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Everything posted by Tyree_Cooper

  1. you may want to study what they look like where most of them come from https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002715939303.html
  2. I fell in love with Diddy Kong Racing when it was released. Played the battle arenas a lot with a cousin during hot summer afternoons. I didn't know the green boost rule back then, so I was stuck at the first battle with Wizpig. Years later I realised what needed to be done and discovered the final level on the moon, and finally beat the game. After that, I went back to playing and finishing the game from start at least twice. Last time was three years ago and it was still lots of fun. Of course no surprises anymore, but still amazing. When you're done with the game, you can try beating TT's time in order to unlock his car. Everytime I play Mario Kart 64, I stop after 10 minutes. I just don't like it. Tried hard to like it but to me, the handling in Diddy Kong Racing feels so much better in my hands. THIS is my favourite music track in the game. The soundtrack by David Wise is among the finest on the N64. The character selection screen is ridiculously cute and fun, with each character holding a paper with "1" for player one, dancing to the music, with the instruments being different for each character, and them talking when you select them, and doing a funny sound if you confirm or cancel them. Select Crunch: HI IT'S CRUNCH. Cancel Crunch: BWEEEH.
  3. bumping this cause it took me time and money to do, hope a guy in the multiverse will enjoy it like me
  4. more budget and r&d went into the pin set than into the game now we know why the game is bad rest in peace wild choppers
  5. Can we search for topics created by a certain member? The search form forces me to enter at least a tag or keyword.
  6. Haven't tested it yet. Does anybody recognise it? Is it a pirate of something official/licensed, or an original work?
  7. Who bought a PS5 for Bibi and Tina at the Horse Farm?
  8. Only this at the moment sorry
  9. yeah that'd be something easy to spot, but i have the feeling it could be a variant on real copies. need more time browsing google images / yahoo japan auctions to confirm.
  10. I'd sell both and with the money find a better condition one, nevermind which label version since you don't seem to care? The left one has a nasty marker name on the shell, and the top of the label looks a bit wavy/damaged (not sure), while the right one has a dog ear that looks even nastier. They'd both drive me crazy
  11. The tearstrip is the opaque plastic line you pull to open the seal. The obi or spinecard is the paper thing that wraps the left side of the box. I'm pretty sure the tearstrip of the PCE Works monster is slightly different, so it's a good way to tell what you're buying, since I've been seeing lots of suspiciously cheap sealed Rondo of Blood, even in Japan, which is impossible. So I suspect they are all PCE Works things.
  12. No, sealed copies don't have a red tearstrip. I kept a photo of an old auction and have seen other copies with the same tearstrip, so I think it's the correct one.
  13. They really can go get fuxxed for doing this. Thanks for flooding the market with hard-to-spot repros, especially of a game that was already expensive. In your 1st photo, there's a circle with a white dot on the left of 本品. This is not present on the 2nd photo you mention is of a real copy. Did they add this? Or maybe it's something from a different print, that PCE Works used as their base?
  14. Yeah I've had this fear ever since the PCE Works thing came out. It's everywhere, I can't even trust buying this game from Yahoo Japan anymore. Photos I managed to find don't seem to show any easy-to-spot difference, but hopefully I'm wrong? If you need to check the inner ring info of the disc, good look asking that to each seller. I think people who do these repros should do something else with their life.
  15. I was trying to list Crash Twinsanity for Xbox, and as soon as I removed the word "Twinsanity" from the title, the listing worked. I guess it gets recognised as some sort of porn or violent keyword... The thing is, this game is listed by dozens of other sellers with no problem, so maybe it's unrelated and the listing worked because someone did something, I don't know. I had sent an email to eBay again, only to receive the same exact auto message from the same exact Joyce.
  16. So today for the very first time, I couldn't list an item. eBay gave me the following red warning message: Your account is currently ineligible to sell this type of item. Some items are subject to selling limits which help us maintain a vibrant online marketplace. These limits affect many sellers. Sellers who have both exceptional performance metrics and a proven history of selling similar types of items for a minimum of 90 days may be eligible to list these items. If you would like eBay to review your limits please email Customer Service. That's cool. It's an Xbox game, it's original, and it has nothing special compared to other games I've been listing in the past, so I have no idea what the system is picking up as "problematic". God knows. Got in touch with support and they gave me a long generic answer with a few typos. Not that I was expecting anything better: Thank you for taking the time to write to eBay. My name is Joyce, the representative of eBay Customer Service. I am honored to assist you further. We understand that you may be disappointed, but please be aware that the listing restriction is intended to provide the most positive buyer experience, which in turn leads to the increase in sales volumes. We’d like to suggest you to pay more attention to the quality and authority of your product so as to avoid any negative or neutral feedbacks and avoid any policy violation related item removal. Besides, you are suggested to set a reasonable selling price and without any unauthorized key word in your listing title. The system will review your selling performance in the past 90 days on a monthly basis and automatically assign certain amount of selling allowance. Once you meet this restriction, it means that the monthly selling allowance had been used out , you may try to list the branded products 30 days later since the last system notice while maintained a positive selling history. Please be kindly noted that the restrictions you are experiencing are only limited to listing items of certain brands; you will not be restricted when listing other items. Please visit eBay's Help pages for more information on our listing policies and guidelines: http://pages.eBay.com/help/policies/seller-rules-overview.html You kindly understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated! So they're telling me they're blocking listings in order to increase sales volumes. OK, yeah. And I need to pay attention to the, wait, authority of my Xbox game? What's that even supposed to mean? So I can't sell crappy games I guess, and they decide what a crappy game is. And they also tell me to make sure it's not overpriced. That's a good one, I guess all the graded crap isn't overpriced and they have no problem with that. Also, I've had zero negatives in many years, so they can stuff their selling allowance up their rectum. Oh well, try again in 30 days. I have the feeling this isn't happening now for no reason, it must be related to the whole "managed payments" shift that they're pushing worldwide. Seems like they really want to become another Amazon. Except for VGS, where do you guys trade/sell your stuff? I mean, apart from Facebook. I don't want a Facebook account. I'm trying Reddit but it seems very US-centred and their system is extremely tedious compared to a forum.
  17. have not used but most prices are a joke 500$ with the wrong extension cover, sounds like a good deal https://www.videogamex.com/nintendo/nintendo-64/nintendo-64-system-blue-pikachu-edition
  18. japan is not japan anymore prices 4x compared to a few years back (thanks to gaijins like me buying there), lots of pirates/repros on the yahhos, and now entombed games, let's hope that because they look like mummified games, japanese people will never bite, but i have some doubts, stupidity is too tempting the new shitty era is already here
  19. Logos and general print quality looks super blurry though. Mind showing the left and right flaps of the box? Well they all look blurry so my bad, but you may want to check that the flaps are gold and that they have printings in the correct locations as seen in this auction: https://www.ebay.com/itm/254988123822?hash=item3b5e79feae:g:f~gAAOSwrtpgqM2i
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