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Everything posted by Richardhead

  1. So I was planning on getting the steel books from Target and probably not even opening the games. I was however informed that my girlfriend was going to open one to play. So it looks like I’m also getting the GameStop one with the double sided banner now Damn game is gonna cost me $240 plus tax now. What are you all gonna get?
  2. Welcome. I’d like to hear some of those opinions about the current state of collecting. I probably won’t agree but it’s always nice to hear all opinions on the subject. Also, do you play games and if so what kind of games do you play?
  3. Goddammit. We gotta stream me kicking your ass at some fight night. Set the record straight. Oh wait, we can’t.
  4. I’m currently playing the game of what the heck do I watch watch on HBO, Amazon Prime, HULU, Disney Plus or Netflix?!?! Worst game ever BTW. Oh. I was playing Colosseum: Road to Freedom, for the PS2 before this though.
  5. I can’t wait for the TG mini. You’re gonna love it. The game list is amazing.
  6. TG16 for sure. All I wanted for Xmas was a SNES. My dad got me a TG16. Best/worst surprise ever. RIP old man.
  7. You only have one cart and this would be the wrong thread for that. So it’s all good JimBob
  8. Not at all. Don’t get me wrong, it is tasty but there are $100 bottles of whisky that are just as good.
  9. Welcome. You have some nice stuff. Following you on Instagram
  10. Dr. Robbie in the house! What’s up man! Good to see ya.I had no idea you were kind of a big deal around here. Just some guy sending gifts in Pokémon Go
  11. Hey there fella. Welcome. I also have recently gotten back into collecting. Maybe we can make some deals and help each other out on our collections here on VGS. I’m into NES, SNES and very recently, GameCube. What do you collect?
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