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Everything posted by SuperJimtendo

  1. For what it's worth, kickle thinks Narc is much more enjoyable than smashTV. Now me on the other hand, I also enjoy Narc a lot more but totally different style game. Can't compare the two.
  2. I'm still trying to figure out how the hell I managed to not only get an n card and the coin ship but ended up with a score 20k lower than what I posted already. My turtle and goomba hop game is weak as fuck for sure but that didn't make any damn sense.
  3. The old "won't have any free time" play. Nice. What a classic.
  4. Score updated. Wanted to at least get to world 2 before I start working to get that one thing and those other things to start showing up. Just in case.
  5. I haven't noticed any. I play on an avs but I'm not really all that good in the first place so I'm not sure if I'd notice too much. But yeah my TV broke right before I moved but I had this thing so why not.
  6. Score : 166620 score: 106570 Skipping stage 4 was gonna go back to it before the castle but made a dumb mistake. Skipping stage 4 probably should count against progress.
  7. Skip Stage 4 and leave points on the board or take the life risk. Thats where imma get hung up.
  8. After skinnys video of turtle hopping stage 1 to a million points last time we played I couldn't look at this game for a while. Let's roll!
  9. Great memories playing atari with my dad. We regularly played outlaw, dodg'em, haunted house and pitfall. The first time he bowled a 300 on bowling was a party. For as great as the memories are we enjoyed the 7800 much more. 2600 is solid though.
  10. Solid. And like stated above. Killer sound track. Never owned it but always happy when it was on Sega channel.
  11. Woo! Bottom of the barrel. That way I don't set anyone's expectations too high for the contest threads! Right where I belong!
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