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Everything posted by the_wizard_666

  1. I would argue that it DECREASES the value to me, as I'd have to crack the shell open just to play it.
  2. I do. I don't think we talked much, but I do remember you from NA. I'll check your channel out
  3. Myriad 6-in-1 is definitely the number 2, but it is often disregarded as a variant of the far more common Caltron version (which is still fairly high up), but for those of us who count it, its at least number two after Stadium Events for retail releases (and is arguably RARER than SE). From there it's a matter of opinion, but I'd say Peek-A-Boo Poker, then Hot Slots. Those are the clear top 5. After that it's a crapshoot. Bubble Bath Babes and Caltron were considered top rares as well, but BBB is far more frequently available than Little Samson is, and Caltron has had a few warehouse finds that probably push it out of the top 10 now (it was once considered as high as #7). Flintstones 2 was long thought to be the #2 licensed rare, but it appears to have been overtaken by Little Samson. For what it's worth, F2 comes up for sale far more frequently, and while still rare, is likely less so than Samson. So I'd probably go with LS at 6, then F2, BBB, and then who knows what.
  4. That said, if he didn't know he needed to use missiles, would the score still be allowable? I would assume not, but @BeaIankwill likely have to say for sure. I only say this because had I made it, I wouldn't have known either, so it's something that could happen to anyone not familiar with the game. At the very least, maybe in the part mentioning point pressing, it should be stated how the point pressing can happen to avoid future issues.
  5. Avenue Q said it best man...everyone's a little bit racist
  6. They were a couple old "That's Racist" memes. Guess they won't fly here.
  7. Silkworm is pretty damn tough, even with two players. I know me and @Dr. Morbis gave it a serious go a few years back and failed pretty miserably, but it's still an awesome game. As for the others, M&M is pretty awesome, as is Quest of the Avatar. Exodus is decent but also very archaic, and Warrior of Destiny...well, let's just say they should've put it on the SNES instead...
  8. I mean ask on the forum there. They're pretty knowledgeable. The database images do kinda suck though, I checked them myself.
  9. Might I suggest asking over at AtariAge? They may be able to offer more aid than you'll find here on a generalist collecting site. I'm leaning to a variant, but it's hard to say for sure, and those guys know their stuff.
  10. Well, I did look it up on Google. The white bars on the manual cover strike me as being odd because the handful of manual pictures I saw don't have them. That said, it's hard to say for sure because Telegames may simply have ran off more, making it a variant instead of a fake. But again, I'm no expert, so I couldn't say for sure.
  11. Yeah, I saw that, just edited my post I'm a dumbass. I can't help though, because although I have a ton of Lynx games, I don't have Desert Strike.
  12. I just assumed because you didn't post the title of the game, that a picture would have been included EDIT: Just noticed the title in the thread title. I didn't see the entire title when I opened it. I'm dumb.
  13. To be fair, the Queen is only mentioned because the console was manufactured with the intent that it be given to her as a promotional measure, and not with regard to trying to sell her personal console. It'd be like a dressmaker making a wedding dress for a woman, but the wedding gets called off. It was made for that woman, but the woman never owned the item. Same thing here. Whether or not the Queen took possession of the Wii is irrelevant to the fact that it was in fact created for her.
  14. I disagree to a point. If he had independently discovered it, I would agree with you, but if she confided her indiscretions to him because she trusted him enough to ask advice or just to get it off her chest, he at least needs to give her the chance to come clean herself. I would never break that trust, and would never expect anyone else to either. That said, all we know is that he allegedly advocated for him, which to me reads like she was going to him seeking advice on what to do, likely in regard to ending the relationship. Nothing about that suggests any sort of infidelity, so the entire argument is moot anyway. She went to her friend to complain about her boyfriend, and then broke it off. That's literally all we know. So yeah, given the known information, the OP is the only one in the wrong here.
  15. You neglect the part about "Friend is also friends with girl." I have been in the friend's situation many times, and the best course of action is to simply listen to both, and keep the confidence of all parties. It sucks sometimes because you know shit that the other party should know, but to be a good friend to both, you have to keep the confidence of both. And yes, that means knowing shit the other person should be privy to but not saying anything because that would violate the trust given by the one who confided in you. The only thing I see that the friend did wrong was he divulged anything after the fact. And in every situation, every party knows I am someone they can ask for advice, or confide in, and that I'd keep that confidence even when it hurts me to do so. Sounds to me that the OP is pissed that the dude didn't divulge whatever it was that she confided to him, at least before it became known to him. If he was boning the girl, then this goes out the window because he broke that bond of friendship with the OP. But if all he did was not tell him her secrets, the OP is being a twat, pure and simple. Sure, he has a right to feel hurt and angry because his friend knew shit that he didn't about his relationship, but it was also NOT his friend's place to tell him. And with no information as to what the details are, there's no way to say whether the OP is justified in cutting the dude out or if he's being an immature asshat. Simply put, there's not enough information here to fairly weigh in on the details, but based on what information was provided, I'd say the friend did nothing wrong and the OP needs to suck it up and deal with it. Until there's more to go on, that's where it stays as far as I'm concerned.
  16. I'm 38, so yeah, you fit the time frame. Also, it took me a second to realize you were talking about Covid and not a sandwich, so again, brain damage
  17. OOOOOOORRRRRRR he corrected a typo in a French phrase long appropriated into the English language. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/faux pas Many words and phrases in English are taken from many other languages. It's part of what makes English such a complicated language. So again, (staff edit)
  18. Dude, he's not from Quebec. Almost nobody outside of politics speaks French in the rest of Canada. (staff edit)
  19. Definitely do it. I'm not sure how old you are, but back in the mid 90s, ADHD was the new thing that everyone was getting tagged with, and Ritalin was the new wonder drug that they gave to kids like Tic-Tacs. If you have any questions about whether or not the diagnosis fits, talk to your doctor. I didn't get my diagnosis until my mid 20s, and didn't bother getting treatment until around 4 or 5 years ago, and that treatment may have saved my life...if not immediately, than at some point in the future. The average life expectancy of someone with bipolar disorder is around 50 years due to the high rate of suicides. I'm definitely hoping to buck that trend, but there's been a few times where I wasn't sure I would or not. Well shit, that got dark...
  20. Nope, bipolar disorder. I was misdiagnosed with ADHD when I was 13. Still have tremors in my hands from the Ritalin they prescribed me that was absolutely unnecessary. I've also had a half dozen known concussions, and many, many shots to the head that probably resulted in one. I do notice a few little things that never affected me, so if not brain damage directly, there's probably some cognitive degeneration resulting from having my bell rung so often.
  21. That would require me actually liking their music. I'm not a fan. More of a metalhead than anything else. Seriously though, I'm pretty sure I have some kind of brain damage from all the concussions. I mean, I went to get my niece's cake out of the freezer this evening, and I stood there by the freezer for two minutes because I forgot what I was doing there.
  22. I didn't know they had an album called Homework Of course, I generally don't listen to Daft Punk, so that's probably why. But naw, I'm taking a game design course, and there is a LOT of work. Currently have three classes using Maya 2020 (rigging, environmental modelling, and lighting & texture), and one using Unreal 4 (level design). So much tech, so little time, and a brain that's suffered far too many concussions
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