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Everything posted by cartman

  1. I came to that tavern so yeah perhaps. But I've had that happen before where a game seems fair but then you reach a boss and bullshit starts occurring with unavoidable damage that you have to take, lose and plunge in more credits. I hate that type of shit not because of the idea of losing money but because it compromises the very gameplay.
  2. Because they sucked! Actually i haven't beaten it myself but when i do die it feels more do to sloppyness than anything else. All the enemies are pretty much the same shit even when they look different. Maybe the game will pick up steem later i'll see.
  3. The game doesn't seem like all that to me maybe it's the semi-wonky hitbox mechanics or that enemies get knocked down by just one hit. It feels easy and unengaging.
  4. I've never beaten it but haven't played much either. Altough seeing game endings is something i avoid because i feel that's supposed to be a surprise and reward. Sometimes i'll get to know it indirectly by beating the game on another platform i'm not too fond of that either.
  5. I don't know how to get DOS and the games running a bunch of technical fuckery. But the Arcade has 2 lifebars i only on with 1 coin.
  6. I was just playing Simpsons Arcade and died. Gonna be playing more later.
  7. I don't know but it looks like some cheap Chinese toy.
  8. But Craig is blonde and ugly there's finesse with that man
  9. To me it was a game about nothing. A lush world with characters and collectibles added in as props it attempts to be both platformer and open world but becomes neither because it's just so fucking dull. I think it rides on the Mario name to a large extent benefitting from a built-in positive bias.
  10. Yeah it could be that that some are more vocal than others. I've never played Sunshine but i've heard that it's considered one of the greats and would like to try it out so maybe this is the right occasion.
  11. For me it would be re-connecting with SM64 after again after all this time and getting to try out Sunshine and Galaxy. For quite a few it seems Sunshine is what they're mostly connected to.
  12. As a throwback to older days Nintendo will be releasing a G&W Super Mario Bros. same as the NES version in full color. Also included will be the Jap SMB2/"Lost Levels" that never got a Western release back in the day and the G&W game "Ball" but with a Mario character on the screen. Releasedate 13 Nov. and will cost 50$. Is it good or is it shite what do you think?
  13. 35 isn't really an anniversary date either but they made nothing of 25 so now they're having a re-run.
  14. I like the idea of arcades and i wish they were around but i just don't have that kind of money for a single game. Atleast not one that was produced in this modern age.
  15. In my experience the notion of cleaning the contacts has been overrated it's really always about the rubber membranes under the buttons wearing out. But many controllers are also turds straight from design they have this plastic disc with d-pad directions as opposed to individual arrows on a + design. Genesis, PCE and even xbox360 have this shit going on and they all suck ass accordingly.
  16. Yeah ok. But it's not about strictly about whether a LE was sold in stores either (altough it helps a lot) but rather the overall circumstances surrounding it. Those 3 seem with a larger intent behind them and more official than just a tiny stamp. The Hello Kitty ones have unique boxes, the Toyota one has the brand on the border of the display. And that shade of light blue on the box isn't that unique too but i could be wrong.
  17. NFR as in "not sold in regular stores" or what do you mean? I don't understand the NFR aspect to it.
  18. That to me would be like a first and second variant release. From what i can discern with my eyes because i own neither of them. Both count. The Toyota GBP i don't own that either but it seems legit to me. Underwhelming in it's presentation but still released like a bonafide limited edition.
  19. It is legitimately one of the shittiest designed consoles because it's barely functional. There's so much screen ghosting going on. It's a solid build but the functionality itself is garbage.
  20. Ah ok. No i wouldn't say that. I grew up with 1 first gen. GB and 1 GBC regular consoles and yet i have multiple special edition ones today that i didn't even knew existed back then.
  21. I don't know what that means really. But let's take a dedicated box as an aspect, i think there's a tangible difference between there being one and there not being one and you merely stamp a small logo in the middle of the console and insert it in the Tetris bundle.
  22. I'm not saying they weren't profitable maybe they were i'm saying they are a lesser type of special edition to me. They aren't official in the same why as the other colors/partnerships. It's not about availability per se either the Famitsu released Light systems were limited aswell but they are not in the same category as that wooden version.
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