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Everything posted by SailorScoutMandy

  1. My job was trying to get people to wfh before all this started because we needed the space to hire more people. So being forcefully kicked from office helped me test it before commiting and I love it. I no longer have to spend that time getting ready or driving every morning and I'm home sooner to take care of things at home without feeling burnt out from rushing around. Also my wallet loves it because I'm not getting that that fast food and cafeteria eating that I was before hand.
  2. Maggie is interested in this new type of pizza
  3. It can be used an egg replacer. Mayo is just eggs and oil, which go into a cake anyways. I had to use it once when I didn't realize I was out of eggs, you couldn't even tell it was mayo. The cake just turned out nice and fluffy.
  4. Been watching schitt's creek on Netflix. It's hilarious.
  5. Because of covid, Shorts did a take home anniversary party pack since they couldn't hold their in person party. It had come with a shirt, some beer mustard, and beer jam (all were excellent) and I'm just now breaking into one of the beers from that pack.
  6. You know I didn't think of that when I choose this handle but it totally fits for that too hahaha.
  7. Internet is back! We can play! .......I hope Comcast steps on all the Legos
  8. They are really good. I was impressed with them to be honest as I wasn't sure what to expect going into them. Easy weekend reads.
  9. Finally finishing up this trilogy, I'm sorry cycle.
  10. Pokemon crystal. I horded the Gameboy that my brother and I shared to finish it.
  11. Here are some snapshots of last night killer queen black if anyone wanted to take peak. Mainly just the kill shots. Game night 8/7
  12. It's called use what we have because we need to go to the store. Gardein chick'n with teriyaki bbq sauce, with mixed quinoa, red onions, and broccoli.
  13. There are times where I've thought they were equal in quality ex: lord of the rings (NOT the hobbit tho), most of the Harry potter's, the Witcher. There are definitely some where the movie SUCKED ex: eragon, Percy Jackson, the hobbit.
  14. I'm not from Cincinnati lol Also like 99% of my diet is fruit and veggies, I don't eat meat. You try cleaning up a spill with store brand papertowl? It's horrible.
  15. Paper towels and toilet paper. It's like sand paper.
  16. I like his singles but don't know more than that. But I DO love how he says fxck you to the haters tho. They talk badly of him because of his sexuality, so he owns it and I think it makes for entertaining music video.
  17. Question for everyone, I'm currently a chicken with no head planning a wedding just over a month away. Would people be interested in having choice of finishing this or continuing dune next month? Once this wedding is done I'll have more time to get back to reading finally. We can move to new books next month is that is what everyone would like to do.
  18. I love the star wars universe anything. He even proposed to me in front of the millennium falcon. Had these done couple gets ago, it's hard to photograph the back of your own arm hhaha.
  19. We are good whenever, if it's after this weekend then more awesome. Have an out of town wedding to attend tomorrow.
  20. Yay! It's a good one, I'm excited to read the next when I finish this one.
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