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Everything posted by Makar

  1. Yea I just need to play the NES Tetris a bit more to adapt my modern day strategy. I usually leave the far left or far right wide open and go for back to back or even back to back to back tetrises. That isn't really possible in NES Tetris and leaving the middle open rather than the far right or left might actually be a better strategy. I just gotta practice. And yes, with new Tetris, the only real competitor is another human. I could literally go on forever in marathon mode on Tetris axis on the 3ds even when the speed is maxed out.
  2. I'll agree to disagree. Maybe I'll change my mind when I play the original Tetris a lot more. I should look up videos about old Tetris strategy. I'll admit this is my first time playing this version in 20+ years. I'll also add that I never do t-spins in modern tetris, and despite that, I've won just under 20% of my Tetris 99 matches after playing over 500 total games. Both original and new Tetris involve skill, but different kinds of skills. Old Tetris is more about adapting on the fly and knowing how to use every single piece the best you can in the moment. It's also a lot more luck based that new Tetris. If you go through a long dry spell of no i pieces, you're screwed imo. That never happens in new Tetris since you can hold an i piece. Even if there is a dry spell, just swap out your held piece. New Tetris is more about seeing the next several pieces and thinking several steps ahead and knowing which pieces to hold, and when to swap.
  3. You take that back right now lol. My personal favorites are Tetris DS and Tetris 99.
  4. Yea I remember that. Suddenly infinite space wasn't so rare anymore. I don't know about the cart production, but apparently people are still making games for the 3DS. Dungeon Runner and word herd just came out last month. Neither a physical release though, but still. The last time a 3ds game got a physical release was a year ago. https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/dungeon-runner-3ds/ https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/wordherd-3ds/
  5. It really is one of the worst ones made. Even tetris.com is better and I never thought I'd say that lol. The game has apparently changed quite a bit. Can't tap a repeatedly until you're ready to place it, can't hold pieces, the pieces are totally random whereas in later ones you get each different piece once all in the first 7 pieces, you can't see the next several pieces in the original Tetris, and probably a couple other things too. It's a very very different game than the one nowadays. They have massively improved this game over the years.
  6. Score update of 99,200. Not as much free time today as I would've hoped.
  7. Just remember they could reprint any of these 3DS games at any moment if a company like GameStop determines it's worth it.
  8. Lol thanks for the warning! I don't think I have any other Metroids and I really don't like emulators (my Mac sucks since it's 10 years old lol). Thanks for this too lol. It's good to clarify what is and isn't good in an established series. If you want a better monster game, dragon quest monsters joker is it. It's not dark with demons like SMT but it's not quite babyish like Pokemon either. I think monster kingdom jewel summoner on PSP is a more "adult" monster game like SMT in case you're interested in that one. Never played it myself so I can't say for sure how it is.
  9. Haha well looks like we all have some homework to do!! Metroid is on the switchs NES game bundle thing so I can play that there. And I actually do have one of the Castlevanias on DS from one of the trades I did. Dawn of sorrow iirc. So there you go, I will play those 2 and then try to find resident evil, and you guys play pikmin and Pokemon.
  10. Thanks man! Back when I was seeing if people would be interested in other kinds of competitions I looked through the list of weekly games this year and remember seeing this one and thinking I wanted to compete. I'll give it a couple more go's tomorrow and see what I can do. Didn't have too much free time tonight.
  11. Thanks! I don't think I'll participate in too many, but I'll poke around and see which games interest me. If Dr Mario ever comes up I'm in for that one too.
  12. EDIT: SCORE UPDATE 99,200 Yes. Here's my other pic sorry.
  13. EDIT: SCORE UPDATE 99,200 Well it's a score lol. This is so different from modern Tetris. I'll have to retool my skills lol. 41280
  14. Gracias! Tetris is one of the few games I can actually get a high score in, well at least the newer versions of Tetris. It's been a long long time since I played the NES version.
  15. Well that's what I figured lol. Alright time to find one online and give it a go. This is my first time even considering participating in a weekly so that's why I asked.
  16. Question to which I already know the answer is 99.9999% most likely no. Can I play the tetris.com version and submit my high score from that?
  17. Might be a dumb question but can't you just use a VPN from a different country to make it seem like you're coming from a country where tiktok isn't banned and thus still be able to use tiktok?
  18. Uninvited from? Hey at least I've played through half of Chrono trigger. Just need to go back and finish it. That is a very good game! Haha same here. Tetris 99 to be exact. Oh, and fortnite
  19. If it makes @BortLicensePlate feel any better, I only played and beat the first final fantasy for the first time 2 or 3 years ago. Still haven't played any of the other final fantasy games.
  20. Paper Mario thousand year door is a must play.
  21. Alright well I need to find me a Metroid and resident evil game then lol. Pikmin 2 might be better than the first one. They're both excellent but different too. If you have a friend to play with, the 2 player mode in pikmin 2 is actually really fun. FireRed and leafgreen are better than red and blue imo but if you want to start with the originals go for it. They're great too. They just have a lot of mechanics that were broken and fixed in later games. The move Wrap being one of them, and psychic types like Alakazam being extremely OP. No hold items either. They have changed a lot since first gen.
  22. I'm trying not to laugh at the stupidity but wow. I don't see what's wrong with his logic. Makes perfect sense to me lol. When you wear a mask, you breathe your own breath more, so you give yourself corona by infecting yourself with your own breath. Corona comes from within you and is only contagious when you breathe it out of you, then breathe it back in, got it. BUT it is not contagious to others. You can only spread it when you have a mask on, and can only spread it to yourself. Seriously though wow. I can't believe this is a real person. Sorry man and good luck!
  23. Haha for some reason Metroid has just never really interested me. Neither has Kirby but I have at least tried a couple Kirby games before. What if you try pikmin and Pokemon and I try Metroid and resident evil?
  24. Do yourself a favor and give Pokemon and pikmin a go.
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