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Gulag Joe

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Everything posted by Gulag Joe

  1. If you have any games sitting in post grading, all grades are now listed for those orders. Guess they were getting all kinds of emails from people who've been waiting months in post grading so they decided to show the grades...or it's a glitch...
  2. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is the greatest game of all time
  3. Had a previous order where Wata put my games back to scanned as well. They put the DVD sized games back into scanned but shipped the other half of my order which was nes games.
  4. @Domuhnator I am having a hard time figuring out how to search completed auctions through Goldin's site. Am I missing something or is that not a feature Goldin offers?
  5. I think the Griffey 9.2 sold for a good deal. It's not a million dollar game, but I see the potential in relation to the popularity versus the potential future demand.
  6. Just want to share that I had an express order with VGA that was due in July and their 6 month backlog applies to ALL orders, so no special treatment for me from VGA. I can respect that. I have not received the order yet. If I sent that order to Wata I'd likely have the order back by now.
  7. Yes, it's the wata holder that sold, not the garbage pal game inside of it!
  8. Look on the bright side, maybe this will be the week you get your games!
  9. I'm definitely curious to see what the Wata 10 looks like. Karate Kid oval seal is the only game to get one and judging by the amount of other high grade copies it likely came from a six pack.
  10. So based on NES being Wata's highest submission based platform, it is safe to presume every other system has fewer submissions and relatively lower populations...
  11. Sqoon: Wata population- 1 -Known Atwood population- at least 18 Al Unser Jr's Turbo Racing: Wata population- 1 -Known Atwood population- 0 Therefore: Al Unser Jr's Turbo Racing > Sqoon
  12. I think NES Terminator 2 was a great game. It was done very well and it's an interesting play. Haven't played any others though.
  13. I'd think so. Perhaps the reason those 2 were the most graded is because they were the titles that had the lowest sales and were more likely to go unsold and ultimately sat in overstock. Edit: I forgot Wata doesn't grade the bigger box games, so I stand corrected.
  14. I want to be clear that I do not believe there are hundreds more out there, just pointing out that the facts and data simply don't seem to support that theory.
  15. People are spending this money because they are rare, there's no way around that. Comparatively, 20,000 PSA graded Fleer Michael Jordan rookie cards are out there and they all command a very high price, always at least 4 figures. Twenty. Thousand. Jordan hasn't played basketball in nearly 20 years, but the popularity is still there. Sure he might be the GOAT. Mario 3 is arguably the NES GOAT. It's just all dependent upon demand. Will Mario 3 be able to command that type of popularity in demand? Time will tell.
  16. Reserved Investments supported the belief that if you combine the populations of Wata and VGA, it would come out to like 500 some sealed games. I guess he didn't see these numbers, but I'm sure hundreds more poured in for VGA to grade since 2019.
  17. I can agree with that, though I don't think tripling the population of certain titles like Double Dribble a year from now necessarily means that 60 sealed copies classifies as an abundance, especially compared to NWC. The media attention from the million dollar game over the summer probably generated a bit of a boom, but I'm speculating that the vast majority of sealed games in Excellent-Near Mint condition or better that have not already been sent to Wata or VGA are not out there waiting to be discovered on a secret pallet and are not out there in ample supply. That's obviously my own personal speculation derived from experience looking for some of these titles for so long and will continue to be a subject of debate.
  18. Come and get some, baby! Gulag Joe can handle it
  19. Define drastically- like hundreds of more games for each title a year from now? How much do you want to bet?
  20. Sure, it wasn't the mArKeT pReDaToR aNtIfA cOnSpiRaCy that you're normally into. Some people don't want to accept the simple reasons for why things are the way they are. And he didn't make it to "argue", he's adding to the other videos that target people like you who choose to leave out the actual reality of what's happening.
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