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Everything posted by JamesRobot

  1. Ha, I did. Red light is supposed to be easier on the eyes. I prefer it to the standard green or b/w display. I also have the blue light filter turned way up on my phone, and I keep a red alarm clock in my room. You don't get the same intense bright glow with red that you do with blue or green.
  2. 10 and 7. Girl You Know It's True is so good, it was the single for both of their albums. And it's on the second album twice with an extended remix at the end.
  3. I beat Mega Man Dr Willy's Revenge as part of my backlog.
  4. I'm about a 6 on both. Not my favorite tunes from either band. But goddamn Superunknown is a fucking beast of an album. And Ten is fine and all but Vs is my favorite Pearl Jam album.
  5. Just finished Mega Man Dr. Wily's Revenge. I was fairly surprised at the challenge and completeness of this game. Mega Man doesn't really suffer from the limited real estate of the Game Boy screen and feels right at home with its contemporary NES counterparts. I'll be diving more into the handheld Mega Man games in the future. Also really dig the Pinball Neon Matrix filter that the Analogue Pocket offers.
  6. Holy shit, I forgot how funny Vacation is. Probably been about 10 years since I last watched. And I've only listened to Holiday Road about half a dozen times since then. I think it's out of my system now..
  7. For sure. Those last couple were more wish list. Kinda assumed I'd have to put an image together for those if he's willing to print them.
  8. I'm not throwing away my vote on a write in! Can we get Lil Wayne or somebody on the ballot this year?
  9. It was fine but haven't watched it since it was released on video. So I guess that makes it a 5.
  10. And another thing, who the hell am I supposed to vote for this year? I don't see Kanye West or Princess Khadijah Maryam Jacob-Fambro running in this election.
  11. Just ask the high school kids for some.
  12. Listening to Holiday Road on repeat on my commute home. Bumped it up to a 7. Watching Vacation tonight too.
  13. Goddamn, I've had Holiday Road stuck in my head since yesterday. Bumped it up to a 6.
  14. I decided to lean into Game Boy collecting after I got my Analogue Pocket. Shout out to my Secret Santa on a couple of those.
  15. Added a few Game Boy games I got over Christmas.
  16. I'm not really big on Fleetwood Mac. They're way overplayed in general as is that Stevie Nicks tune. Holiday Road is great in the context of Vacation but I could take it or leave it outside of that. 4 and 5 respectively.
  17. Virtually any animal is always better on the bone. My favorite meal is a rare ribeye steak and I'm the last one at the dinner table gnawing the bone to the last shred. Pork and beef ribs are up there too. And extra crispy fried chicken is way better than any breaded nugget. (McNuggets are world class though.) Don't get me wrong. Burgers, sausages, and nuggets all have their place and are great, but no way am I passing on steaks, chops, and wings given the choice.
  18. Skinny is on the up and up. Long time community member with tons of deals. I was on that Sqoon first thing but that CIB is just too much cheddar for me. I would have paid him the day it went up if I could afford it.
  19. Dude, Batman NES is a 10. It's in the conversation for best video game based on a movie. Up there with Star Wars Arcade and GoldenEye. And certainly the best film property on the Nintendo. The play is tight, atmosphere and graphics are amazing. Particularly the cut scenes. I mean, check out the Batmobile.
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