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Everything posted by Rhino

  1. I guess you were talking about me so I'll address @Silent Hill post below. You want to know what causes crime in most areas? Like @Silent Hill said, many factors. It's likely a combination of historical suppression of giving minorities rights to wealth such as to be able to buy land or a home. It's also probably some of what @Silent Hill said. I think drug use plays a large roll in crime ridden areas for any race. You have drugs, you have addicts, you have addicts, you have people who need more drugs, you have people who need more drugs, you have people who can no longer work sober, you have mass unemployment, you have people needing ways to get money, you need money, you steal stuff to sell it. Once drugs are introduced, families get torn apart, which can lead to a lack of a 2 person household. Culture and personal decisions could play a role too. Buy a house vs rent an apartment forever. Go to college or not. If you can't pass on wealth, it's really hard for the next generation to do well. You want to get wealth? Buy a house. It's the single biggest way to pass on wealth. I lold pretty hard at this. It's amazing how people can preach equality and justice and then turn around and be like that b!tch deserved to die. All you clowns laughing at people dying from COVID-19 or thinking people deserve it need to grow the f*ck up. This is not a f*cking game or joke. This is a serious pandemic killing an average of over 1,000 Americans every day, and far more globally. Every f*cking day. It sucks. At this rate, there will be over 250k dead Americans by the end of the year from this virus. Put a f*cking mask on, stay inside as much as possible, stop f*cking throwing parties and seeing your friends and going on vacation, and shut it all back down because guess what, the dark reality is no vaccine is coming for another 6-12 months.
  2. Is there a good source showing the amount of people who commit crimes and what their race is? "Of the thousands held in the facility known as Homan Square over a decade, 82% were black." Are 82% of crimes in Chicago committed by African Americans or is it really a disproportionate amount being taken to this facility?
  3. Maybe the difference is the guns are already here. They're already manufactured and owned and can't be consumed like drugs can. The supply of guns is much more constant than the supply of drugs.
  4. I didn't watch the video lol sorry. All I know is in the end, all the polls got it wrong except for the LA times. Whatever they did needs to be studied. Maybe the other polls didn't account for all the undercover Trump supporters. Maybe too many Democrats thought they had it in the bag and didn't think they needed to vote. Maybe Trump targeted the swing states better than Hillary. Who knows. Probably a combination of all of those.
  5. I'll agree the officer could've fired the gun. If I'm a cop and someone is reaching inside my vehicle attacking me, I'm going to assume they might try and go for my gun. He didn't do something different probably because he feared for his life and thought he was about to die. What do you think he should have done differently, thinking from his perspective that he was just attacked moments earlier by Michael Brown when he reached into the officer's car?
  6. Drugs should not be legal except for marijuana. Imagine making heroin legal. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Tons of people are alcoholics and die because of it each year. Imagine if you could just walk into Walmart and buy some heroin no problem. You'd have a lot more drug related deaths because of the easy access to them. Making them illegal makes them much harder to get and limits how many people are negatively effected by them. Drugs bring crime, money problems, violence, disease, death, family destruction, etc. They're horrible.
  7. Really trying to understand your viewpoints here but I just don't get it. A cop should absolutely be allowed to shoot an unarmed person IF they fear for their life. All it takes is a scuffle to ensue, the unarmed perp grabs the cops' gun, and then fires and kills the cop with their own weapon. The unarmed perp is now armed. You also can't always know whether they are or aren't armed. There are countless horrifying videos of traffic stops gone wrong where one minute the person doesn't look like they're armed, then the next moment they have a gun and they're shooting at the officer. Michael Brown attempted to steal the cop's gun AND was charging him before the officer shot him. 6 shots is not excessive. Maybe 60, but not 6. The officer had cause and his life was in imminent danger. He had every right to shoot Michael Brown. Could he have done something differently, sure, but he didn't. Maybe he could've run away when Michael Brown charged him, but that's not what cops do.
  8. You're welcome. It's easy to second guess things after the fact and play Monday morning quarterback. Could he have done something differently? Maybe, but when it could be life or death and someone has already attempted to steal your weapon, deadly force should absolutely be on the table. Instances like this YouTube video are why some officers nowadays don't hesitate to use deadly force if they feel like their life is in danger. All it takes it 2 seconds and you're dead. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eSxuhZ3HdQo Half joking, but I wonder how feasible something silly like a giant net gun would be. Tasers don't always work, guns are deadly force, pepper spray doesn't always work, but you shoot a giant net at someone and I don't think they're getting up too quickly. Maybe a sounds weapon? Idk, this is above my pay grade.
  9. No one knows for sure who fired the gun inside the car, at least I don't think you can prove who fired it since both Michael Brown and the officer had gunpowder residue on them. Can you read this article? https://thehill.com/opinion/civil-rights/457049-time-to-retire-ferguson-narrative "The report, issued in 2015, found that Officer Wilson's accounts were corroborated. He'd acted in self-defense. Brown, the report said, had reached into the police vehicle and grabbed Officer Wilson by the neck. And Brown appeared to be lunging toward Officer Wilson when Officer Wilson shot him in self-defense. "
  10. I don't think you fully understand what happened. To break it down in a simple manner, Michael Brown reached into the officer's car and reached for his gun. The gun was fired twice. Michael Brown starts to run away, then turns around and charged toward the officer. This is when the officer shoots and kills Michael Brown.
  11. There's also this article. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/25/us/witnesses-told-grand-jury-that-michael-brown-charged-at-darren-wilson-prosecutor-says.html "The most credible eyewitnesses to the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., said he had charged toward Police Officer Darren Wilson just before the final, fatal shots"
  12. Did you read the article? "Wilson and other witnesses stated that Brown then reached into the SUV through the open driver’s window and punched and grabbed Wilson. This is corroborated by bruising on Wilson’s jaw and scratches on his neck, the presence of Brown’s DNA on Wilson’s collar, shirt, and pants, and Wilson’s DNA on Brown’s palm. While there are other individuals who stated that Wilson reached out of the SUV and grabbed Brown by the neck, prosecutors could not credit their accounts because they were inconsistent with physical and forensic evidence, as detailed throughout this report."
  13. That I don't know. I believe every police jurisdiction is different on whether or not they have to have body cams.
  14. "Brown fought with the officer and tried to take his gun. " You know it's legitimate too because it's the Washington Post saying it. Historically they're a very left leaning news source.
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2015/03/16/lesson-learned-from-the-shooting-of-michael-brown/ There are several other sources too. I can find more if you'd like. Imo, this is one of the most misunderstood cases of all time.
  16. When someone reaches for your gun, you have every right to shoot them, end of story. Don't be a f*cking moron and reach for a cop's weapon. It's that simple.
  17. I said to look it up and do your own research. If you do that, and what you find still backs up what the media says, then of course you can then trust what the news says (well trust as much as you can trust the news these days lol). What I'm getting at is don't accept things at face value initially.
  18. Thank you. He's doing what the media does all the time. Quote only a certain part, leave out the rest, and twist the story.
  19. Don't accept the news without first doing your own research. Don't accept stories when they first come out because journalists have gotten extremely sloppy lately. They simply want to rush their story and be first without checking on the veracity of the story.
  20. The electoral vote as of now has Biden winning handedly. Not saying that can't change and is definitely how it will be 4 months from now, but he's got it locked down for now. Trump has a ton of work to do.
  21. Disagree. I think if anything it'll be healthier than the other one.
  22. I hear what you're saying. I will only treat people like idiots if they're idiots and their viewpoint can very clearly be discredited. Many issues are extremely complicated and comprise so many variables that you cannot pinpoint one cause to the problem or one solution. For those issues, there are no idiots because there is no one answer. However, for instances like Ferguson and the Michael Brown case, there are idiots because you can now see what truly happened vs what the media and certain groups initially wanted you to believe. I respect everyone equally and do not look down on anyone. We are all equals. I do not care if your viewpoints or opinions differ from mine, and am open to hearing you out. It is healthy to discuss differing viewpoints and to hear each side.
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