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Everything posted by G-type

  1. Its a 2600 game that I'm currently playing.
  2. Just saw that Logan Paul's Prime just signed a deal to be the first in-ring sponsor of the WWE
  3. The President of El Salvador wants to make bitcoin the national currency.
  4. Yea, I kind of felt it might be cheating to include that song. I almost went with Day after Day.
  5. I do love collecting for that console, but this is not it.
  6. I owned this game and liked it. I saw a blood spatter door and what looked like DS resolution 3d graphics... so it came to mind.
  7. this is on my backlog... minus 1 point for not being able to jump.
  8. It was written by Adam Schlesinger from Fountains of Wayne, (RIP... one of the first celebrities to be killed by Covid)
  9. It's a pretty good movie that is also not very memorable. Not on my rewatch list.
  10. I haven't watched since the main series ended... I was kind of hoping it would just be over. but I might check out some of these.. Is there any ongoing overarching storyline between these series? or are Dead City/Dary/Ones Who Live self-contained?
  11. The manual is 143 pages! I like simple arcade style games.
  12. Toejam and Earl would have been one of my picks to win the whole thing, but I guess its got too many haters.
  13. There's a 2nd and Charles near me that's closing soon. I almost never go there because it's too overpriced and disorganized. However, the giant "Store Closing Sale! Everything Must Go!!" signs in the windows persuaded me to check it out again... some highlights this Mario/Duck Hunt manual with a giant price sticker directly on it. This Parker Bros cart with absolutely no label on it for 6.95.... I'm sure it's a Mr. Do's Castle and this is a great deal. It was sitting next to a stack of 8 combat cartridges with price stickers ranging 4.95 to 8.95. It's out of focus, but behind it was Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf [cart only]... they were asking $15... This Castle Panic Deluxe Collection... It was a recent kickstarter that shipped to backers last year. Retailer pledge level was $100... nice x5 markup.
  14. The Message is the kind of rap song that people are referring to when they talk about 80s rap being kind of milquetoast. I seem to remember SNL doing a sketch about it...
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