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Everything posted by MiamiSlice

  1. I knew about these and I've been looking at them for a while. I still don't have Team Sonic Racing or Sonic Forces although I soon I'll be receiving Sonic Forces with the joycon skin bonus. I love multipak releases (not compilations, though I like those too, but specifically re-releases of games from the same console, repackaged into one release) so these are right up my alley. I'm just curious what size cart they used here, since for Team Sonic Racing SEGA said they didn't include the opening video because it would have forced them to use a more expensive cart. Maybe Sonic Mana + TSR fit on the cheapest 8GB cart easily and it doesn't matter? Also I'm wondering if Sonic Mania includes the DLC or not.
  2. Update: Darius Extra version is still in stock! ~38% stock left to go. Unrelated: Can anyone tell me, is The Mummy Demastered any good? I don’t know the backstory on this one.
  3. Wait... $1000 USD? They are really rare and sought after or something?
  4. Wow you nailed it. I think it’s possible maybe something else will come along April 1st that they aren’t telling us. Maybe these games eventually come back in another format.
  5. Decided to try the new “used games” deals on GameFly. You don’t need a subscription to buy from them. Both of these were on sale ($29.99 and $13.99 respectively) and sure enough the cases look untouched. Will be ordering from them again in the future.
  6. Beautiful! Which racing wheel do you use? And is that a fight stick I see?
  7. They will have another batch tomorrow right?
  8. People pay more than $50 for a single Nintendo Power Magazine or art book (literally just bought the 3rd Monster Hunter Illustrations art book for my brother for $50+) so all this moaning about the non functioning cart is dumb, I'm not paying $50 for a display cart, I'm paying that for the rest of the package. Also after seeing people pay over $100 for the effin Super Mario Pin Set which was given away for *free* yeah this will be an easy scalp for the people that choose to scalp it. I'm legit salty anyway because if there was a preorder already on GameStop then I missed that. I'm checking all the other retailers constantly hoping I can catch this.
  9. Ok well heck guess I’m importing a wooden train set simulator then
  10. Oh yeah I’m definitely getting this to play with my kids (or watch them play because sometimes they don’t care to share). Is it digital only?
  11. Also I am more convinced than ever that eventually there will be no physical media for games or wide retail releases, the collectors will get a collector's package with "feelies" and a download code and that's it.
  12. It would be a code for a game that's like 4kb or something. It's as dumb as having an entire Switch cart for a GBC game (LOOKING AT YOU WAYFORWARD).
  13. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201022005477/en/Fire-Emblem-Shadow-Dragon-the-Blade-of-Light-Arrives-in-the-U.S.-for-the-First-Time-on-Dec.-4 this is big news! The original adventure featuring Marth is coming to the eShop and there’s going to be a limited print with a non-functioning NES cart, art book and “mini Nintendo Power collectible.”
  14. Bump! Updated with a few more wants and my list of stuff for trade!
  15. This was listed in a Facebook group for $104 and I managed to talk the seller down to $80. I wasn’t aware it had pen marks though. Maybe still a good deal? The poster and postcards are still intact. Maybe a good placeholder until I find something better?
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