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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. JamesRobot


    Mega Man vs Castlevania I chose Mega Man.
  2. Finally got around to listening to these videos. I didn't realize that I had previously heard Dynamite. These girls are pretty good. Definitely autotuned and produced to hell and back but not bad. I give em a meh. Certainly no Spice Girls.
  3. Thas another 10. First SW movie I saw in the theater. Speader bikes on Endor killed! And the Emperor scared the shit out of me!
  4. Yeah, but I don't have a complete set. It's certainly healthy though. ~200 in total; ~60 CIB; plus homebrews. Once prices started creeping up I eased off. It's difficult for me to spend more than $20 on a Nintendo game.
  5. Straight up converted. Sold my NES and games to my aunt for my younger cousin for fifty bucks in '92. Used that and some chore money to buy a Genesis with the first 2 Sonics. We moved away that next summer. Then in ~ '95 I was home visiting and got to talking to my aunt and she said my cousin never played the Nintendo so I asked if I could have it. Got all my games back too. Ended up selling the Genesis that year to buy my first guitar and started collecting Nintendo games on the cheap.
  6. Idk about better, but I always thought Misery was a perfect translation of book to movie. The only movie I would consider equal to the book. Great book, great movie.
  7. Dope! But where's the cigarette lighter?
  8. I always liked games that make fun of you for sucking. SF series comes to mind.
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