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Everything posted by Sumer

  1. I guess I better do this one since I have him as my avatar on this site:
  2. Never played it, and probably never will. But, after I voted, and seeing some of the comments about it being a puzzler and an adventure....I guess you never know...I just may!
  3. The only reason I picked Tecmo Bowl is that I truly have only played TSB one or two times over 30 years ago. I remember it being a lot of fun, but I have to get a copy sometime so I can truly appreciate it for what its worth. So, default choice is TB since I have Tecmo Bowl and recently beat the game with Da Bears (No Bengals in the first game), so I had been playing a lot of it lately and it truly is a great game. However, I plan to get a copy of Tecmo Super right before the NFL season starts this year...I have been saying that for the last five NFL seasons, but this year...this is the year!
  4. SMB3. Not a big fan of 3D Mario games until Odyssey. That said, I can have fun every now and again with 64...just not as much fun as SMB3.
  5. That's the one reason why we live in Boone County as opposed to Kenton or Campbell Counties (or even Grant County). In the last decade, Boone County probably has the highest growth of "non-Kentuckians" in it. Many of our neighbors in our subdivision aren't from Kentucky originally. I think the draw for Boone are the schools compared to Kenton and Campbell, the airport of course, and all of the undeveloped land 10 years ago that everyone bought up at cheap prices and turned them into "higher end" sub-divisions and suburbs. Come to think of it, our neighbors across the street are from Arizona, the people behind us are from Michigan, and the people "back-side cadie corner" to us are from Missouri. And of course, we are from Iowa!
  6. That's fine...I'm from Iowa originally. What is really strange around here is that most Kentuckians are afraid to cross the river except for work...it really is...strange. As an outsider who has lived in Greater Cincinnati for the past 10 years (and visited every summer since the late 80s, since my dad lived here), it just strikes me a bit odd. Kentuckians act like they are going into Canada or Mexico when they cross into Ohio.
  7. So you must appreciate that my avatar says "Cincy Metro Area." I live in Union, KY, by the way!
  8. It hasn't been important to me since probably around the GameCube/XBOX/PS2 era. I will listen to the news after the show, but don't get hyped about it anymore. I actually miss the old days of the CES and the video game industry trying to gain respect for the new medium at that type of show. Plus, more stuff to see and get hyped up other than video games. They should just go back to CES.
  9. My wife had a NES when she was a kid, but to this day, the only games she will play are Mario 1 & 3, Tetris, and Dr. Mario. She is actually better than me at SMB3...she claims to have spent one summer finding all the warp whistles with her girlfriend and all the other hidden items they could find. I asked her why she didn't just look in Nintendo Power and she said, "What's a Nintendo Power?" Big respect for her after that...finding the stuff on her own. And, of course, this was pre-internet!
  10. 5. Very average game. I have Wonder Boy for Master System and would give that version a nod over Adventure Island. Though I do like Master Higgins' hat a bit better than Wonder Boy's mop of hair.
  11. YES! This one! This was a meme on the playground in the late 80s before the term "meme" even existed.
  12. Which is unfortunate, as it was a decent game on home computers back then. I had it on my Tandy 1000. I would almost say that we may not even be able to count the NES version of Ghostbusters for this thread, given it was released first on computers, was a good enough game on there, and they thought they could replicate the success on the #1 console. Hence, we understand why it was released!
  13. Gave it a 6. It is fun in doses, has the best port of NBA Jam TE of that time, and those mech games (series name escapes me at the moment...it moved over to PS1 after the Jag failed) were OK. AtariAge has a small homebrew community that is keeping the thing on life support!
  14. Looks cool! When I first came on this evening, I almost thought VGS was "offline" or moved again. Then I realized it was a new landing page!
  15. I have Temple of Apshai for both Commodore 64 and the Atari 8-bit computer. I have played it on C64 and it is actually quite entertaining with you reading the manual as go along to each room...it almost feels like a board game being played on the C64, or a D&D session with you acting as both the player and Dungeon Master.
  16. As a kid, the buzz words and phrases I thought would matter going forward, I bet wrong on "blast processing." I wish that would become a thing again in today's world.
  17. It's a real thing for me, at least, once I hit my 40s. Seriously, when I turned 40, its like my eyes suddenly got even worse than they were. I still can't believe I have frickin' bifocals!
  18. I think I got the GBA Player accessory (and the fabled play disc), literally, right before it exploded in price. One of my few "collecting insights" of my career. The GBA Player for GC is a great accessory. It really is the only way I play GBA games nowadays.
  19. Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1. Many of you know I don't like JRPGs. So I don't play Final Fantasy games after FF6 (and even that one was starting to get "too JRPG" for me). But, I still would like to give Tactics a try sometime, due to the tactical gameplay, from what I hear. I have my brother's copy of Tactics sitting right over here. I have had it for probably 15 years, but still haven't played it. I think my brother forgot I still have his copy. I should remind him of this...
  20. I gave it a 7, but it is a 7.5 in my mind. Don't get me wrong...I was super-hyped when I got the SNES the "launch Christmas" of 1991. One of the kids in the neighborhood had rented the system from a local mom & pop video store known for game renting (even had an AES Neo Geo to rent), and my mom would never take us to that video store...had to wait for our dad to come visit us for us to visit it. Anyway, I was super-jealous of the neighbor kid who got to rent before even I did! But...after playing with it the first month or so, some of the magic of the NES era was lost. Can't explain it, for some reason. I still liked the games very much, but not as much as the NES. Additionally, my brother and I got a Genesis a few years later right when Mortal Kombat was launching, and I prefer that system over the SNES. I gave the Genesis an 8.5.
  21. I have Super Mega Baseball II, but I want something even lighter than that...hence why I asked about the Backyard Baseball series! If I am way off base here (pun not intended) and the Backyard Baseball series is NOT lighter than Super Mega, let me know. I may just stick with Super Mega II.
  22. Hi all, Title pretty much asks it. I am interested in getting into a very light, easy, arcade-y baseball game, and I have heard great things about the Backyard Baseball series in general. I don't care about playing real MLB teams or MLB players, and actually would probably prefer fictional teams and characters. Which Backyard Baseball entry would you recommend to start with on console (whether it be PS2, GameCube, DS, etc.)? I know the original few entries were PC-only, and I have a Mac, so I am not sure I could even play the first one. Heck, I am not even sure there is a legitimate way to even buy the first entry nowadays, besides CD-ROMs on eBay. Anyway, give me your thoughts and recommendations! I hear the best player in any of these games is a kid named Pablo Sanchez and I should get him on my team!
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