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Everything posted by ApebitMusic

  1. I’ve been rockin’ the bandana for most excursions.
  2. Waaaiit, WATA screwed up the label... it says Player's Choice. p.s. Gonna check out your podcast!
  3. Good stuff, Oldskull! Lots of good points. A compilation release would be really cool, and would give a lot of the members something to focus on, as I agree, the market is just so oversaturated. I mean it's so "easy" to make music these days, that it's hard to cut through the noise (no pun intended) to the really talented artists. Of which, there are many, don't get me wrong.
  4. Aww man, that's so cool. No I havent done any physical release. I've wondered if there is still a market for that/worth the trouble.
  5. I assumed it was.... ? Not to mention there's another listed on Ebay for $399 (which also appears resealed). Unless this is that odd game that wasn't sealed with an H-Seam? https://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Gameboy-Color-GRAND-THEFT-AUTO-Factory-Sealed-Nintendo/264726019930?epid=3687&hash=item3da2e67f5a:g:v64AAOSwX~hetyD3
  6. !? What's the background on this!? Are the tiny dots painted on to simulate a starfield or is that just dust/debris? Hehe
  7. Hey there! Willing to pay a good bounty on a CIB Atari Lynx, Version 1. Let me know!
  8. Wow, you got some cajones pulling that off (pun intended). haha. I probably would have left it on, as it didn't cover up anything too crucial. I tend to think these types of stickers give a game some provenance as well, as long as they're not covering up a lot of artwork/copy. EDIT: I swear I used the word "cajones" before i saw that fcgamer had! haha
  9. About FFL.. I only recently realized that my copy is actually a reissue, rereleased by Sunsoft in 1998. I have yet to see a sealed Square-published copy. If anyone has one or knows where to get one, I'd love to know!
  10. Picked this guy up a few months back. Very nostalgic game for me.
  11. Nice pickups. The GBA SP is such a great handheld. If only it had a headphone jack.
  12. Oh wow, thanks so much! How did you hear about it, if you remember?
  13. I think stickers like that really add to a sealed game. I wouldn't want it removed.
  14. Thanks guys! I'll post again when I release my new album!
  15. Hey guys! I'm pretty new around here but was a long-time NA poster. My music has been used by the Angry Video Game Nerd in his last few videos, so I'm hoping to use that to gain some momentum I'd love to work with developers and get more retro gamers interested in my music. Please check out and support here!: apebit.bandcamp.com and here the newest single off my upcoming album, Precipice: Stardust, which will be a dark, sci-fi sorta SNES-style album: Your support is really appreciated! Thanks so much! Apebit
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