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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. Found this song by suggestions of Youtube and actually it reminds me of childhood so much. Very deep.
  2. Noticed it today. Looks ugly. Deleted off bookmarks.
  3. Welcome. I remember playing the NESDev Compo version. Can't wait for the full release.
  4. Used to be the same as my bed room but I ran out of space and slowly reduced my collection until I had none left anymore. I kind of regret it but getting all back now would be too expensive as prices for most games sky rocketed mad.
  5. Yes, though just by coincidence. I never really knew the situation of NA but found VGS and like this place so far. Plus the site is more stable and actually works better.
  6. Watching RAW and Smackdown only as they don't show NXT and others in German TV yet. Hopefully will soon.
  7. 30 here since January.
  8. DKC has so many great songs, I love them all. However, this certain song from Solid Runner really caught my attention (and makes me day dream whenever I listen to it). So peaceful. Also loving the Mega Man X Corrupted OST eventhough the game isn't finished nor released at all:
  9. For me definetely NES and SNES just because I grew up with a NES (SNES later on). I did like certain PSX games as well but anything after that never really interested me. Quite stuck in the 2D era. Never really liked those N64 or GameCube games. PS2 didn't interest me either, though I did have all of the consoles for collection purposes.
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