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2 hours ago, Gloves said:

Isn't it hearsay?

"“I’m the ‘effing’ president, take me up to the Capitol now!” Trump insisted, according to the aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, describing what she was told had happened in the limo that day."

Good point. I've gotta think some of those anti-American Jan 6 people are upset that he ditched them. So from my completly cynical non-evidence based thoughts, it's a positive story for him. 

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Trump Voice:

“Fires don’t exist. It is all the fake news liberal media trying to take away your guns. The fires I did fight though were the biggest fires in history. Bigger than any wildfire ever. What did Trump do? Trump fought the fire single-handedly with a bottle of trump brand water. Trump brand water is the only water that can put out fires it also has patriot juice in it which allows you to see through the deep State. If you want your own bottle of Trump grand water, just send me 299.99 And it will go towards my election fund which is totally not a scam. “

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5 hours ago, MrWunderful said:

Trump Voice:

“Fires don’t exist. It is all the fake news liberal media trying to take away your guns. The fires I did fight though were the biggest fires in history. Bigger than any wildfire ever. What did Trump do? Trump fought the fire single-handedly with a bottle of trump brand water. Trump brand water is the only water that can put out fires it also has patriot juice in it which allows you to see through the deep State. If you want your own bottle of Trump grand water, just send me 299.99 And it will go towards my election fund which is totally not a scam. “

That is scarily on the mark...

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20 hours ago, Californication said:

I bet he has trouble reaching his ass to wipe it let alone a steering wheel across a limo.

One aspect I found out today is that when this allegedly took place, it wasn't in the regular presidential limo, aka, the Beast. It was in an SUV they sometimes use for quick trips, so it would be easier for him to lunge forward and grab at the front seat.

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24 minutes ago, Tulpa said:

One aspect I found out today is that when this allegedly took place, it wasn't in the regular presidential limo, aka, the Beast. It was in an SUV they sometimes use for quick trips, so it would be easier for him to lunge forward and grab at the front seat.

That makes a difference. And honestly, I am just spit-balling, I have no idea what happened. Problem is all of these people are unreliable witnesses. The woman testifying is clearly an awful human being who has no ethics.

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7 minutes ago, Californication said:

That makes a difference. And honestly, I am just spit-balling, I have no idea what happened. Problem is all of these people are unreliable witnesses. The woman testifying is clearly an awful human being who has no ethics.

I always lol’d at that. Like it was cool Trump was trying to get armed people into the eclipse back then, but now, its time to speak out? Wonder if shes got a book deal working. 

I just can’t fathom being that desperate for attention, because no matter what happens there’s going to be bad attention (from the psycho Trump cultists) with good attention (good attention= money?) once someone comes out with “shocking revelations”.


however, I’m definitely not ballsy enough to lie under oath and completely fabricate something in front of the house committee.  I would be defecating masonry if they were asking me what my favorite game was.



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5 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

I always lol’d at that. Like it was cool Trump was trying to get armed people into the eclipse back then, but now, its time to speak out? Wonder if shes got a book deal working. 

I just can’t fathom being that desperate for attention, because no matter what happens there’s going to be bad attention (from the psycho Trump cultists) with good attention (good attention= money?) once someone comes out with “shocking revelations”.


however, I’m definitely not ballsy enough to lie under oath and completely fabricate something in front of the house committee.  I would be defecating masonry if they were asking me what my favorite game was.

I don't think it was a book deal. Hard to say how this plays out for her. I could see her take a hit if she wanted to continue in the same field. And I could imagine Trump supporters going after her. I'd guess there was a hard negotiation to get her to testify. And if they some how bring charges against people later, they'll let her slide. Problem is the Dems don't play to win so hard to say whether charges for anything are on the table.

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The Supreme Court is officially a political organization. Now that the Supreme Court has given right wing voters anti-abortion rulings to drive voter turnout they are paying back corporations for the money they spent on politicians. The Supreme Court is dropping regulations that will harm Americans and this is the pay back to donors on behalf of the Republican party.


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Boris resigns.


LONDON — Boris Johnson’s prime ministership has self-destructed in spectacular style. Britain must now dust itself off, pick through the rubble and decide what comes next.

It is a remarkable fall from grace for Johnson, who swept to a sweeping electoral victory in 2019, leading to predictions that his political empire could span a decade or more. Instead, it has crumbled amid scandal and recrimination, with his own party revolting against him.

Britain now needs a new leader but how it will get there is far from certain. Prime ministers are not directly elected by the country’s 68 million people, but rather chosen by the party that wins most lawmakers in the general election. Right now, that’s the Conservative Party, which won the most in the previous election.

Johnson’s successor will be chosen, as he was in 2019, first by fellow lawmakers who will whittle the candidates down to a final runoff between two, and then a postal ballot among the party’s some 180,000 members. The country is not due another general election until 2025.

The process will likely take several weeks, determined by a timetable set by the opaque 1922 Committee, which represents “backbench” lawmakers who are not on the government payroll.

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Elon Musk said we have an “underpopulation crisis.” That’s a fucking farce but him saying this highlights perfectly why they’re banning abortions now— birth rates are declining and rich folks (especially CEOs and corporate executives) are worried there won’t be as many workers to exploit and benefit from.

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Multiple articles today for Bill Gates donating money to his own charity. What a joke. It's funny how they recycle these same publicity stunts every couple years because they understand that most of the population does not understand that he is evading taxes and increasing/maintaining his power and influence.

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4 hours ago, Californication said:

Multiple articles today for Bill Gates donating money to his own charity. What a joke. It's funny how they recycle these same publicity stunts every couple years because they understand that most of the population does not understand that he is evading taxes and increasing/maintaining his power and influence.

All billionaires are rats

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