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Everything posted by Link

  1. I can't find anything on this site. @ThePhleo might have an idea. What I can find is pictures of cartridges that don't have the notch, for Deathbots, F-15, Mermaids, and Solitaire. That's 4 out of 18
  2. I mean, content is content. I just don't call it downloadable if it's included.
  3. What? You don't wipe yourself and then manhandle the thing some more before washing your hands.
  4. name: Other. Hopefully they learned from Wii U and otherwise they don't usually sequelize names of brand new consoles. The rest, I just took my guesses. Black home console (maybe hybrid), with physical media, not back compatible, November release, under $400. No idea on the gimmick, but of the choices, AR seems most likely. It wouldn't be surprising if they skip 4K again but I don't think they will. That's just standard by now. Launch games will include a minigame collection that uses the new gimmick far more than anything else ever will, and
  5. I was just thinking NES. I don't know anything about Earthbound, did that come with every copy of the game?
  6. Probably this. It's almost ¼" thick. Basically a small strategy guide. 84 pages as austin mentioned, and oversized to boot.
  7. oh now I get what you meant. Yeah, that would be fun! No, "Table Read" was just video of the irl voice actors rehearsing the script.
  8. I just did it. It just increased the multiplier I had at the moment from 4x to 5x. I'm not sure what you mean about a roll-over.
  9. Like the Table Read episode of Space Ghost C2C?
  10. Because there's a delay in the white square appearing
  11. Isn't it a known issue with any widescreen TV, though? You can't play Duck Hunt, original console or clone.
  12. Welcome! Glad to hear you lurked a while, that's a sign of someone who will stick around.
  13. Only 5 badges are displayed. Is there a point to signing up for more?
  14. 6,283,470 3,021,600 2,112,840 1,070,390 1,005,220
  15. אנחנו בחברת הרי זהב, עובדים על מגת להכין את הקרקע לקראת חזרה לגוש קטיף. מטפר עובדים שלנו התחילו לעבוד על טיוב השטת, פינוי פסולת וגירוש פולשים. ו מקווים כי בדמן הקרוב, יוחזרו כל החטופים בשלום לביתם, חיילינו יחדרו הביתה ונוכל בעז"ה, להתחיל את הבנייה, בכל חבל גוש קטיף.. Early Morning We at the Hari Zahav company are working on preparing the ground for a return to Gush Katif. Our employee's claw They started working on rehabilitating the area, removing waste and evicting invaders. And we hope that in the next month, all the abductees will be returned safely to their homes, our soldiers will enter the home and we will be able to start the construction in the Gaza Strip, in every region of Gush Katif.
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