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Everything posted by SailorScoutMandy

  1. I'm shy and quiet in person but online I can talk for a mile an hour. I take my job very seriously, but my job doesn't fit how I look or act necessarily. Finance job but I got piercings, tattoos, and stretched ears, I'm crass and loud with a mouth like a sailor. To me It's easier to make connections without seeing the other person's face and trying to figure out what they're thinking.
  2. I really liked mistborn, well the first two at least. I tried to read the third and I uhhh haven't finished it yet. It just didn't grasp at me like the first two.
  3. This is the weekend @drxandy have to attend a wedding. Here's to hoping this barn venue isn't a sauna.
  4. I love what YouTube can give. They have all these aesthetic music videos, amazing. I'll check this out once I crack open that beast of a book. I traded a video game for that book too fox haha.
  5. A lot of hardcovers I own have quotes instead of titles engraved to cover under the book jacket. That version looks more like the one I tried to read first go.
  6. I tried to read this with a thrifted copy but it had such small font it killed my eyes. Ended up with this bad boy instead
  7. I redownload my battle net client, as soon as I did the marketing emails start again. Money hungry blizzard. Anyone pre purchase and have beta access?
  8. Comforting to know I'm not the only one taking screen shots when happen to win. Haha. Also those boys can be something else, too bad can't choose their difficulty haha.
  9. Just finished part one and starting the first interlude. With the two story lines, it is still easy to follow them without mixing them up. I do hope to see I already plan on purchasing the other books come payday
  10. Tim Burton does batman I really enjoyed these batman films before they changed actor/director. Jack Nicholson makes a wonderful joker!!!
  11. That's why I tried to spread dune out for a few months. I plan on starting it once I finish this months book (which I'm well on my way because it's so good!!!).
  12. Our local resale does it in order, example $55, $55, $55 (free), $45, $35, $30 (free). Although they do it buy 5 get the 6th free, but still in order. So of you got 12 the 6th and 12th item are free. They don't just take the cheapest off.
  13. I'm hooked and sad I have to work today. Rather just read! It's even raining outside, it'd be perfect.
  14. Book maps are sexy. The Way of the Kings has many maps
  15. I think the new film was supposed to come out last year or something, but covid.
  16. Someone needs to break this multi way tie.
  17. Exactly why I don't feel bad going PC > console
  18. Nightwish for ever! Hand down one of the best sounding concerts I've ever been to. Saw them at the Decades tour in 2018 or so.
  19. Worms with a follow up of Tetris or killer queen.
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