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Everything posted by SuperJimtendo

  1. I don't care that it's 11:02 my time. I don't remember what vags time is. 787240
  2. That dinosaur museum is pretty boss. That sculpture is one of many along the enchanted highway east of town. If you ever make it that way again hit me up
  3. Today is the day. Heading out around midnight. Glad we got to have that hang out couple weeks back. See ya on the flipside hombres.
  4. I'm glad I clicked on this thread. I lived captain n but I have never rewatched it. Keep those good memories alive don't spoil them with tainted adult vision. I don't think it could ever be a movie or even a reboot of the cartoon in this day in age. Licensing is too expensive. But man I loved the concept as a kid.
  5. You're the one that suggested all the horror games for October!
  6. Always dug mutant apocalypse but I agree with battletoads&double dragon
  7. I love Pierce Brosnan on a whole different level. It had nothing to do with him as bond but more of how Photogenic he is on random DVD covers. I will never vote against him. My son is named after a character Pierce played even. Why did they make odd job the tiny in the games when he was played by a mountain of a man?
  8. Favorite movie theme is tomorrow never dies but my favorite bond theme is actually this. Rich and I had this conversation months and months ago
  9. This will have to hold you over until I get home. Then something else will happen. What will that be? Nobody knows.
  10. Dickinson. Two hours outside of bizmark and like 6.5 hours away from boseman
  11. The town I'm moving too has a retro game store and another two hours away. Won't be too terrible.
  12. I'm moving to North Dakota. Not much where I'm headed but it's going to be good.
  13. In exactly one months time my journey begins a new chapter. And with that I'm leaving colorado and my crew behind. It was a tremendously tough decision to make but one that is for me and my family. But of course I can't just leave it at that. Colorado is my home and I will certainly miss it. Part of that home is great friends. First up is @Richardhead. I've worked with this cat for over 10 years now across the two jobs and a lot of those shifts just wouldn't be the same without him being there. Outside of work hanging out and watching wrestling or playing games is always a treat and a welcome escape from reality. He never fails to get a laugh out of me even if it's at his own expense just watching him interact with someone. And come on the guy came up with grilled twinkies covered in ice cream. Always quick to help when I've needed it and just a straight up good dude who I've had the honor to spend excess time with. @JamesRobot and I go back as long as rich and I do. Secondspin being a shared experience. Many fond memories hanging out in the back of the store after close drinkin beers and playing cards. Too often carefree nights like those just don't exist anymore but I'm glad we got to have them. From weekly wrestling to big pay-per-view shindigs, James too is always good for laughs. Watching him and rich go back and forth on any manner of subjects is something you can't explain you just gotta be there to experience it. Can take a fun night and add that extra element to kick it up a notch. Gonna miss that. And lastly @Murray who I don't know as well as the other two but we've had some shared experiences that can't be replicated either. He's finding out about this move as he reads this, though we talked about it being a possibility nearly a year ago. Murray did something special for me that I'll never forget. May not know this but up until a year ago I didn't know how to drive and good guy Murray was the first person to dare let me drive them around town after I got my license. Really helped boost my driving confidence and i'm grateful for that. What he lacks in history he makes up for in uniqueness. A whole different dynamic to the equation. Good friends are hard to come by and these guys are each great in their own ways. So let's make some more memories before I go and From the bottom of my heart, thank you homies. The colorado crew maybe losing a member but I know this exclusive club is in good hands.
  14. I remember this game, yeah I'm not playing it, not that I've been playing anything mind you, but definitely not this. Lol. Hey how's everyone doing?
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