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Everything posted by BriGuy82

  1. Yeah I think I'll give it a shot . I might start it next week.
  2. My powerpak was never updated either that's why I want sure. It might just be me.
  3. That's pretty good. My 178 is gonna be it for me. I doubt I could do much better anyway. Does this game have sound by the way? If it doesn't you should add some music and like a bell when ten seconds is up. In the beginning I wasn't even looking at the screen. It would be good a cue that 10 seconds is up.
  4. I feel like any game that takes a few hours to complete and doesn't have a password system is tedious. Even the really good games. One of my favorite games is Little Nemo and that game takes forever.
  5. Here's my 1cc of Flight of the Intruder. I'm proud of that score.
  6. Yes, it is a completely different technique. @Bearcat-Doug is right, for track and field I would lay the controller flat and strum the buttons. With this it's two thumbs and hyper tapping as if playing tetris.
  7. I'm still working on flight of the intruder. Made it to mission 11 of 12. I should have it beat any day now. I like this game but those last couple missions really drag on and on... The key to this game is on the MIG battles to reduce your thrust to the lowest possible (65%). This way you don't run out of fuel and you also have a better chance to hit the other jets with either your missiles or machine guns without just going to fast and blowing right by them.
  8. Lol, we'll see. @guillavoie is still hiding in the bushes somewhere too. Don't count him out. He's used to moving his hands very fast, when his pants are around his ankles.
  9. I can hit the 170s pretty consistently but I haven't found the extra gear to break into the 180s. I think 180+ is very elite.
  10. I know you guys are all killing it. Imagine if the father of this game @rdrunner got in on this... it would be like nwc 2020 up in here.
  11. Lol, I love it when shit gets real in the weekly contests. You guys got some serious competition on your hands too with this guy @0xDEAFC0DE. I played the gameboy contests with him he's no joke. I think he's gonna pull a @Red this season and give all you guys a mushroom stamp.
  12. That's exactly what it's like. I've lived long enough to turn into Homer Simpson. I'm bald, fat, and work with isotopes. Shame on anyone that loses to me on this.
  13. Lol, yeah it was. I'm not sure this is worth the humiliation I'm receiving from my family watching my old ass smash buttons though. My wife said I'm too old and it looked like I was jerking off. My kids are laughing at me the whole time... Fuckin savages.
  14. C'mon we need a score from the Canadian national track and field champ. If I'm getting called out to post a score you are too!
  15. Lol, maybe that will be my warm up before I play shump speed. It's been a few years man, I might be over the hill!
  16. I'll definitely check it out. I feel like I might of played it before but just didn't like it. When I'm done with Flight of the Intruder maybe I'll give it a shot.
  17. I think it's pretty good so far. I feel like I have the need to keep playing it so that's a plus.
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