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Everything posted by YOURTURN

  1. By looking for every listing tied to what he was looking for, click on a link tied to eBay (along with any others found afterwards), and double check if that sale was finalized or something else. All I can say is that I used to do a lot of hunting, and investigating, during my non-import collecting game days. And using this trick had me find stuff that even eBay's own search engine could not find on their site.
  2. *looks at where she is from* . . . . . *facepalms because he currently resides in that county*
  3. Both Google and eBay confirm that the one "sold" on the latter has been relisted. However, going back to Google had me find this listing that might give a more realistic hint at it might be worth. LINK: https://www.pricecharting.com/game/playstation/silent-hill#completed-auctions-graded
  4. I think I know what you mean. There is a vintage Transformers collector who knew a lot about those, but knew nothing when it came to TakaraTomy's revival of their Generation One continuity. When it comes to collectors, it can be quite maddening. But when it comes to sellers, it depends on who they followed before they take an offer. In all cases... I love seeing that Y's in your collection. And I heard some are petitioning for a third Lunar game.
  5. Not to slam Super Potato, but that percentage is more accurate than the grade they gave a CIB I bought from them in 2017.
  6. It's also political. Plus "Sleepy" is a derogatory. So all I can say, without saying more, is that conversation should be continued in the political topic. Plus I feel bad for those who live in the NE part of the U.S. I have a family member that is still expecting a Japan Post package that was sent by sea mail. Since December. And even that feels less stressful than those who are expecting games during any incoming winter storms. With that said... I'm going to go silent while I look into ideas that I got from this game room.
  7. Back in the day. It was close to a year before Sega announced that they were going to pull the plug on the Dreamcast. And right now I am debating if I should play PSO2 now or wait until they put out the updated version.
  8. I wish I knew how to get online with mine. The one I got was pre-owned but did get both Phantasy Star Online (with the Sonic Adventure demo) and the keyboard for X'mas. But even then having the offline mode made the game a joy to play.
  9. Thanks. The funny thing is that I got it because I wanted the DLC card. Plus seeing that it is different than Final Fantasy helped convince me to buy it. And has me wish I knew about it in December 2015-January 2016 when I was in Osaka. But that is a different story. Which has me hope they will do a Switch version in 2021-2022. Plus Kenshin Dragon Quest is basically a retelling of Dragon Quest I and they used that version of the Hero in the Monster Battle Road series. The remote sized sword makes it look fun, but I never found a sealed copy in nice condition. Which is fine since I missed out on the arcade-style Monster Battle Road controller for the Wii. ()
  10. Giggity. (But honestly, this reminds me of my toy hunting days in Tokyo.) Let's save that mode when he upgrades and becomes Regular Suit Reed.
  11. Also... I second @Bearcat-Doug's suggestion that you look into ordering bottom-sliding cases from CGA. A lot of Transformers collectors I used to follow opted for these because it was cheaper for some, and keeping a "CIB" item from more wear and tear for others. Plus it tends to have a better visual appeal for those who do not like seeing labels anywhere on (or above) the case. Plus you can focus more on your collection and less on a grade you might not like. In the end I only recommend grading if you want to do more than preserve a game. Selling now, or later, is always an option. But in your case, get the cases now and grade them when you have a reason to do that.
  12. As a person who has a thing for sealed collectibles, all I can say is that it is a 'preservation' thing. The only maintenance needed is temperature and humidity control. And to keep the acrylic cases both clean and safe, which is a lot less stressful when compared to it being done for sealed/loose video games. Plus those who have money to do this can buy a second copy to play, or even have the data transferred to a MAME machine. With the former it is legal as long as they own a physical copy. Which might be the way things end by the time you become Robo Reed Rothchild V.2 (V.1 could not walk up stairs).
  13. I currently refuse to pay ~$200 USD just to "upgrade" my CIB copy of Dragon Quest 25th Anniversary to a "sealed" sample. Simply because my copy is brand new regardless of the reason it was not sealed. As for the auctions he was doing... I will just point out those are examples on why I prefer to maintain my sanity, as opposed to acting like a "rich bitch" when it comes to me collecting anything. Prost!
  14. My latest acquisition, which concludes my 'Phantasy Star Online' goals. Plus with the way things are for me I might save off my Megami Tensei goals in favor of having my Dragon Quest games be graded this year. Including the CIB that should have arrived sealed. I will note that this arrived a week late because of a mix-up. But despite that I still recommend the seller, and will note that he has one sealed copy left. If you a Phantasy Star collector and want a loose copy, please PM me. LINK: https://www.siliconera.com/phantasy-star-portable-2-infinity-demo-is-future-collectors-item/ For those wondering I made sure that the non-video based link was rewound to the beginning. I don't need any more confusing accusations being brought up again. Plus I should note that this week is the 10th anniversary of the first week I stayed in Japan.
  15. One thing comes to mind: Patience. Patience is the key, and persistence. Which makes it two things. Lets start again. Patience and persistence are the two things you need, along with analytical thinking. Which makes it three things. Once again... You need patience, persistence, analytical thinking... And luck. Meaning that you need FOUR things! Ugh! You need patience, persistence, analytical thinking, luck, and... Good communication skills for those who might help. Which makes it FIVE things! Ugh... They make it look easy when it came to the Sega Inquisition.
  16. Bad timing on my side. I'll repost the video at a later date. And @trj22487 I live with a family member who, after being told that I have Asperger's, has spent that time not really understanding what I have to deal with. Financially, they tend to be supportive when that is possible. But emotionally, it's one of those cases that has made my life more complicated than it could have been. So I totally relate with you when it comes to that.
  17. It's a solid 7 for me. In the end the library for the Sega CD/Mega-CD had potential, but some of the games I might have wanted to play (back then or even now) never came to the states. And I also never knew about a number of Genesis games back then, which might have helped me raise it to an 8. Maybe a 9 if I really did enjoy those games.
  18. Being a former fan of the franchise, I'm not. Hasbro discontinued the North American end of the line in 1990. The Japanese line, which used to be my focus, lasted until 1992. And the European market ended in 1993.
  19. *pops fingers* *starts to play "Lion -May'n Ver.- on YouTube* Here's my list. The top 5 would be hard to beat, especially the top 2. But I would not be surprised if this changed since the only other franchise I like nearly as much as Dragon Quest is Record of Lodoss War. Do there is a chance that 'Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth' might find a spot on that list. 01. Dragon Quest VI (DS ver.) 02. Dragon Quest IV (DS ver.) 03. Dragon Quest III (Super Famicom ver.) 04. Dragon Quest I (Super Famicom ver.) 05. Dragon Quest VIII (PS2 ver.) 06. Dragon Quest IX 07. Dragon Quest V (DS ver.) 08. Dragon Quest XI (PS4 ver.) 09. Dragon Quest VII (PS one ver.) 10. Dragon Quest II (Super Famicom ver.)
  20. I am aware that YouTube has technical issues that include the issue you are talking about. What makes little sense is why you would assume that I'd do that on purpose. As opposed to, I don't know, see if it can be replicated on my end... Or maybe even see if there is a way to fix that issue. With both being a "no" in the end. And also, your opening question was obscure enough that it was misunderstood. Next time just ask me for any details that will have you have a better understanding on anything tied to me. Or just use the secret code to give me infinite confusion.
  21. The difference between an Action-Adventure game and an Action-RPG is easy to differentiate. In the end it is no different than knowing the difference between a (post-Toei's Spider-Man) super sentai series and a kaiju series. Which, ironically, has a chance of me finding a similar argument to yours. Action = Real-time combat that requires some level of skill to defeat your opponents. Both equipment upgrades and skill upgrades are often found in this type of game series. [Example(s): River City Ransom, Metroid] Adventure = Role-playing experiences without the means of playing an actual RPG. Talking to NPCs and/or obtaining equipment to complete a task is fundamental, even if both are not offered. [Example(s): Myst, King's Quest] Roleplaying Game (RPG) = Stats are required to properly use select equipment, be a select class and/or race, or some other type of requirement the series offers. [Example(s): Bloodborne, Elder Scrolls] In the end both Spider-Man and Yakuza (pre-Like a Dragon) use currency to get a select skill, buy a product, or even both. But neither have mechanics that separate it from their "Adventure" elements. As with my experiences with both tabletop and computer RPGs, if you do not have the skills the RPG mechanics that the Souls series offer tend to be helpful.
  22. You're welcome. And I hope it can be found since I might have to push my return to Tokyo closer to August. Which complicates my means of looking into me having Wata grade my non-portable imports. And I have to agree because they have a good chunk of merch that I want, but either missed out on or cannot afford. Which has me feel a bit better that I caved on this even though the Mega Drive is more iconic (and cheaper on that site).
  23. I never said you did. What I said was a reference for those who might thought otherwise. As with the video, I used it because the majority of the video was used to show two of the three chargers. And was both the first and only one I found as a visual reference for what I finally bought (a year later). The pillow portion was at the end so I personally felt it was either a product others (who are Sega fans) might like, or be ignored once he shifted focus from the charger to that.
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