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Everything posted by BriGuy82

  1. Well if there's grass on the field play ball!
  2. @Gloves Trying to make all us bald guys jealous with that hair. You look like a ten year old. I hope Chris Hansen doesn't show up at my house for talking to you.
  3. Our entire ICU is full and every patient is intubated. The new thing they've figured out is to lay the patients prone because it puts less pressure on the base of their lungs. So if any of your family members get intubated on a ventilator make sure to ask them about getting into the prone position. The need a few special pieces and connectors to set it up that way.
  4. And I've only ever seen the medevac helicopter go east, now they are taking patients west as well. I'm assuming because some hospitals are on divert.
  5. I've never seen our helipad this busy. I'm like they must be mowing the lawn today. I must be hearing a ride on lawnmower to hear that sound this often. But every time I look out the window they are airlifting a dying patient to another hospital.
  6. Almost forgot, there was a line at the paint desk. The fucking paint desk.
  7. My washer machine broke and it was filled with water and wouldn't drain. So I had to go to home depot to grab a few things to fix it. I live in NJ...We've had a stay at home order for several weeks now, as well as an 8pm curfew. I couldn't believe that practically no one was wearing any type of mask or anything when I went in that place. There was easily over a hundred people shopping in there even though a sign was posted outside saying there would be a limit of 100 shoppers. It was like business as usual in there. Couples shopping together, just browsing not buying anything, leaving with nothing. People all to close together...I just hope that when people don't heed the warnings and get sick, that instead of going to the hospital they just ride that shit out at home.
  8. I ended up finding one preinstalled in a near mint dmg for $100 and I couldn't pass it up. That was about a month or two ago. I've seen some similar ones going for close to $300 since then.
  9. I ended up getting one of these (v2). It is one of the most amazing gaming accomplishments I have ever seen. Its like a dream come true. I don't think I could've picked a better time to get back into playing gameboy.
  10. Wait wait wait, I missed the master sword and the boomerang? I changed my mind, links awakening gets two thumbs down. ..... Just kidding... Although it is a little annoying . Alot of those secret sea shell locations were very unintuitive. Unless you dug up every piece of land on the entire map. The master sword should've been more tied into the main quest. Maybe it should've been hidden in a dungeon. The boomerang thing is kinda lame too. I got the magnifying glass and the way it was presented it seemed like that would've been the end of the item trading. I didn't even think there was a next item. A little too unintuitive IMO.
  11. Links Awakening This was the first time I have ever played this game. I can see why so many people love it. I played through it blind no hints or anything. I only found 18 sea shells though, I'm probably gonna look up where they all are to find out what happens at the sea shell mansion. Great game, wish I had played it growing up considering how much I loved ALTTP. I give it two thumbs up.
  12. This week is gonna be fucked. NJ cases are about to explode. Stay safe my peoples.
  13. You won't be disappointed. It's incredible.
  14. Yeah, so the v2 fixed an issue with the grey scale being reversed. This guy shows the screen tests towards the end of the video. Very thorough and interesting imo.
  15. The contrast wheel is replaced with a brightness wheel. You can press it and it will change color palettes.
  16. Guys listen... I got the newest ips v2 mod on my DMG. It's like a religious experience playing games. I had a backlit bivert mod before this and now I literally can never go back. I cannot recommend it enough if you are looking to play on the DMG. It's as if you were playing in braille before this. It's amazing.
  17. Do I really need this? I've already got an AVS... life is full of tough decisions.
  18. I can remember my dad sitting Indian style on the floor in my room, squinting his eyes with a cigarette in his mouth while playing. Those were the days... I remember it was a big deal to find a hidden entrance to a dungeon. I forget which level it was that you had to burn a bush to get in and the boss was the crab/spider, maybe level 7?. Finding that was a major accomplishment. Then I got the Nintendo power issue with zelda 2 on the cover that had the pullout map for zelda 1, with all the hidden locations of the stuff. It was mind blowing.
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