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Gulag Joe

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Everything posted by Gulag Joe

  1. My favorite part is people accusing others of destroying the hobby simply for getting their games graded and selling them.
  2. I will now do everything I can to destroy the video game collecting hobby all because some people don't know how to speculate! You better buy up all those mint condition CIB sports games before I do! Here comes the rain, bitches!
  3. Most people I know resubmitted their VGA games to Wata because they had games that were graded VGA 80+ for having a scuffed seal. The harshness of VGA putting immense weight on the seal was perceived as illogical and is arguably how Wata itself came to be. Those resubs came back 9.4/9.6 A or A+ This is why many of us thought that the VGA 95 SM64 might command a higher premium than the original million dollar Wata SM64. But you can hang on to the belief that everyone looked to crossover to "get rich" even though the bulk of the crossover submissions happened when Wata initially launched.
  4. People have been saying stuff like this about sealed games on these boards for at least a decade and here we are today witnessing sealed games selling for 6 and 7 figures. But..."IT’S JUST NOT GOING TO HAPPEN"
  5. What is the total number of unique sealed SM3 games graded by VGA and sold compared to Wata graded sealed SM3 sold since 2012?
  6. One of the issues I have with Reserved Investments hot take on the population report is that he thinks 64 graded copies of a game over a period of 3 years means there's going to be thousands more eventually. Even if that is the case, which it won't be, he's not factoring in market growth and new hobby interest. It's been less than 24 hours and 23 factory sealed NES games have sold on ebay since the pop report dropped. Just wait til more people find out about these populations, especially when the Collectors Universe marketing machine starts its push.
  7. I just looked at the Zelda pops. In the last HA signature I was expecting the 8.0 TM to go for 2 million and didn't understand why it didn't until I saw the 9.2 and 9.4. I'm sure the buyers knew of their existence prior to bidding, but still wild for a 8.0 to go for 700k.
  8. If anyone publishes any articles or blogs in regard to the mass scarcity of sealed NES games related to the release of Wata's pop report, please post them here. That includes youtubers as well. I'm especially looking forward to what Reserved Investments has to say as he's been demanding a release for years now.
  9. Only Wata is allowed to decide what is mint and what is not mint!
  10. They could be legit. They could also be crushed on the other side, covered in mold, have water damage, or holes from where mice chewed through them from sitting on a dusty pallet for 10 years.
  11. 1. Employees at Wata are not top secret government employees. They have lives and relationships just like everyone else. Your comments lead me to believe you want Wata to hire people who don't know what they're doing. These companies come to many boards like this one to hire people to grade games. And a lot of video game collectors are friends with other video game collectors. Keeping these graders in a basement prison similar to how Jesse Pinkman ended up in Breaking Bad is not how things work! 2. I'm not arguing that if there's only three total games of a title that have been graded, that anything not a 9.8 would be worthless. This is where the importance of the population report comes in and why so many of "my crew" wanted it. But obviously the highest grade will command the market. 3. Incorrect. The number of interested buyers in this high end market is growing much faster than you want to believe. 4. Sealed video games have a perceived higher value than most comic books and you will see that trend grow now that this pop report has been released. 5. You seem to believe that VGA accepted thousands of video game submissions over the last 13 years when that is definitely not the case. Apply your "niche collector hobby" to this scenario and ask yourself, being a collector, how many collector friends you know of that sent their games to VGA and is that a high number? 6. I simply disagree with you here. 7. If you ever start up a grading company (since that's the new thing to do considering the hobby is exploding in popularity), don't lock up your graders in a basement like Jesse Pinkman.
  12. Been through this on other threads but the "Atwood collection" was primarily comprised of all the leftover junk that nobody bought. Have any of the games out of Atwoods collection sold for 100k or even 50k? Regardless, his 2 six packs of Astyanax only equal 12 games that, if piled up correctly, resemble a trash can.
  13. This entire comment is a complete misrepresentation of what is being discussed and shines a great big light on some people's ignorance of the entire subject of video game collecting. 1. Try actually speaking to anyone who works at Wata. It might help you get a good idea of what they do and what kind of submissions they receive. Accuracy rating: Accurate 2. The higher the grade, the more valuable the game is. This is the standard practice across all graded collectible markets. Accuracy rating: Accurate 3. The hobby has exploded and will continue to explode. Video games are literally selling for millions of dollars. Accuracy rating: Accurate 4. Video games can't be compared to comic books because the vast majority of comic books don't come factory sealed. Accuracy rating: Accurate 5. Only 22 NES titles (out of 778 total titles graded by Wata) have a population that can be accurately described as "scores" (at least 40 copies). Accuracy rating: Accurate 6. Not sure where the OP was going with this one. This data is great news for high end resellers because in this case, "scores" is not equal to "thousands". Accuracy rating: Accurate 7. It's not cool to trash business owners and their employees who are simply working a job to make a living doing what they love. Accuracy rating: Accurate
  14. No it won't. There are 5 active video game grading companies in existence right now with even more to come and all of them are backlogged. The hobby is exploding and will continue to grow.
  15. The VGA pop reports will look similar to these numbers, but more than likely the VGA pops will show slightly smaller pops.
  16. You don't understand what I'm saying. That's not something to fret over, it's OK to be wrong. I'm not judging you.
  17. Nothing is twisted. Your myth cannot be supported.
  18. I sent all my vga games to wata and I'm not the only one, so it's not a myth.
  19. Path of Neo is arguably one of the best xbox games ever made. There are online petitions to this very day of people pleading for xbox to remake it or allow for backwards compatibility. It might not be as awesome as Star Wars: KOTOR, but def top 5. So, after all that, imma advise you to keep it sealed and not play it!
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