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Everything posted by Deadeye

  1. From the website: "There's nothing more emblematic of the Holiday seasons than the cozy feeling you get waking to a fire and conifer brimming under with presents. That feeling of togetherness and warmth and holiday spirit shared while singing songs of the season with friends and family. That feeling of wonder as you lay in bed and imagine what goodies Santa left under your tree. Oh what fun! It's time for xmas break and if you hope to get any awesome gifts you better get working on letters to Santa! Study Hall 2: Xmas Break Edition is here to help.....sort of. This year we brought back NES hard*! This game will test your skills and patience, and as always we have included blinky lights. If you stare at them long enough they might help calm you down in between game overs. *Not responsible for broken controllers. "
  2. Came across this database today. Organized by Vertical, Horizontal, Mixed Modes and then by NES licensed, unlicensed, Famicom, and Disk System. Also has rom hacks and homebrews. May be old news to some, but it was a great find for me. NES Artifacts Blog: http://nesartifacts.blogspot.com/p/nes-shmup-guide.html?m=1
  3. @RegularGuyGamer you didn't think last year, ski free, was playable? I really enjoyed it. Granted it doesn't change as you keep playing. It is for high score.
  4. @Gloves you were great despite all the difficulties. Your split plan is the best way to move forward. See you in a couple of weeks.
  5. The RetroUSB site shows screenshots of a new version of Study Hall.
  6. I played some Castlevania Rondo of Blood, Ninja Spirit, and Soldier Blade, which are great. Now buying them and worth the cost is another topic, which I am interested in people's opinions as well.
  7. Welcome to VGS Tonya! Glad you found us and joined.
  8. And it's up for sale ! https://www.retrousb.com/product_info.php?cPath=30&products_id=164&osCsid=a2134eaf8fdcd37fe45f4facd850c320
  9. Probably the best route and it worked out. I don't think I mentioned it before, but congratulations on the score and the sale. Also glad to see you over here.
  10. @WhyNotZoidberg, I am trying to remember the thread where picked up SE and the end result. Did you end up selling it?
  11. I don't think I would care too much either way this lands. My 2 cents: While I don't like to have the forum censored, I prefer it be a separate category or a single topic. That way, I just never click on it. If I can have it ignored in my custom content streams, even better. On NA, I just never clicked on the topic. If I wanted to discuss politics, I went elsewhere for that.
  12. That's great Toma. Let's see if we can get more Brewers on board. I don't think Gradualgames or Morphcat is on here yet, but do you think they would be interested? I could reach out to them through other means. @IBtiM see above. We are trying to organize the next Homebrew World Championship Cart and are looking into the possibility of a boss rush concept. Is this something you would be interested in?
  13. I have been noticing several colored vertical stripes on the left side the screen, image attached. It is only noticeable with when a black screen is displayed. What is causing this, is it a concern, and how do I fix it?
  14. Haha. I haven't made it to the end yet, guessing the final boss is "NES" hard.
  15. The boss rush is an interesting idea to explore more. Would the boss rush be no time cap? Just how fast can you make it through? Or would there still be a time cap and a score? Personally, I think the score is important, it makes you find more strategies. Is it better to take no damage or go in there wild. Do you get more points for certain attacks? The time cap element also adds an urgency to it. How feasible would a boss rush competition game be?
  16. Hey hey, welcome to VGS. Glad you joined.
  17. Doesn't the forum owner keep doing this every so often? I remember talking about this a few months ago. The post about the forum closing in 30 days goes back to May. Is it for real this time?
  18. The freeze up avoid is part of the challenge.
  19. @SoleGooseWe got a few good points to why Spook-o'-tron would work and be a good fit. What do you say now, did we sway your opinion? For game play clarity, there could be a transition screen between games with a tag line and a control scheme diagram. Something simple and quick to understand quickly in a couple seconds. "Get ready to shoot some enemies" above a diagram of two NES controllers vertical with "Move" below the left one and "Shoot" below the right one.
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