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Game Debate #203: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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27 members have voted

  1. 1. Rate based on your own personal preferences, NOT historical significance

    • 10/10 - One of your very favorite games of all time.
    • 9/10 - Killer f'ing game. Everyone should play it.
    • 8/10 - Great game. You like to recommend it.
    • 7/10 - Very good game, but not quite great.
    • 6/10 - Pretty good. You might enjoy occasionally playing it.
    • 5/10 - It's okay, but maybe not something you'll go out of your way to play.
    • 4/10 - Meh. There's plenty of better alternatives to this.
    • 3/10 - Not a very good game.
    • 2/10 - Pretty crappy.
    • 1/10 - Horrible game in every way.
    • 0/10 - The Desert Bus of painful experiences. You'd rather shove an icepick in your genitals than play this.
    • Never played it, but you're interested.
    • Never played it, never will.
  2. 2. Next week's poll

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Despite AVGN's opinion on it, it's not THAT bad. It's not particularly good; the Jekyll stages get frustrating and a bit monotonous. But the concept is unique, and there really isn't anything like it. 

I prefer the Famicom version. It doesn't repeat the stages and has the fighting ladies in the windows. 


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I would _much_ rather play it than something like Best of the Best Championship Karate. There's much worse on the NES but that didn't happen to be featured in AVGN videos.

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Gave it a 2. I've beaten it many times and achieved both endings.

The gameplay & concept are bizarre. Control scheme/mechanics can be excessively frustrating. It is hard to figure out the strategies on what to do/how to progress w/o outside help. 

Like a lot of below-average games, there can be some enjoyment and satisfaction to be had in learning the ins & outs of the game and achieving victory. But at the end of the day, it just isn't a very well-made game.

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Posted (edited)

I documented my experience finishing Jekyll & Hyde on the old NA site. Sadly, I didn't keep a separate record of my thoughts. I will say that I came away from the game with a much more positive outlook than I expected to. I recognized that the game isn't fundamentally very "good", in terms of general playability or fun factor...but making a serious effort to get through it did reveal that it does have its charms. In other words, the game became kind of a guilty pleasure and fun in spite of its many flaws and frustrations.

As a result, I found it surprisingly difficult to give this game a solid rating, as it is a tug-of-war of positive and negative qualities. For most people and under most circumstances, this game probably doesn't deserve any score higher than a 3 or 4. I was tempted to give it a 5 overall but I recognize that might be slightly too generous considering my personal journey. So, I docked it to a "4" due to the simple fact that most of the experience is tedious, frustrating and unfair.

I still like it, though, and think it's far, FAR from the worst the NES library has to offer.

Edited by Webhead123
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, cj_robot said:

Probably the best video game adaptation of a Robert Louis Stevenson novel ever. Probably.

I will say it's also better than most of the movie adaptations, which tend to miss the point of the story. 

Edited by Tulpa
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13 hours ago, NostalgicMachine said:

This is a 3/10 game.

That's saying a lot from someone with the balls to use the Swamp Thing sprite as their avatar, too.

You know, I've never really thought about it before but...I think Swamp Thing and Jekyll & Hyde might be comparable experiences in some respects. They both feature incredibly sluggish protagonists with impotent attacks. Frustrating and abusive enemy and level design. Questionable hit-detection.

I haven't spent as much time with Swamp Thing as Jekyll & Hyde but I wonder, putting them head-to-head, which I would find less terrible given a fair shake.

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19 minutes ago, Webhead123 said:

You know, I've never really thought about it before but...I think Swamp Thing and Jekyll & Hyde might be comparable experiences in some respects. They both feature incredibly sluggish protagonists with impotent attacks. Frustrating and abusive enemy and level design. Questionable hit-detection.

I haven't spent as much time with Swamp Thing as Jekyll & Hyde but I wonder, putting them head-to-head, which I would find less terrible given a fair shake.

I'd have to agree, honestly.

In its defense, Swamp Thing has an awesome intro. I remember getting a CIB copy of Swamp Thing in like, 1999. I definitely lost it and have no idea where it went; I know it's worth a penny or two now!

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, NostalgicMachine said:

I'd have to agree, honestly.

In its defense, Swamp Thing has an awesome intro. I remember getting a CIB copy of Swamp Thing in like, 1999. I definitely lost it and have no idea where it went; I know it's worth a penny or two now!

Oh yeah, Swamp Thing has a kind of charm to it that makes it all the more heart breaking as that charm starts slowly slipping away and the frustration all comes boiling to the surface. What a great-idea-turned-horrible-missed-opportunity.

Edited by Webhead123
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4 hours ago, Webhead123 said:

Oh yeah, Swamp Thing has a kind of charm to it that makes it all the more heart breaking as that charm starts slowly slipping away and the frustration all comes boiling to the surface. What a great-idea-turned-horrible-missed-opportunity.

It totally had the potential to be a sleeper hit, kind of like Felix The Cat or something. The logo, box art, etc. are all phenomenal. What an s-load of f! 😎

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3/10.  Interesting game but horribly flawed because of design choices.  MOSTLY because of how slow you are.  If you were able to move faster, I would probably say like a 5.  Have no idea what they were thinking making this game and who they were marketing it for when you compare it to obvious hits like Mega Man, Super Mario, Zelda etc.

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On 5/2/2024 at 9:14 PM, NostalgicMachine said:

This is a 3/10 game.

That's saying a lot from someone with the balls to use the Swamp Thing sprite as their avatar, too.

I love Swamp Thing!  Its not any much different from any of the other Imagineering/Simpsons games control wise.  I find his jumping fun!

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2 hours ago, guitarzombie said:

I love Swamp Thing!  Its not any much different from any of the other Imagineering/Simpsons games control wise.  I find his jumping fun!

It plays very similarly to The Simpsons games, for sure! The first level is a true nightmare lmao. You CAN progress if you accept/work with the games limitations. I don't think I've ever cleared the third level TBH.

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Posted (edited)

It looks like I've given it the highest rating so far at 6.  I will say this: I know it gets a ton of flack for it's subpar gameplay, but for me it has all the NES charm that makes me love the system, and it is experimental in that old-fashioned NES way that very few games past the 8bit era are.  I love how the life/Hyde gauge works and how crossing your own path as Hyde is what begets a game over.  Gunning for the true second ending makes it more interesting as well.

If you think of this game more as a puzzle game and don't approach it as an action/platformer, there is definitely some fun to be had, but that's probably only true if you're a dyed in the wool NES-head to begin with like I am...

Edited by Dr. Morbis
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3 hours ago, Dr. Morbis said:

If you think of this game more as a puzzle game

You know, I don't really buy that approach. It's like people who say "Well, Dragon's Lair NES is more of a puzzle game than a platformer."

No, you just like its particular quirkiness. Just come out and say it.

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