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Kguillemette's Heavy Metal top 100 songs of all time. COMPLETE


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It's time to just get my total unabashed copycat side project of a busy dad of 3 underway and have some fun with it, as I love discussing music almost as much as food and video games. So please to the other 7 or 8 fans of heavy metal, enjoy as I compile a silly but fun list of my favorite metal songs of all time.

Now I have some rules and notes of my own:

*I will only list songs I have a real interest in, but I may be unaware of 90% of the bands additional catalogue. So while a band may have a way better song on the unreleased side a of their demo underground EP that was given away by mistake at a Washington Nationals bobblehead night, if I haven't heard it before, it won't be on here. In addition, I love the challenge of not repeating a band. Otherwise certain albums alone will occupy the top 50. 

*We as fans of metal and additional extreme musics have a deep and cultural understanding that the most important part of any metal song is deciding whether or not it is metal enough to included on a list of things that are metal. After all ,how metal is metal and how much metal is metal? But one thing is for sure, if an established metal band championed by establishments of metal to be a standard of metal releases a song that is not metal, but is however my favorite song of that band, it will be on this list. Same goes for the established non metal band releasing a song that may in fact be metal, if that song is on my top 100, it will be on this list.

*I play drums. When I can't play drums, I practice bass. I'm a rhythm guy, so I will have a favoring to drumming and rhythm sections I find interesting. Many of my reader may already be aware of this based on other posts across the forum, so consider this the only spoiler.


That's it for rules, I'm going to do my best to crank this out. I may skip some days if I work a 17 hour shift and/or spending much of my day getting stoned and wandering up a mountain, but I'll try and make up for that by posting multiples on other days. And without further adieu:


#100 Volbeat- Lola Montez



I'm as surprised as you are. This song grabbed me while the radio was on one day long ago. Cool bluesy sound, Danzig styled singing (maybe intentional or not). I wish the rest of their library lived up to this song.

Edited by Kguillemette
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42 minutes ago, MrWunderful said:

My favorite Volbeat song. 

Excited for a different type of same list!

And since you are a drummer, I better see Flo Mounier, gene hoglan, dave lombardo, jed watts, the rev, joey jordison, etc 😂😂

Gene Hoglan will be heavily represented on this list. But no spoilers!

1 hour ago, Reed Rothchild said:

Sweet start.  I saw Volbeat years ago with Iced Earth and it was a blast.  Still a unique sound to this day.

One day I'll get around to listening to more of what they have to offer. I don't care for their other radio songs I've heard.

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16 hours ago, Kguillemette said:

It's time to just get my total unabashed copycat side project of a busy dad of 3 underway and have some fun with it, as I love discussing music almost as much as food and video games. So please to the other 7 or 8 fans of heavy metal, enjoy as I compile a silly but fun list of my favorite metal songs of all time.

Now I have some rules and notes of my own:

*I will only list songs I have a real interest in, but I may be unaware of 90% of the bands additional catalogue. So while a band may have a way better song on the unreleased side a of their demo underground EP that was given away by mistake at a Washington Nationals bobblehead night, if I haven't heard it before, it won't be on here. In addition, I love the challenge of not repeating a band. Otherwise certain albums alone will occupy the top 50. 

*We as fans of metal and additional extreme musics have a deep and cultural understanding that the most important part of any metal song is deciding whether or not it is metal enough to included on a list of things that are metal. After all,how metal is metal and how much metal is metal. But one thing is for sure, if an established metal band championed by establishments of metal to be a standard of metal releases a song that is not metal, but is however my favorite song of that band, it will be on this list. Same goes for the established non metal band releasing a song that may in fact be metal, if that song is on my top 100, it will be on this list.

*I play drums. When I can't play drums, I practice bass. I'm a rhythm guy, so I will have a favoring to drumming and rhythm sections I find interesting. Many of my reader may already be aware of this based on other posts across the forum, so consider this the only spoiler.


That's it for rules, I'm going to do my best to crank this out. I may skip some days if I work a 17 hour shift or and spending much of my day getting stoned and wandering up a mountain, but I'll try and make up for that by posting multiples on other days. And without further adieu:


Volbeat- Lola Montez



I'm as surprised as you are. This song grabbed me while the radio was on one day long ago. Cool bluesy sound, Danzig styled singing (maybe intentional or not). I wish the rest of their library lived up to this song.

That was pretty good.  Reminds me of a heavier Social D kind of thing

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#97 Dismal Euphony- Abandon

These guys came out of nowhere to be a generic black metal band, to a generic weird death hybrid country atmospheric metal band. Somewhere in the middle of their tenure, they released the Lady Ablaze EP. And this song was on it. What a banger! I dare you to not headbang to this one!

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  • The title was changed to Kguillemette's Heavy Metal top 100 songs #97! of all time.

I said I might skip a day if I was finding myself wandering up a mountain, but hey, I can multitask!



#96 Motorhead- God was Never on Your Side

It's a side of Lemmy he diddnt show often. Turns out he had other things to say that just the usual gambling, sex, drugs, and rock and roll.(oh so cliche, but then again Motorhead were pioneers of that cliche.) Bar none my favorite motorhead song.


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  • The title was changed to Kguillemette's Heavy Metal top 100 songs of all time. #95!
Editorials Team · Posted

There's two more I've owned but haven't listened to since the 2000s.  Good stuff.  I was pretty disappointed by Probot when it came out since I wanted it to be a metal Foo Fighters album, but I learned to appreciate some of the tracks since.

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On 8/9/2023 at 8:31 PM, Kguillemette said:

,#99 Tiamat-Whatever that Hurts

What the heck is this song even about? Brewing tea? @fcgamer I still have no idea. But it is a standout from the Wildhoney album, and the best release from the very strange Johan Edlund.

Wow, finally had a chance to listen and watch the video. Really weird, but in an odd way I quite liked it too. I'll probably have nightmares tonight though 😉

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21 hours ago, Reed Rothchild said:

There's two more I've owned but haven't listened to since the 2000s.  Good stuff.  I was pretty disappointed by Probot when it came out since I wanted it to be a metal Foo Fighters album, but I learned to appreciate some of the tracks since.

Probot is one album I would love to see a follow up of, but I'm guessing Grohl got it out of his system. 

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#93 Angel Vivaldi- ._____(one)


I'm not usually a big fan of guitar virtuoso prog rocky music, but Angel Vivaldi just does it a little bit differently. This isn't just "I'm going to melt your face" music. He is a recent discovery that may well have some tracks that will climb my list and replace this one(haha) as I familiarize myself with him. And I plan to. This song was a pandora discovery that just grabbed me and made me stfu and listen to it.

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#92 The Company Band- Hot Topic Woman


Is this metal or hard rock? So close and borderline. But the song is litterally about having a crush on the metal chick working at a hot topic, so I'm going with metal. Plus it's my list and my rules. And Neil Fallon is just a badass singer. 

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  • The title was changed to Kguillemette's Heavy Metal top 100 songs of all time. #92!

#91 Gamma Ray- Anywhere in the Galaxy

This is Kai Hansen's solo project after splitting off from Helloween. It's solid German power metal right and an extension of where the hair bands of the 80s were heading if they had kept pushing themselves. His first couple albums felt like they could just slide in to a playlist full of Ratt and Motley Crue, but he went full aggro here. The galaxy is much better for it.

Edited by Kguillemette
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#90 King Diamond- A Mansion in Darkness


First appearance of a standout metal drummer on this list, Mickey Dee. (Sorry Dave Grohl, much as I love you, you aren't a metal drummer, though obviously you could be if you wanted to.)  In addition to being a stone cold classic, it's a song that inspired me to learn how to play drums. Who among us hasn't tried to hit that falsetto driving in their car, amirite?

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#89 Kong-Fair

These guys are a funky little known jam band with definetly a metal edge. You can feel that out the gates when you hear that steady double bass drum. Maybe I would enjoy Phish more if they stuck to double bass drumming. I can clean my house with this playing any time.

Edited by Kguillemette
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