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Everything posted by cartman

  1. Anyone heard about this? A side-scrolling action game with gothic elements in the vein of Castlevania but the gameplay will focus more on timing as opposed to faster pace. Looks great to me the medieval design and mousquet/sword action.
  2. Oh i see so there is no set end but whenever the counting is done.
  3. When will the winner be known i thought it was gonna be finished by now.
  4. I see. Haven't heard about it i don't really know anything about Eastwood's life. But yeah there's a lot of issues stemming from relationships you really gotta be on point always. I think there's an innate disadvantage in that it's somewhat of a gritty thing to bring up that the parties should write contracts on who owns what on top of the already present disadvantage of love itself clouding sound judgement so most of the time people just don't do it.
  5. Ok. Yeah if it's explicitly stated in the contract like that it's likely that he can't circumvent it. I was thinking something like if ones parents die the son gets the house but if they sold the house and spent it all there's nothing to get, and it wasn't illegal for them to sell and spend what was theirs. But this is apparently different. A lot people don't realize or care that marriage is a legal contract until it's all too late. Over here you don't even have to be married it's enough that you lived with your partner as a couple for legally binding rules to be at play. So if you live with just a girlfriend and during the relationship you bought property mostly paying yourself, she is still entitled to half of it once you break up.
  6. Aren't you still the owner? Sell it all off and spend all the money. She might be entitled to some of it but she can't get it if it doesn't exist anymore and i don't think you're legally obligated to never spend or do away with what is yours. I've never heard of a would-be inheritance that had a ban on it getting depleted.
  7. Good good. Also the fact that it's a plastic case as opposed to cardboard, when we collect NES we gotta accept what was given to us but there's really no advantage in it being it cardboard. Since the game is homebrew and already departs from the originals anyway this is the right choice to make.
  8. Is this one of those releases where there's an empty white square and a black ass marker is manually gonna fill in whatever number from 1-100 a specific copy is?
  9. Yeah but VITA is the latest in Playstation handhelds and if they've phased out Wii U and 3DS you're proving the point that PS4 is on the out not disproving it.
  10. Oh i get it now. Yeah i can see the dissappointment altough LRG has so small runs that it probably isn't viable for them to keep releasing for outphasing platforms. Also PS5 is supposed to be backwards compatible on "most" games whatever the fuck that's gonna mean.
  11. What do you mean what's wrong with it going to PS5?
  12. Does he post on forums? As i understand it he has a overseeing role now compared to previously where he was more hands-on with the work. Now it's a team but one that uphold the same standards as himself. I remember him on NA yeah. Would be great if he came here aswell but maybe this forum isn't quite as big as i imagine and he's unaware of it altough i doubt that.
  13. If the games are great then that's all that i think matters, with or without variation. A list is just this artificial thing anyway ultimately it's the fun that matters. But i can understand that some ppl feel that a series recycling the same engine is stagnation there is an argument for that too. Those Metroidvanias wouldn't have existed without a departure of the old format taking place. But generally i don't think it's a minus no.
  14. I'd like to know how the disc laser (and other mechanical shit that makes the discs run) are compared to the old original Duo one. How much better is it? When will it be due to refurbish due to whatever wear that comes along? Also i think Kevtris should be here to talk about his consoles personally. He don't have to live inside VGS but stopping by once in a blue moon would be fair. A lot of those consoles are bought by us but even if none were, i think it's proper etiquette to be informative and in touch with people when you're doing something that is aimed towards the public.
  15. I think Game Sack is great he gives a good yet simple rundown of consoles along with different technical specs, regions etc. when those issues are worth bringing up. Covers a lot of games all across the board under different themes, some of it will be shit you maybe didn't even know about like Jap exclusives or games that never got ported outside the Arcade. Really good channel still even though there used to be 2 of them but 1 went off to focus on other things in life.
  16. Yeah i mean i read there are 1510 games released for GBA so i could imagine someone would say there's a ton of good games. About sequels and such, i think they count. They are still new games, if they're fun they're fun and valid just as much as a game from a totally different series, variation is not disqualifier. There are 3 Castlevania games on there and i had fun with all so why would i have wanted them to just release 1? Ninja Five-O i don't know much about but i've heard good things.
  17. GBA does seem to be a "portstation" just relatively speaking but i think a lot of it also has to do with the fact that the library isn't as explored as NES or SNES. Someone that has played every GBA game would probably drop a couple 100 names that are not SNES ports and argue that it's a great system but the thing is most people have not delved into GBA deeply. I think.
  18. Yeah if it is licensed and released it belong to the set. Those are some excuses that might be used but they still aren't valid enough to change anything.
  19. Yes i get that. Technically they are the same platform but in terms of structure they might aswell have been separate consoles. The CD could've been the next gen and it still would've made perfect sense. But yeah due to how they were released those 2 belong while the FX doesn't so it's alright.
  20. You mean the CD player being hooked up by itself? No i don't think that was possible. It was Jap only yeah. Altough with the whole TG16/PCE world i feel like there's way more regional crossover with players than other consoles people barely even recognize that there's regions at all. Probably wasn't like that back in the day but these days basically everyone is fluid, even referring to it as PCE rather than TG16 without a second thought. Maybe because the games are relatable not much requires Jap language skills.
  21. Well there are circumstances around it that are exceptional it has this weird sub-region of Hong Kong and was barely made available to anyone. Stadium Event and the others are more straightforward in comparsion.
  22. Yeah that happens sometimes games become practically unobtainable. Altough people probably don't go crazy over that one even if the numbers say it's rare.
  23. It's including the NA set as the default because that's the most broad library. The European releases have like half the NA amount it's a fucking joke. But yeah but would be legitimate aside from that. I don't know about that game. I'd say yes if it was licensed.
  24. I don't think i need qualifiers in the same way that counterfit items are not part of a discussion unless specified. People can qualify their unlicensed stuff though that's fine.
  25. It seems we're just not on the same page and there's really not much else to it. Your view is that any programmed junk on a cart is part of a "full set" while for me there's really no point in a definition wich doesn't exclude anything.
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