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Everything posted by SailingWiimote

  1. I played through the series for the first time in my 20s, and Metroid II is my favourite one, with the original being the second favourite. I thought the series was less interesting when the map came around, and the games were generally easier from Super Metroid onward. Never cared to play the remake, and never will. I know just from my experience with Nintendo remakes that I'd hate everything they changed.
  2. Well, I don't know what's up then, because I'm certainly not clicking any of that stuff. Thanks to everyone who took the time to single out my legitimate response and accuse me of being dumb for it though. By the way, there's no such thing as "new internet" anyways. It's the same internet.
  3. This is only true if you've set your Google account settings to keep track of your Youtube history. Since I always strive to have as little tracking me as possible, I set that to be off. when you do that, the front page just shows you whatever is the most popular right now. I have never clicked any of that sort of junk.
  4. I miss old Youtube before it became about video makers making money. Youtube used to be a fun place to post homemade videos for fun that anyone could see. Those kind of fun homemade videos are so much harder to find now. The front page of Youtube annoys me so much. Right now the front page is so hideous I won't even go to the site. There's the video about the telescope image where the thumbnail says "GOD?!" with an arrow pointing to it. The one where it claims that "JUSTIN TRUDEAU FINALLY SNAPS AND LOSES IT!" There's the one where it's "When the criminals are smarter than the cops!" like that's something to aspire too. There's every dumb Mr. Beast video that makes monkeys dance for money. The endless Scott the Woz videos that only aim to please the most popular and worst gaming opinions for the most amount of views. I've never signed up for Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, iTunes, 4Chan, Discord, Twitch, Reddit, and so many others, so I've been spared those dramas my whole life. I don't use the internet very much really, and even STILL I miss the old internet.
  5. I enjoy homebrew because cool things come from it, so don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way as if I'm condemning the concept. I think the core difference between modern day homebrew for older systems and being an indie developer is that the form of homebrew we partake in these days is technically not legal. The difference between the example of old PC game shareware is that it was free. Homebrew devs we see around places like this tend to charge money for it, which is where they could end up in trouble over it at some point. If you had to split hairs about the terminology, I think being an indie developer implies that you're releasing a game through legitimate platforms while following the rules of modern game submission. Being an indie developer means that you're respecting the guidelines of the ESRB, making sure you aren't infringing on copyright, and overall making sure you are responsible for anything that comes about due to your game's contents. Being a homebrew developer implies that you are releasing a game through a more underground pipeline that doesn't need to adhere to the rules. You're aware that you aren't going to be making the next big thing, and that it's just for fun. If homebrew developers are becoming so concerned that their game is good enough that it could be "overshadowed" through these pipelines, then it implies they have real confidence in their game. If this is the case, then they should become an actual indie developer and release their game through legitimate means. I feel like this is part of where the clash of terms comes from, because there's a clash of ideals between being a cool underground rebel, and being a proper indie that follows the rules. I can't speak for everyone, and I'm sure it's not the case 100% of the time, but I think that's where a lot of the argument comes from.
  6. I think when you start splitting hairs over terminology, you segment the scene into different levels of purist personality types. A game is still a game at the end of the day. Homebrew is still what it's always been, but it's advancing in a positive way. It's easier for people with good ideas to get their games made, and that's only an improvement. Also if you want to do things beyond the capabilities of the program, there's still some work involved in that. I think the fact that some people are seeing it as a way to make a quick buck is a sign that homebrew is becoming a more legitimate scene than it used to be. Once the cease and desist letters start showing up, that's when you'll know things have gotten serious.
  7. I love gifs until there's one that REALLY pushes my buttons. That's how you know it was a good use though.
  8. Back in something like 2008 I found the Zelda Game and Watch at a thrift shop for six bucks, and had a fun afternoon playing and beating it. I was a pretty huge Zelda dork at one point.
  9. I didn't play either one. It wasn't the kind of Zelda game I ever wanted.
  10. I'm also happy to see you didn't feel the need to buy the New Super Mario Bros. U + New Super Luigi U game, as you already had both individual games. I know some people might have felt the need to get it too, but I never see the point in that kind of thing for game collections. The people who think that kind of game is necessary for a complete set just tend to yell the loudest.
  11. Beautiful! I have a huge soft spot for the Wii U. My favourites are Star Fox Zero, Sonic Lost World, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Nintendo Land, Tank! Tank! Tank!, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival, Super Mario 3D World, and Skylanders Imaginators. It's a great system for something that overall didn't do well.
  12. Gold/Silver are still my favourites. Not Crystal, and not HeartGold/SoulSilver. I rated it 10 for one of my all time favourite games.
  13. I'm way better at games than I was as a kid, but there are still certain skill sets I struggle with. One I struggle with is memorizing hectic enemy patterns with little to go on. I have diagnosed poor short term memory, so games like Rush 'n' Attack and Starship Hector are impossible to me. Everything looks the same, and you have to memorize where exact enemies spawn and how they behave. Games like Biohazard Battle on Genesis I can manage though, because the scenery is always changing, and enemy types tend to come in set waves, so I can memorize something a little more clear like that. I feel like the passion I have for games gives me an advantage, because I always want to beat as many games as I can. There are a LOT of games I've played and finished that many people wouldn't have bothered to see to the end. Being stubborn can be an advantage for gaming. It's one of the main reasons I don't use emulators, because I'm more inclined to get my money's worth by finishing it if I bought it. I'll usually quit a game early on if I got it for free somehow.
  14. I didn't know there were so few Game Cube games in Japan! It wasn't ever one of my favourite consoles, but I know it has a lot of fans. Nice work getting 'em all! The weirdest part to me is that apparently Shark Tale was popular enough in Japan to justify a localization of the Game Cube game.
  15. When it comes to video games, I don't usually correct people on how they say things. A lot of people (including myself) purposely say Pokemon names wrong just because it's how they grew up saying them, and it's what they're attached to. I've always pronounced it as Ninja Guy-den, because I didn't play the game or really know about it until I was in my teens. By then people had figured out how to say it properly. Though if I were to throw an example out, people don't exactly say "Dragon Ball Z Kay", do they?
  16. I took three days off of work, which I haven't been able to do in a while. I don't plan to do anything important, so I bought a Wii with a bunch of controllers and my favourite baseball game. I'll likely spend two hours customizing a team before I play a single inning, which is the kind of waste of time I'm going to really enjoy this week. The guy at the store was surprised that I wanted Wii Remote jackets, and had to go searching for them.
  17. I had this and "Yoshi" on NES as a little kid. The problem with Yoshi Cookie is that it's only fun in multiplayer. If you can get some people to play with, it's one of the funniest games to screw your friends over, and it's incredibly fun. I have a ton of great memories playing it with my brothers when we were little and weren't so concerned about who won. The game's entire mechanics were built around sending distractions over to your opponents to mess with them, and it's so joyless without that layer of chaos. In single player it's painfully dull and not worth playing. You should all try and find footage of the game's multiplayer mode if you've never seen it, since it's where the real action is. It's kind of like Bomberman where people don't really play Yoshi Cookie for single player.
  18. Very true. Although all of the retro games I actually like and would play are short. Even on later systems I lean towards the shorter games, which are becoming more rare unless they're indie games.
  19. I choose retro games because the shorter games are better for my busy modern life.
  20. I haven't played any video games since 2017, but I started up again. It's not an exciting first post, but I got Golf today. I've been starting at the very beginning by playing the black box games. Golf was one of the better sports games in the set. Later NES golf games never clicked with me the same way this one did. Flipping through the booklet to plan out the distance of your shots is something that you only ever got with this one.
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