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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. That's what happened in 2016. If you look at the polls leading up to the election, Hillary had a 24 point lead at one point. That's huge! Even the week of, most polls gave her a 2-5 point win. The only source who correctly called a Trump victory literally every week and month leading up to the election was the LA Times. Even Fox had Hillary winning after September. Whatever magic LA Times has should be studied for decades. I can't wait to see their polls for this election. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html I think this election will be different. Many Republicans are fed up and Biden is more likeable than Hillary was.
  2. Deal. I will hear out anyone and engage seriously. I might not have similar viewpoints but I'm passionate and will speak up if someone says something I don't agree with or I think is incorrect or misleading.
  3. You are hilarious man. I'll let @fcgamer unpack this hot mess. Spurious correlation https://www.statisticshowto.com/spurious-correlation/ Correlation vs causation https://www.jmp.com/en_us/statistics-knowledge-portal/what-is-correlation/correlation-vs-causation.html Enlighten yourselves
  4. I'll also carry over this from the last page of the old thread. @Silent Hill if you want to chime in since you actually understand what truly happened. Ferguson is the single most bullsh!t BLM facade throughout the past 7 years. Built on a complete lie. Michael Brown fought with an officer and grabbed for his gun. This was after Michael Brown had just robbed a store. He wasn't an innocent hands up don't shoot nice guy. The media and BLM movement fabricated the whole thing and the public bought it without doing their own research. Never accept anything the news says about these events at face value. Always look it up yourself and do your own research. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2015/03/16/lesson-learned-from-the-shooting-of-michael-brown/ The latest fabricated lie was the death of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta. Almost the same story, but the truth got much quicker than during the Ferguson tragedy.
  5. https://www.270towin.com https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/ I know it's early and polls don't mean anything but when Texas is now a possible swing state, you know this isn't going to go Trump's way. I'm so confident I will bet any of you real money that Biden wins.
  6. I'll start this out with a wtf is wrong with you @Link? Since we can't quote anymore because the politics thread is closed, here's his post which is on page 173. You act all high and mighty and above everyone else, then you go and spit this crap. It's f*cking disgusting. @fcgamer too since he was addressing you. Link 572 Posted 16 hours ago So why are you saying Trader Joe’s shouldn’t stop their cultural appropriation branding? Oh were you washing your chingchong bingbong rugs? Is that what you asian wannabes do to fit in in your adoptive country that you move to and still fail to be allowed to buy a home? I guess you and your parents just made poor choices. Too bad.
  7. He's saying the Michael Brown hands up don't shoot thing was a bullsh!t facade, which it was. Everyone should be treated by the same by police. If you grab a cops' weapon, expect that you might be shot by that cop in self defense. Don't be a f*cking idiot and grab for a cops' weapon.
  8. Ferguson is the single most bullsh!t BLM facade throughout the past 7 years. Built on a complete lie. Michael Brown fought with an officer and grabbed for his gun. This was after Michael Brown had just robbed a store. He wasn't an innocent hands up don't shoot nice guy. The media and BLM movement fabricated the whole thing and the public bought it without doing their own research. Never accept anything the news says about these events at face value. Always look it up yourself and do your own research. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2015/03/16/lesson-learned-from-the-shooting-of-michael-brown/ The latest fabricated lie was the death of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta. Almost the same story, but the truth got much quicker than during the Ferguson tragedy.
  9. It's partial trolling. A lot of your points are hilarious dude. I have to mess with you on some of them because of how absurd they are. You guys confuse correlation with causation a lot. Look those two up. They're completely different. Look up spurious variables as well.
  10. What @Silent Hill is getting at is that you can't generalize this. There are plenty of instances where cops arrest minorities without killing them. Cops aren't out there hunting down and slaughtering people in the middle of the night like a bunch of predators. Maybe there are disproportionate effects. I haven't looked up the data myself but it doesn't mean a certain scenario always happens for a certain race every single time.
  11. Hey man if I'm getting trolled, I'll call it out.
  12. BLM is a sham. They are not what they're purported to be.
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself, or at all really. If I made this exact post, it'd get ripped to shreds simply because I wrote it. Your post is critical. We as a society need to stop generalizing all these groups. It's extremely dangerous to do so.
  14. It's from the don't @ me thread. He broke the rule.
  15. They know now. I don't appreciate the misrepresentation of what I said and the tit for tat mocking from a mod after another mod told us all to knock it off. I'm trying to play by the rules but when a mod disregards them, it's hard to bite my tongue. It was a question to see where people's minds are at.
  16. @JamesRobot already failed at the don't @ me bro rule *sigh*.
  17. Idk. The Trader Joe's thing was the most recent one I saw. Question, if someone doesn't support Starbucks anymore because they don't like them taking out religious aspects on their products, is this the same thing as someone not supporting Chick Fil A because Chick Fil A once donated to an organization that was against the lgbtq+ community?
  18. Don't put words in my mouth. I said you're a hypocrite if you do that, not that you can't patronize any company. Shop wherever you want. You're a good troll. Where do you come up with this stuff man? To be clear so he doesn't put words into my mouth again, no I don't think Nancy Pelosi will do that.
  19. It's invalid because it goes against the media's narrative and the YouTubers don't support BLM. Being against the movement automatically makes whatever they say invalid.
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