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Everything posted by Tulpa

  1. In 1938, he did affect events more than anyone else, which is what the recognition is for.
  2. I think he's right, too, and that it's been going on for a long time.
  3. Yeah, the big advantage to FPGA is you can update with firmware. Good luck updating a Retro-Bit clone without soldering in a new processor.
  4. I would argue there are more true believers than those who deny it. And she puts a face to the concept, as she'll be the one to have to deal with it in the future.
  5. Atwood was okay at first, in the sense of "wow, you got all these sealed cases of games, that's neat" kind of way. But he quickly started rubbing people the wrong way and started the trolling shit.
  6. Yeah, someone called him out on his random postings, like, "Why do you post this shit?" Not those exact words, but that was the tone. Natty was a little weird, but mostly harmless. He was that guy who tried to strike up a conversation about anything just to get people talking. Every large forum has one of those.
  7. To be fair, you've been pressing this issue a bit yourself. I mean, BA did try to explain it as best he could. Loxx wasn't some user that butted a few heads, there are lots of guys like that here. He posted some pretty nasty things that are hard to take back, and so asking if he would play nice wasn't out of line. There's some stuff going on with Loxx that no one is sure he's got a handle on yet. I would have probably done the same thing, and again, I liked the guy for the most part.
  8. Gloves has a win over you, you have a win over him. We need one more round to see who is king shit. Each of you pick one game. The third game will be Pit Fighter.
  9. If you saw what he posted to get himself banned, you'd see why there were concerns. I wish I could link you to the thread, but they deleted his offending posts because of how offensive they were. Let me state that again, he was so offensive, they deleted the posts that got him banned. They were that bad. Everyone else who got banned for lesser stuff didn't have that happen. So yeah, asking if he'd keep it cool when posting here wasn't out of line.
  10. Loxx pretty much brought it on himself. I know we like to be a little loose with the trash talk during competitions and razzing each other in general, but if you saw what he posted, and knew that he was deliberately trying to get banned (as some reported seeing on FB and elsewhere), you'd know the mods were justified in banning him. And why they were giving him a little friendly advice to keep it clean if he posted on VGS. There were definite concerns given how he burned the house down at NA. If he didn't like that, well, can't really do anything about it.
  11. Loxx was banned long before NA's buyout was announced. He was able to post again when the NA forum became the unholy abomination and a lot of the bans were inadvertently lifted. I genuinely liked him, but he had some pretty serious personal demons going on. Doesn't excuse his behavior, but he was kind of touchy at times.
  12. My freshman year roommate had a 3DO (Goldstar version.) It was okay, but he kept saying "I should have gotten a Playstation."
  13. If it was in a nonsense thread, sure, but a lot of good threads got wrecked by them. I always deleted the excess quotes.
  14. Yeah, it's a lot of work, so expecting others to step up is a good way to get nothing done. Someone passionate enough has to take charge and spearhead it. Then it might get going.
  15. Did he get banned? I saw a flurry of posts from him over one or two days, but nothing that seemed too bad. He did delete his picture in the mugshot thread and said, "I'm out." Maybe something happened off board?
  16. I don't know why they wouldn't. A 1080p TV can scale a 720p signal. It's not integer scaling, granted, but you would have to look pretty close to see the difference. A 4k TV, which seems to be the norm now, scales both resolutions with integers (720 x 3 = 2160, 1080 x 2 = 2160.) 8k TVs would also scale with integers.
  17. Wow, that's lame. I like certain plug n plays, but ones like this do us no favors.
  18. I never felt more proud than when I finally beat Zanac and he was one of the first to congratulate me.
  19. Oh, he definitely posted on NA. Typing in all caps nonsense like "INVISIBLE USER" and wanting random stuff like Sailor Moon info and why there was punching in Arch Rivals. He also would bump this threads every minute if he didn't get an answer.
  20. I remember when Joshua Sawyer got complaints from people playing Fallout New Vegas over the gay dialogue options in some playthroughs. He pointed out that in order to unlock those, you had to select a perk called Confirmed Bachelor, the icon of which was a man giving another man a backrub. If you didn't select it, those options don't appear. So the people complaining actively selected that perk, that is called CONFIRMED F'IN BACHELOR. I dunno, I guess they thought the icon was just two bros hanging out or something.
  21. He was already a belligerent guy when he arrived. I remember someone posted about not posting ROMs or something like that and he posted, "I see the video game po-pos are out in force."
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