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Everything posted by Makar

  1. Totally forgot about Hagane. Now that is a work of art.
  2. Thanks again for informing me about this one! That's one more title I won't get digitally now. Now I really need to figure out what to buy on the eShop with the eShop money I'm wracking up. There's a free demo of this game on the eShop btw in case anyone is wondering.
  3. Very true. I never expected paper Mario the thousand year door to be a $100+ game. I mean it deserves to be since it's incredible but it's not rare at all. There are general trends that I've noticed over the years though. Atlus games tend to get very pricy over time. Go go Hypergrind is an atlus game for example. So is cubivore. Drone tactics and super robot taisen of saga on the DS are both atlus games too. Then you have game series that if you fast forward 5-20 years almost always end up being pricier than they were upon release. Fire emblem, the main series Pokemon games, and lately dragon quest games are all ones that are above the $30-50 price tag they initially cost. But for most it's a total crap shoot. Some games start out more expensive and then come crashing down to earth when there's a reprint. Just look at pikmin 3 and to a lesser extent cave story 3d, both of which had reprints and Nintendo select prints. Pikmin 3 was going for $70, now it's like $15. Cave story was over $100, now it's like $60.
  4. What I've done over the years is buy what I can that I want when it's cheap. And then anything that is really expensive, like $100+ I'll only buy it if I sell other stuff to cover the costs, or I'll trade a lot of stuff for one item. This is how I got my aerofighters and Groudon GBA SP. No way was I going to spend a couple grand on a GBA SP system but I had lots and lots of stuff to trade and worked out a deal. I haven't actually paid for a game without offsetting the costs somehow in years. I used to be pretty bad about spending too much on games, and have dialed it in recently once I realized just how much I was spending. I guess what I'm trying to say is you can get whatever you want "for free" if you put in the time and effort of buying, selling, trading, repeat. Oh and waiting. Sometimes all you have to do is wait a year or so and a game you have doubles in price. Just look at GameCube games within the past year. Go Go Hypergrind for example was not a $400-500 game a year or 2 ago. It was was closer to $50 lol.
  5. All the people who started collecting before it was cool and still have their games are really lucky. I had all the original Pokemon games complete but my mom made me throw the boxes and inserts away years ago. Also missed out on owning Pokemon box and the Metroid prime windwaker bundle when they were $50 because Pokemon box was not really a real game and I already had windwaker. Having said all that, I am very glad I got all the DS and gamecube games I wanted back in 2013-2016. Prices for those have exploded lately. No way I'd have half of what I have right now if I was just starting to collect right now.
  6. I had like 30-40 games up until 2013 but it wasn't until I had lots of free time at a part time job in 2013 that I actually started collecting games. I learned about so many games' existence only from NA during this time. Some of which have ended up becoming some of my favorite games for certain systems like Tingles Rosy Rupeeland, Digimon World DS, and Ivy the Kiwi. Never would've known about any of those if it wasn't for NA.
  7. Haha why are the toads so happy that they're prisoners?
  8. That's night and day compared to what Japan got.
  9. They were all disappointing. The space launch one was probably the most disappointing. I actually did get to 100 launches and was so excited because I had the jirachi bonus disk so the only Pokemon I didn't have in Ruby was deoxys. I tried everything but nothing worked. No deoxys for me
  10. Lol yea it was because when you trade, they show an image of the Pokemon as it goes through the link cable as if it is actually physically passing through it (technically I guess it was physically going through it in a way). We never were dumb enough to actually cut a link cable but we did think it could release a Charizard into our world. The easiest cloning "glitch" is the one in emerald which I think they put there in purpose knowing you could trade your Pokemon over to 4th gen games in the future but not be able to trade back. That was to get Celebi right? I vaguely remember that one. Something involving catching all the unowns.
  11. Man that Castlevania 3 art is pretty bad. It looks like it should be a cheesy movie poster. And yea, the Dracula x one looks nice.
  12. Let's see There was the moving the truck with Strength in Red and Blue to get mew. 100 launches of the space ship in Ruby and Sapphire led to you being able to battle and catch deoxys in space. There was something else about getting all the different colored trainer cards in Ruby and Sapphire but I can't remember what the rumor was. One my friends and I believed was this one. Cutting your link cable in Red and Blue during a trade in real life would let the Pokemon escape and come into our world. Can't remember any other ones. Most of the other rumors turned out to actually be true.
  13. Looks like it's a combination of factors. https://fortune.com/2020/07/18/why-is-there-a-coin-shortage-in-us-nationwide-how-did-it-happen-when-will-it-end-what-to-know-kroger-walmart-cvs/
  14. I'll say paper Mario sticker star. The cover art is good but holy crap is that game awful. What's the best game with the worst cover art? My vote goes to mega man 1. Why is he gold? What's up with his face? Why does he have a gun? Why's he in such a weird stance? Nothing makes sense and it looks like it was super rushed and drawn by an amateur. I've always really hated this cover art.
  15. You're the first person I've heard say they dont want to play this because it's a FPS type game. Totally understand that reasoning. FPS take a while to get good at. I sucked at CoD for the longest time. After playing like 100 matches I finally got decent lol.
  16. I gave it a 9/10 only because FireRed and leafgreen exist and they're both superior to red and blue. They fixed all the issues and added all the good mechanics from the other gens. FireRed and leafgreen are 10/10.
  17. Haha see that's what's so interesting to me. I don't think people are simply avoiding Fortnite because they deem it to be a bad game. I think it's other reasons too like maybe it's too kiddy or the culture or something else.
  18. @ZeldaFreak, botw is really cool. I should probably add that to my list. I'm digging the Bomberman one too @CasualCart and that Castlevania one @Bearcat-Doug
  19. Question, why do some gamers purposely play bad NES games they don't like, but won't ever try this game?
  20. What's the best video game cover art you've seen? I looked up a couple similar articles online but largely didn't agree with the cover art they chose as being the best. I've been trying to go through a bunch of games I've played and there sure are some great ones out there. Here's some of my favorite cover art I've seen so far. I know I'm definitely missing a ton of cool cover art. What's some of your favorite cover art?
  21. Why don't we all say what we've witnessed first hand lately. I'll start. I went to Ocean City over the 4th of July. NO ONE was wearing masks. Large crowds on the beach, nothing. Large groups walking on sidewalks, nothing. Large groups at bars, nothing (and now all those bars are closed down due to confirmed corona cases, shocker). The ONLY time you ever saw anyone put a mask on was to go into a store where they're required. Around wear I live, no one wears mask, people hang out and have parties every week, it's basically like corona doesn't exist, so yea, it's bad here, REALLY bad.
  22. Lol wow. I think I struck a nerve with you. I totally understand why people hate this game. I never build in the game unless absolutely necessary to build a ramp up a mountain or something. What I was trying to get at is you don't need to build in Fortnite to win or be good. In fact I don't like it because strategically, building a structure gives my position away. Also, not sure how gay marriage got brought up in a Fortnite thread lol. That was really random. If you want to go rant about that do it somewhere else like the political thread.
  23. Do you loathe it because you're not good at building or because you find it hard to defeat enemies because they are building? And you don't have to pay a dime for this game, even for battle passes. Just play for a while, get 1000 free vbucks, buy the battle pass with your free vbucks, get 1000 more free vbucks from the battle pass, repeat next season. You can get skins for free this way.
  24. Lol man I wish I had too. Several opportunities to get one for $400 but at the time that was too much for me. I do have the game complete minus the big box at least.
  25. I think gaming will continue to adapt and probably stay towards what modern games are doing. Esports will be huge in the next 20 years. Colleges are already starting to offer scholarships for esports. It's just in its infancy but people love watching other people play video games. Once it's marketed well and on a bunch of platforms for people to view, it'll explode. The prize money is also climbing steadily which will entice more people to get into that business. I also agree with what others have said, I just don't have the same free time I once had for a 40+ hr long game. Unless it's something incredible like BOTW, I find myself not completing the whole game. A game doesn't need to have a good story either imo. All it needs is good gameplay. I'm totally content playing games like Tetris 99 which have no story because the gameplay is great. Meanwhile, I've found myself not finishing newer games in series that I like because the gameplay just feels like a chore after a while. Pokemon sun and moon, and fire emblem three houses are great examples of this. They tried to do too much. Often times simplicity is best. One thing I really hope doesn't happen is companies giving us incomplete games where you have to pay for new content down the road. Pokemon sword and shield botched this. But games like shovel knight and Fortnite have done a perfect job of implementing tons of new content for free. Either give us a complete game off the bat or provide the updates for free. $30 for new Pokemon dlc is complete crap. Half the price of a new game for dlc? Um no. And if they start putting ads every 30 seconds in games, I'm out.
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