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Everything posted by a3quit4s

  1. I was gonna ask for like a 5% refund on each. I mean even if they were listed as being shipped ground advantage it wouldn’t have stopped me from buying them but it’s still sort of false advertising. Had they come on time I wouldn’t care either but it’s sort of annoying
  2. Let me get your opinion: I ordered two things off eBay last week and both came with free shipping. In the listing shipping service is defined as USPS Priority Mail but when both items were shipped (from different sellers) both used Ground Advantage which is a cheaper service that takes longer. Both packages are now past there expected delivery dates and likely would have been here today or sooner with Priority mail. Would you kick up a gripe with the sellers and ask for partial refunds for this? Both items were over $300 and boxed consoles.
  3. Family Video. Not industrial enough to carry the full Blockbuster look. Im not even sure I’d put it in my own game room. It’s not really unique and it takes up way too much space for how much it displays!
  4. Well that is definitely down from the all time high of over $800k lol and certainly not the $700k that was speculated. $288k is still totally ridiculous imo though
  5. https://kotaku.com/rare-sealed-legend-zelda-nes-copy-ebay-auction-1851282362 I like how they are no longer selling WATA exclusive games anymore although I think they have been doing that for some time? Anyone with a log in that can say what this sold for? From the article: The last time an OG Zelda game like this was on auction was in July 2021. Back then, a sealed copy of the game sold for $870,000 https://comics.ha.com/itm/video-games/nintendo/the-legend-of-zelda-cgc-80-a-sealed-nes-tm-no-rev-a-first-production-nes-nintendo-1987-usa/a/7359-28025.s?type=PR
  6. Not really sure, I don’t think there are criminal charges being brought, just civil but even if they are found liable for the civil part they are gonna be barred from running WATA/collectibles. Although last time Halperin was found guilty of fraud or whatever with coins he was right back in the game maybe not even years later. Who knows if there will be any real consequences of all this. The real issue here is sure they lied about shit but fools and their money are soon parted. No one held a gun to your head and forced you to try and take advantage of a speculative investment. Sure we didn’t have all the facts we do now but even in the beginning the whole thing stunk to high heaven. I’m not even sure how you put an amount of money that WATA would owe to people for being taken advantage of lol Do you get some of that money to pay the civil suit from people who sold WATA graded for 10,000x what they are worth?
  7. They’ll stop submitting once they are ordered to shut down lol
  8. It’s really time to just dole out punishment and compensation and start putting this whole mess behind us. It does make me sad that people who I thought were generally interested in the hobby and would treat it with respect ended up being a part of it in the end. Bronty and KThrower….disappointing
  9. The point of this is your Turbo Everdrive becomes not needed. You just play the same Roms from the SD card. I can jailbreak it for you and once you get it back you just have to move your roms to the SD card. Which you obtained through completely legal means.
  10. lol From Software games I play for ten minutes and I’m like well fuck this shit. Stepped out of the church or whatever after the tutorial in Elden Ring and got immediately stabbed in the face by this giant gold knight on a horse and noped right out of that game. To be fair I did pick it up several weeks later and put a few more hours into into but still noped out of it lol
  11. I was thinking an online based game because it would always be changing but I think I’ll stay with the Legend of Zelda. Legendary backlog of titles in the series and they continue to make new ones and probably won’t stop since it’s a license to print money for Nintendo.
  12. Got em on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07GBMRQJW?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title I don’t think they are LRG though
  13. I don’t have many Saturn games and they are all common but all had busted cases. Got some replacement ones that look really good can’t remember where from though.
  14. I thought they just all came cracked hahaha
  15. Neanderthal Man: 360,000 Moon the Sky: 1,160,000 Total: 1,520,000 I was not a fan of moon the sky lol
  16. Whenever I see a pile of Saturn games I’m just like man that looks expensive even if they are common titles lol
  17. I offered $2,000 for everything which is a lowball offer but not knowing specifics about what is included with each and the condition of everything makes it hard to judge. Low effort post gets low effort offers is what I responded with after “hard pass” was the response.
  18. Looks like they accepted a best offer as well so it went for less than advertised
  19. I think my fake ass Ninja Warriors is in there somewhere lol
  20. Nice I think I put that splatoon keychain in on the last go around - glad it found a good home!!
  21. It’s not just me right, y’all notice brick and mortars are carrying less and less physical games? Target still has the most floor space dedicated to games but most of the shelves aren’t really ever stocked. Best Buy cleared out a ton of physical games to the point where each console maybe has 10-20ft of shelf space at least by me. Walmart still seems to be the only one unchanged - same amount of big ass glass/plastic displays and almost all games are always in stock. Even GameStops near me seem to have less physical media and are jam packed with whatever crap (funko pops) they are trying to sell to stay afloat.
  22. You can know everything there is to know about a mental illness but you wouldn’t be able to self diagnose it because you aren’t neutral to it. Same goes for anyone on this site or anywhere in the world. I’m going to abstain out of this topic but I wish you luck
  23. The dude from a Beautiful Mind also thought those people were real, just sayin. Only way to know for sure, lure this person to a very public place and have a friend film them in action. This also silences the naysayers and gives the police something to go on
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