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Everything posted by Fleck586

  1. The ones that appear outside the grass will kick your ass at first. Only grab the ones in the grass until you beat a couple of gyms
  2. You absolutely can get through the game by just grabbing what you see and leveling up through fights and the main story. I would suggest doing max raids in the beginning for candies to help level up faster. Later in the game they appear much less frequently and are much harder. Take advantage early. My 7 year old son just did those battles and somehow caught a tyranitar that he leveled up with just the candy and then just destroyed everything in his path through the main game with that one pokemon basically.
  3. No problem. I will wait for the next run or just get a different one later. Thanks for looking!
  4. Mine is SW-0767-8372-5796 I sent all of you a request, btw. Happy Switching!
  5. I actually never played 1, but I loved 2. This will give me the opportunity to play 1 without having to go back to the Wii. Now, if Nintendo could just remaster Skyward Sword...
  6. Heck yeah! Pm me and we can figure out a time for the trade? Thanks!!
  7. I'm enjoying it too! Have the Museum, Nooks Cranny, my first bridge, two new neighbors and should have a third tomorrow for a total of 5 inhabitants besides me, and I'm paying off my third house expansion now. I have a little hidden beach too! I haven't caught anything exotic yet. Several Red Snappers, but nothing crazy. I have yet to catch that damn tarantula either. Having a lot of fun. I started with pears, and have sonce added apples and coconuts. This is my first AC game ever. Don't know why I never tried one before but glad I got this one.
  8. Anyone here playing Pokemon Shield? Ive got 4 or 5 left to finish my pokedex and looking for a link trade. All I have left are a few Shield exclusives, but not Zamazenta. I just need Sableye, Drampa, and Goomy or someone in that lineage that I can breed and/or evolve. Anyone?
  9. I would take an AC one if they have it. I was going to upgrade my Day 1 model but kept missing out.
  10. I don't know why you quoted me here. My post was not hateful in any way.
  11. This virus is not contracted in this way. Packages are fine. @Mae247 NOT in support of this.
  12. They sent out an email stating that it was limited to 1000 copies
  13. There's a CE at NISA store that is limited to 1000 copies as well.
  14. I'm in the same boat. I skipped it because I thought it was coming to BB. Oops! Oh well, I will find it later at some point. I stopped blindly buying LRG, but I wanted that one.
  15. 4 days left. How can we push this thing over the edge and get it funded?
  16. I personally input probably half of the Switch titles and almost all of the Amiibo. Its not hard. However, the tracking and backend stuff sounds tougher than I thought so I get it. It just sucks.
  17. I don't understand dropping the Switch. It is one of the most collectable and, frankly, collectED consoles in recent memory and they aren't going to track it? I have never seen the backside, so I would be speaking out of turn, but it is not hard to input. I don't get what they are doing.
  18. Awesome! My 9 year old is really into these right now. Would you say it is appropriate for her?
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