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Everything posted by Kguillemette

  1. 1212 Fun fact "Sledgehammer" is the most played MTV video of all time. Still not my favorite Gabriel song.
  2. Popular enough that fried cheese curds are on quite a few pub menus around the USA. Hell, Dairy Queen sells them! I bought cheese curds from a Taiwanese chicken chain, TKK Fried Chicken @fcgamer. Poutine you don't see quite as often, mostly in diners with Quebec roots around here. That being said poutine is delicious. And you are correct that fresh mozzarella makes a good substitute in a pinch.
  3. My favorite kart racer ever, and I love kart racers. 10/10.
  4. I put in untold hours into the OG EA NHL. I still play it from time to time to bag me a Stanley. Wraparounds are indefensible, which is a definite knock against the game, but it's kinda fun treating it like a cheat code if you want to mess around and win by something crazy like 25-0. The title theme is very nostalgic with those synthesized genesis guitar riffs!
  5. Been about 20 years since my last playthough. I remember it being okay at best. The core of Sonic games has never been the control, in fact being out of control is part of the fun! The music and level design of the 16 bit era sonics match up with the core gameplay to make very fun little platformers and visual spectacles. The issue with CD is that the level design just isn't on that same level as 2 or 3&K. I have it on a few different platforms, it might be worth a revisit.
  6. Looks like an ad for a ps2 era FPS.
  7. I gave it a 7/10. It absolutely terrified me as a child and turned me off from horror for a long time. I may revisit and rate it higher as I'm starting to enjoy some fantasy horror lately, but the 7/10 score is as high as it is because it accomplished what it se out to do.
  8. Yes absolutely. Just need to have smoldering wood chips in a cast iron or steel pan with the lid closed. I did it all the time with my little Weber kettle.
  9. I've always wanted to play this one. The cover art alone sold me.
  10. Imo, the rate of 1 game every 3-4 years seems about right. It just continues the excellent story mode that happens to have a very good fighting game built into it. I wish Kickle Cubicle got itself a sequel. One of my favorite action puzzlers ever. As for too many sequels? I guess I'll go with CoD, though I have never been an FPS fan in general.
  11. Couple not mentioned: Axel F from Beverly Hills Cop Mortal fucking Kombat! - The Immortals
  12. In addition to other points mentioned, 7th gen largely revitalized the side scroller after everything needed to be 3D in gen 5 and 6.
  13. Ditto. It's not graded like school work.
  14. I was very disappointed when these versions were dropped from Origins. I get it, license and whatnot. But those tunes are utterly iconic.
  15. "Easier" maybe? It feels so smooth and welcoming and fair compared to the NES games, where halfway through the original I'm ready to rage quit.
  16. Slightly on topic. As a budget conscious gamer who prefers physical games, is the PS4 compilation version worth getting? I hear its a sub par port of the PSP version, but at half the going rate of the PS1 version plus the inclusion of Rondo, I feel like I need to consider it. Thanks.
  17. Go Diego Go Safari Rescue for DS. I know it's a kids game, but even my kid, who was a Diego fan at the time seemed bored with it. I tried it for myself and saw why. After about 5 minutes I did everything there was to do with it. I guess that counts as completing it?
  18. I honestly dig your cover and these electric guitar covers I've been hearing more of lately. Subscribed. Excited to what else you come up with!
  19. Meat cooked bone in and removed after. Chicken thigh meat makes excellent pulled chicken especially when cooked bone in for example. Or pulled pork made with a bone in pork shoulder compared to boneless cuts like pork butt. Now I want some BBQ.
  20. The whole genre of late 80s dance pop is a 6/10 for the most part. It's all far from the worst music ever made and tends to be really fun background music for work.
  21. Playing Ni-No-Kuni for PS3. The plot and presentation is absolutely gripping, animation is gorgeous. My gripe right now is that it is tutorial overload. I swear that an hour into the game, I've done more tutorials than actual gameplay. And it's not just finer points of a fame's gimmick or combat, either. Drippy, my companion character, litterally told me "see that green number? That's your hit points. Run out of those and you can't go on!" Like omg, I think everyone who plays this game is aware of what Hit Points are and what they do before ever pressing the power button! I'm pretty excited to get into the meat of the game. Been sitting on my backlog for years!
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