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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. That's basically the same thing. People won't eat at chick fil a either because they're a Christian owned restaurant or because CFA doesn't support the lgbtq+ community. They're boycotting them because their beliefs don't match chick fil A's. The everybody should boycott CFA crusade happened years ago and actually backfired. They had much more business after that. At least you're trying. You're boycotting more than one place. I'm trying to get at that it's funny you boycott one but not the other. It just seems very odd to me. Why all the effort to avoid one but not the other even though they both have issues? At that point you either should boycott everything with any issue or be okay with the issues and shop wherever. The picking and choosing has always confused me.
  2. It's really hard to rank issues because what's a big issue to one person isn't that big to others. Animal abuse is a good example. Some people who are dog or cat lovers value their pets' lives more than human lives, but for a majority of people, they probably value human life over animal life. If you truly want to make a change, become an elected official in whatever capacity you can, get involved with your community by volunteering, going to rallies, educating yourself, etc. Work on the issues you think are important first. Whining and arguing about this stuff on a video game internet forum isn't going to do anything. Get involved if you want to make a change. Stop whining about it and go do something (I'm not singling you out btw. I'm generalizing what I've seen in this thread and irl. "You" is a general you referring to everyone.)
  3. There you go. You just dismissed evidence of mistreatment of people and animals so that you can justify continuing to shop as these places. You're picking and choosing which issues get a pass and which can't. That makes you a giant hypocrite. You're like everyone else. It seems to me that the real reason why you don't shop at places anymore or support them isn't because they mistreat people or animals, but because their agenda doesn't fit yours. You can't be a truly woke SJW if you pick and choose. It's all or nothing brofessor. You have to boycott all establishments with bad or sketchy practices. You don't get to pick and choose. It all falls apart once you pick and choose. You are no better than anyone else. Get off your high horse. You think those were bad insults? You should check out the rest of the internet. I'm being very tame buddy ole pal. I've skipped the Al's one for now because when I search for it most of the results are for ALS.
  4. didn't have to look far at all. Looks like no more shopping at Aldi's brotato chip unless you want to support worker abuse and the cartel. https://www.mashed.com/154042/huge-scandals-that-completely-rocked-aldi/ Best buy discriminates. 2/2 so far. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-bestbuy-bias-lawsuit/best-buy-settles-class-action-bias-lawsuit-idUSTRE75G64M20110617 Chewy.com was sold to PetSmart in 2017. PetSmart is cruel to animals. No more buying from chewy unless you support animal cruelty. 3/3 https://www.peta.org/blog/reasons-not-to-shop-at-petsmart-sellout-chewy-com/ I'll check out the other ones when I have more time. You're hilarious man.
  5. You're almost as funny as @fcgamer. Look up every company you buy stuff from. I guarantee 80% or more will have some SJW issue associated with them. Have fun not shopping anywhere once you get super woke brotato chip.
  6. Restaurants need to close and only do take out or pick up. Sitting down in a restaurant right now is a recipe for covid disaster. If one patron has covid and a waitress or waiter serves that person, then goes around to other tables without sanitizing, it could spread without you as a patron ever coming into direct contact with the person who has covid.
  7. The U.S has it's problems, sure, but it's an incredible country to live in. A lot of problems are problems people in other countries don't even have the chance to make problems. Look at how women and the LGBT community are still treated in many other countries for example. If they try to fight for equal rights they could be killed.
  8. For all you clowns who think the U.S is being super dishonest about numbers, just look at China. It's really hard to get 100% accurate data. Be happy with probably 80% accurate data vs China's .0008% accurate data.
  9. I know several die hard Trump supporters who wear masks in public. As a generalization, I believe the root cause is millennials and Zoomers who think they're invincible and don't care at all about the virus and the possibility they could spread it to others.
  10. It is very likely ridiculous. I'm not saying it isn't. It's a conspiracy theory. Have a little fun with it.
  11. You're funny man. Not a good troll but you're funny. You're proving all my points I originally brought up. No clue what you're even trying to argue at this point. Are you drunk? You okay man? You don't understand American culture right now if you don't think Trump has much of an influence on U.S citizens. You literally only have to go back one page in this thread to see you just agreed with all the points I brought up. "It's both man. The WHO is in China's back pocket. China has been lying about everything since day 1. China's numbers have been fake since February. Then it came to the u.s. Tons of people in the u.s worship Trump. Trump initially largely blew off covid-19 and has refused to wear a mask until recently. His followers followed. Things got bad then got better, then states opened back up way too early. Then mass protests happened. Then memorial day, then 4th if July and beaches and vacations. Sure trump and WHO are to blame but there are many many variables. You cannot stop a pandemic that kills 4-8% of those it infects without a vaccine. "
  12. Strike two. Troll attempt .5/10. You're losing your touch. None of CNNs articles in January about covid-19 were political. Please try again. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/13/world/cnn-coronavirus-coverage/index.html
  13. Except it wasn't. It didn't get political until it was in the U.S and Trump said it was nbd and that it was all under control and going to be fine and that the flu was far worse.
  14. We got him boys (@MrWunderful)! He admitted that it isn't just the WHO that led to the virus running rampant in the U.S, and that the leader, Trump, can be blamed. Game. Set. Match. Troll attempt 1/10, please try again later.
  15. I see what you're getting at. You could also flip it and say it's positive if people have a certain perception of you but you don't actually meet it. "My online profile says I'm swedish, which means I'll get more dudes because they perceive me to have big tits." How is Mexicans are hard workers negative even if you are actually lazy?
  16. No thanks. I don't have time for that. Most of this thread is bickering anyways. I strongly disagree. There are tons of positive stereotypes out there. It's both man. The WHO is in China's back pocket. China has been lying about everything since day 1. China's numbers have been fake since February. Then it came to the u.s. Tons of people in the u.s worship Trump. Trump initially largely blew off covid-19 and has refused to wear a mask until recently. His followers followed. Things got bad then got better, then states opened back up way too early. Then mass protests happened. Then memorial day, then 4th if July and beaches and vacations. Sure trump and WHO are to blame but there are many many variables. You cannot stop a pandemic that kills 4-8% of those it infects without a vaccine.
  17. Well that's a totally different discussion. What other problems and prejudices should we be addressing?
  18. D@mnnnnnnn the gauntlet has been thrown down!!!
  19. Just because something is a stereotype does not make it negative. "All Mexicans are hard workers" is a stereotype, but is it offensive?
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