know. Obviously the shipping is high, but he's probably got some other candidates for you to combine shipping.
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