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Everything posted by attakid101

  1. Thanks, man! Yeah my birthday just passed. A year older and fatter.
  2. I’m packing up my game room for a while. We need the space. Not to worry though, I’ll be moving to a bigger room in my home later this year. But now I have occasion to take a few pics and share before packing it all up. I started out as a full set SNES collector but have since moved away from it and pared the collection down to what you see here. It’s a small collection, but then it’s a small room. You’ll find the typical basic bitch shelf candy BS here, but I also have a couple legitimately rare pieces too. Cheers ______________________________________________________________________________ GAMING SETUP: SNES and Saturn connected to a Trinitron via HD Retrovision Component cables. Picture quality is amazing! Also have a GameCube connected via S-Video. The Exertainment 9XS Bike Pikachu statue, supposedly a promo item used during the launch of Pokémon Yellow Star Fox banner. What makes this cool is the removable “Competition Here” ribbon banner. Kiosk with Star Fox Weekend cart Lighting in this room SUCKS, hence the Christmas lights. Thought about installing some proper fixtures but like I said I’m not gonna be parked here too much longer. Ugly DKCC cart Gratuitous shelf candy shots forthcoming My Earthbound shrine including poster, ruler, and air freshener Theres another wall/shelf I didn’t photograph, but it’s not that interesting. Just GameCube and 3DS stuff, a small collection of SNES CIBs, comics and TPBs, strategy guides and magazines, and mess of DVDs. Thanks for checking out my collection, guys.
  3. You guys remember the Inner Circle talk from NA? There was a supposed cabal working behind the scenes over in that forum. Nobody knew exactly who they were or what the hell they did, but one thing was certain—they were better than you. I imagined lavish Eyes Wide Shut style orgies, market manipulation, virgin sacrifices, those cool goblet things that rich vampires drink blood out of when they have guests over. So yeah I want in. How does one apply for membership?
  4. I’m a minority and a lot of people are surprised to hear that I’ve only ever been in relationships with white girls. Never even kissed a chick who wasn’t white. I mean I do live in Idaho....
  5. I have an official S-Video cable that I use with my GameCube. It’s a huge improvement over composite. I originally bought the cables for my SNES but have since graduated to the HD Retrovision component cables for that console. HD Retrovision cables are a decent jump over S-Video. And I’ve since purchased them for my Saturn as well. I can post comparison pics if anyone is interested.
  6. Yeah and that’s the problem with you goddamn kids today. As long as it looks good for Facebook and instagram who fucking cares right? Bunch of superficial ass, vacuous, tail chasing, morons. /rant
  7. Cart only is down across the board as far as I can tell
  8. I’ve always felt this poster was undervalued. I remember there was a guy selling multiple copies of this poster at once. Several NA members ended up getting a sweet deal. Around $100 if I remember right.
  9. Very nice. I see you’ve got an MVS kit as well. Do AES consoles natively support MVS or is yours modded?
  10. Get well soon, OP. I’ve had multiple abdominal surgeries. They suck, but after a while you’ll be your old self again.
  11. I’ve had some luck with post-Christmas auctions. Buy-It-Now prices are the same year round, but I find that auction prices dip a little in the days and weeks after the holidays—speaking anecdotally.
  12. Ah. Bummer. I thought he sourced them for that model.
  13. I remember NA member lojack had a connection for reproduction acrylic shells for that kiosk.
  14. R-Type III for Super Nintendo and MUSHA for the Sega Genesis Oh and NWC gold. I had like 8 or 9 of those.
  15. Hanging out with a couple friends tonight. We’ll stay up to see the new year getting drunk. Typical bullshit. I wanted to sacrifice a weasel but was quickly voted down.
  16. You guys remember that sh*t? I was a kid at the time and never really gave it much thought until I saw a couple adults freaking out about it. My friend’s dad was stockpiling water and bought a wood stove. That’s when I started feeling worried. I tried to convince my parents to take it seriously but they weren’t buying it. Clock struck midnight and there wasn't a single nuclear zombie to be found. Kinda disappointing when you think about it. Hard to believe it was 20 years ago....
  17. So what’d you nerds get for Christmas???
  18. There’s a YouTube video out there somewhere with Miyamoto displaying the designs and talking about the development
  19. look. we've all been curious about why certain NA members were banned. well now that NA has burst into flames can we talk about it? like wtf happened with BlooperandGoomba? Why was Tanooki banned? Polarbear? Or remember that crazy fool who planned on faking his death to get his girlfriend back? he got banned and i never found out if his insane plan worked!!
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