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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. There could be racism or agism or sexism or lots of things for any scenario. Without some evidence however, it's only speculation as to why an event occurred. Parts of a police system could be racist, while also still having good non-racist cops. Is there any evidence at all that the cops involved with the Breonna Taylor tragedy are racist? Is this another example of white cop kills black victim, therefore it's automatically racism? It's odd to me that it's only ever racism when a white cops kills a black victim. Just think about that for a minute. Why does the media focus solely on that narrative? Why is there only outrage for black victims? Surely there are incidents where cops of all races kill victims of all races.
  2. Not necessarily. Tons of witnesses said Michael Brown was telling hands up don't shoot but that never happened. Just curious, where did you see the 11 witnesses thing? I'm not saying anyone's opinion outweighs anyone elses. I'm saying we simply don't know for a fact what happened. If two sides are saying different things, someone is wrong and our "facts" of the case aren't truly facts. The police definitely did a lot of things wrong if they truly didn't announce themselves.
  3. All I'm saying is it's not 100% clear what exactly happened. The police very well could've not announced themselves, or they could have. There is no body can footage. Maybe there are surveillance videos that caught it that haven't been released yet who knows. Jumping to conclusions before all evidence is out is dangerous and can lead to misunderstandings of what truly happened like with Ferguson. Once we have the full picture then we can have a better discussion.
  4. I think there's still way too much we don't know for certain yet. It's a he said she said type of thing. The cops say they did announce who they were before breaking in. Walker says he didn't hear anything. When gunfire is ringing out, things get crazy and accidents can happen. Does it excuse what the officers did, no. Could they have done things better and differently, absolutely. They could probably charge the one cop who fired and killed Breonna with manslaughter but I don't think that is going to stick. Like I said, this is definitely not murder. Manslaughter at the very most. https://www.nytimes.com/article/breonna-taylor-police.html
  5. How is what happened in this tragedy racism? Not every white cop on black victim shooting is racism. He wasn't. He should've defended himself. It's an unfortunate tragedy. I haven't heard anyone say he shouldn't have fired at the police. What I'm saying is this was not murder. It shouldn't have happened, it sucks, and it's a tragedy but it's not murder.
  6. You're right. I'm wondering what changes can be done. Maybe a grading system for news articles done by a 3rd party? Better algorithms to sort out what's fake news and what's real?
  7. The change is people need to do their own research and stop taking every single thing presented to them online as fact right off the bat.
  8. You should watch the documentary. You'll see what I'm getting at. It's both. How the technology is used and the technology itself. When the technology is focused solely on getting your attention and feeding you whatever it can to get your attention, but it doesn't or can't check the veracity of what it is giving you, that's when it's alarming. It's very interesting. It gets at how social media basically slowly manipulates you and the way you think over time and how it doesn't care about what the truth is, only what gets your attention. There are other things too like how suicides and depression have gone up since smart phones were introduced (I think they were trying to go for this is causation but it's definitely correlation. It's difficult to say x caused y without w and z also effecting y).
  9. I hope he's not that crazy. His real quote seems to be that he's confident he'll win if mail in ballots are done safely and timely, and that there won't need to be a transfer of power because he'll still be president. He has florida and arizona now. The race is definitely getting much more interesting. Biden had it in the bag a month ago but it has gotten way closer. It'll come down to Michigan and/or Wisconsin.
  10. You know what's crazy about the Breonna Taylor case? The fact that the media ignores this critical piece of information. Walker is Breonnas boyfriend. "After the police broke the door off its hinges, Mr. Walker fired his gun once, striking Sergeant Mattingly in a thigh. The police responded by firing several shots, striking Ms. Taylor five times." Walker fired first at cops, and they defended themselves. How were they supposed to know who had the gun? They entered, were shot at by Walker, then they returned fire. Had they not done so, they could've died. Self defense and a tragic accident. No murder here. https://www.nytimes.com/article/breonna-taylor-police.html
  11. Everyone should check this out. It's alarming what is happening. Perhaps this is part of why the U.S is so divided right now. Thoughts? https://www.thesocialdilemma.com
  12. What if they made Mario bad and bowser good in one game?
  13. At least people got that much. Could've been $0. A lot of people I know spent it on really stupid stuff they don't need like eating out at nice places or buying TVs. If you let all these big companies fall, that'd be terrible for the economy overall. Once big companies fall, it's a trickle down effect and everything else fails. They need to help everyone and that's what they've done, admittedly disproportionately. Well that is disgusting and should not be tolerated. These kinds of people disgust me. Sadly I don't think anything will be done about the message on that truck.
  14. What about the $1200 they gave everyone who made what was it less than $100k? Then the extra $500 per kid you have too. What about all the extra unemployment benefits they've given out during the past 6 months? I can't remember any time in history where the U.S government has given out this much money to most of it's citizens this quickly. I realize part of it is Trump trying to prop up the economy until the election, but still, there's a crap ton of money that has been handed out since COVID-19 started, and not only to big corporations.
  15. Both sides use fear tactics to sway voters. If you're dumb enough to fall for those tactics, that's on you. People often vote with their wallet. Some of it might be selfishness, but on the flip side, people could be legitimately concerned about not being able to afford any extra tax raises if they have to support more programs. Maybe they also really do just want some more money. Some might say that's not being selfish. Where do my taxes go? How do I know they actually go towards what they're supposed to go towards. Furthermore, what if I don't agree with the program my taxes are going towards? Imagine if some of your tax dollars went towards supporting the KKK. You wanting to end that program to save yourself some money isn't being selfish. You're wanting to end it because it doesn't align with your beliefs and you don't want to support it. Yes before you put words in my mouth or anything, I realize supporting disability and social programs is not the same as supporting a hypothetical KKK program. The premise is still the same though. If I believe you should work your @ss off to make ends meet if you are physically able to work, instead of living off welfare, that's not me being selfish. That's me saying you should stop being lazy and living off the system. You know, earn your way through life. Stop complaining about everything and wanting everything handed to you. People can make ends meet with less money if they're smart with their finances. That's a completely different discussion though.
  16. I don't even know where to begin with your post and frankly it doesn't matter what I say. None of you take me seriously anyways. I can't speak for Republicans and why many don't support welfare and disability programs, but I can guess. My best guess is they feel people should earn their way through life and not be handed everything. I highly doubt it's because they want them to die as you suggest. You're saying taking away those programs leading to their deaths isn't an indirect way of killing them? Wanting someone to die doesn't mean you want to kill them but you're making it sound like they want to defund these programs, thus in a way kill these people by not giving them the stuff they need. I'll await your response. Not sure why I even bother responding sometimes lol.
  17. As the great officer Hops from Zootopia would say, "Actually it's your word against yours."
  18. For the first time we have a poll saying Trump is ahead in Florida. The race is getting closer. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/
  19. I think that's a stretch. Not being for certian social programs does not equal wanting people dead. I'm not going down to the homeless tent cities and inviting them to come live in my house, or giving them access to my bank account, that doesn't mean I want them all dead. I guess that means I'm selfish? A big stretch. His argument falls apart immediately. There are millions of poor and disabled Republicans. So the Republicans' master plan is to destroy programs that help disabled and poor people so that they can kill tons of poor and disabled Republicans and Democrats so that they the Republicans can save their money and so that Trump will win his reelection, got it. Makes perfect sense to me. Your argument also hinges on assuming Democrats aren't rich. Only rich Republicans could come up with such a diabolical plan. @B.A. you're just the worst. So selfish. How dare you not donate your money. How dare you kill the homeless.
  20. Man you say some funny stuff. You really think the GOP wants poor people dead so they can stay in power? I'm trying to wrap my head around how this would even work if this truly was their master plan.
  21. Finally someone looking at this case objectively and not politically. I agree, this kid is not a hero. To be clear for everyone, I don't think that's what either I or @Silent Hill are saying. We're saying this kid acted in self defense. Was he an idiot, should he have stayed home, could he have done numerous things differently, sure, but he didn't and here we are. I also agree with your points about labeling these people as protestors. I feel like a lot of people at these protests are just there to stir sh!t up, or for the fun of it, or to be a part of history or whatever. They're not actually there to protest. Most legitimate protests are peaceful. I think everything is even more heated now since it's an election year and the polls are getting narrower and narrower.
  22. He was already charged. With intentional murder. Twice. Among other charges. Probably meant "convicted". I did thanks
  23. Finally some sense in here with articles to back up points. You make an interesting point. I do think he will get charged with something. Just not murder. Some unlawful gun related charge, sure, I could see that. I do wonder like you said, does having a gun illegally make your act of self defense (if they do determine it to be that in court) null and void? I don't think it does. He could've been dual wielding modified ARs and it'd probably still be self defense if his life was in danger and one of those guys pulled a gun on him. The legality of the weapon doesn't negate how he acted to save his own life.
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