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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. I never denied that's what their real goal and meaning of defund the police is. I was simply saying they should have a better name or slogan to get their message across better because so many people DO think they actually want to fully get rid of police department funding. I give you a grade C- for your troll attempt. Do better next time.
  2. "Defund: prevent from continuing to receive funds." Defund doesn't mean "to switch how funding is allocated". If the defund the police movement is aimed at changing fund allocations of police departments, the movement should be renamed to reflect that. Maybe something like redistribute police funding.
  3. Let's change the culture then. It can be done. Let's all stop f*cking discriminating and being racist towards one another. Let's be fair. Let's unite. UNITED States of America.
  4. These are @Links direct quotes "In any case, I don’t need to support a religious retailer" then I said "you're against religious organizations" then he said "....so what"
  5. Not denying it. Simply pointing out that the reason why they close on Sunday might not be to boost church attendance. It could simply be because they don't want employees to work on the Sabbath. Troll harder next time.
  6. He's discriminating because the reason he doesn't support CFA isn't because the CEO donated to organizations against the lgbtq+ community; he's discriminating because he doesn't support CFA since he says they're a religious organization. Not what I said. Try harder to troll and stop putting words in my mouth. He is discriminating. Idk how else to explain to you what discrimination is. If he said he wouldn't eat there because CFA donated to an anti lgbtq+ organization, then that's not discrimination, but that's not what he said.
  7. Well said. You have to hide who you truly are. God forbid you're religious and actually announce that to people *gasp*. The horrors. It actually often does have negative consequences of people assuming your ideologies simply because you're religious.
  8. You do know you can go to church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday right?
  9. They are different but they're both forms of discrimination. You can't pick and choose discrimination. Deciding to do or not do something because of one's religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, age, etc is discrimination. When did cops get brought up? You really have been gone a while.
  10. Lol what? I feel like there's more to this story.
  11. You being against religious organizations is no different than someone being against minorities. In both instances one is discriminating against a group because of their race or religion. You just openly admitted you actively discriminate against religious people. You're incredible dude. Digging that hole deeper and deeper.
  12. I bet your access to here for the rest of time that CFA never goes back to supporting anti lgbtq+ organizations. The truth finally comes out. You're against religious organizations. We got em boys!
  13. So why don't you go to chick fil a anymore? They don't donate to those 2 organizations who were against gay marriage anymore. Stay woke brotato chip. Re-edumacate yourself. Your previously boycotted businesses may no longer have these long standing issues. You all can go back to eating at CFA CONGRATULATIONS!! https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/18/chick-fil-a-drops-donations-to-christian-charities-after-lgbt-protests.html
  14. @Link target donated funds to a campaign against same sex marriage. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/target-apologizes-for-controversial-political-donation/ There was also animal abuse going on at one of their egg suppliers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation Transgender people can use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. Only an issue depending on what side you fall on. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Target_Corporation
  15. I only corrected you because you were being a little smart ass correcting one of my misuses of "their". I'll have to tie up the score in the future. You're up 2-1. I'll get your 80% when I have more time to look stuff up. It's really not hard. You'll just choose to ignore it anyways though and come up with excuses for why you can still shop at your places. How dare you insult SJWs as made up characters. You just offended several folks.
  16. Not sure how using a term is part of the problem. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Social Justice Warrior Are people who use the term BLM part of the problem? Are people who use the phrases "the left" or "the right" part of the problem? These phrases are simply meant to identify a group of people with similar ideologies.
  17. Looks like Mexico is getting absolutely wrecked by COVID-19 wow. Stay safe if any of you are from there!
  18. Sorry, I'm not referring to you per-say. It's a generic "you" meant for anyone.
  19. You're actually getting out there. I applaud you for that. You actually walk the walk and talk the talk. You're not like a lot of other people who are all talk and don't get out there to make change.
  20. I will listen to anyone about any issue and fully hear them out. I will also do my homework and make my own informed decisions and opinions. See my other post for the problem I have with SJWs. It's the holier than thou mentality and the hypocrisy many of them have when they fight one issue but are okay with others. You can't be onboard with the BLM AND be okay with violence against police. It just doesn't make sense. They're both people being attacked but you only support one group (right now, until it's a cool SJW issue to fight for cop protection).
  21. I'm not belittling people and making them feel like sh!t because they shop at a certain place. I don't care where you shop. That's what SJWs do though and why people are so annoyed by them. They're not better than everyone else. They sure do think they are though and love to rag on you and make you feel like a 2nd rate human if God forbid you eat a chicken sandwich from a Christian restaurant. Oh the horror!!! You're such an evil person. How dare you eat there. All the while the SJW is wearing their Nikes which were made in a child labor sweatshop. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
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