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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Probably my favorite gangster movie. But only because Casino and Scarface both clock in at a 3 hour runtime. Not that Goodfellas is short by any means. 10.
  2. I'd listen to this all day long if I still worked at the music store. I should probably buy her CD but I'm not gonna.
  3. Fuck it. We're going for 2. Work doesn't pay me enough to stay sober.
  4. El TequiLeño margarita for lunch. Might be my new regular spot.
  5. Shouldn't Pearl Jam be making beer in Seattle?
  6. Jeezus! Who the fuck are all these noobs that nobody's ever heard of popping in here. What the hell kind of a handle is "Dain" anyway? And not one introduction thread among the lot. Rude. Anyway, Ahoy nerds!
  7. Not really surprised Billy flaked/forgot to keep up his responsibility to the suit but his interaction with the judge is hardly as disrespectful Karl makes it out to be. And I absolutely would have complimented the judge's bowtie as well. It was nice.
  8. Ya wanna lend me a couple bucks, big spender?
  9. The Feast trilogy is great in its entirety. The finale of the series is amazing.
  10. It's kind of a continuation of my NA thread. I suppose there's not a whole lot of context. https://connect.gocollect.com/discussion/183003/mini-road-trip
  11. Blade Buster is the shit! Get it from the official page here. Also, @Gloves, Blade Buster is a ground up homebrew, not a hack, from my understanding. Edit: Blade Buster was a rom release only. Any carts you may find are unofficial bootlegs.
  12. Man, I was really enjoying this series and it seemed to lose all momentum in the 3rd season and I lost interest. Idk why but the alternate timeline became hokey and I just couldn't plow through it. I really wanted to like it.
  13. Yeah dude, super funny and LiLo is smokin. Been meaning to rewatch lately. For those of you who aren't interested I encourage you to give it a shot.
  14. Thanks guys. For my birthday I got to do some yard work. But that's alright since I had cake and ice cream. I also got this sweet card and pair of socks from my kid.
  15. That is the Stern Limited Let There Be Rock table from 2012. You get to select your song at the beginning and play through the track list.
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